So I needed to write a word cloud... I thought I'd share... this is what happened :D
--- Bipolar, Aspie, Autistic, chaotic, chaos theory of organization, organization by piles, submissive, BDSM, non-monogamous, hyper-polite, social justice, learning, autodidact, technology sucks, Unitarian Universalist, atheist, sun allergic, vampire, abusive survivor, rape survivor, rebel, mouthy, angry, educator, home educator, constant panic, overwhelmed, loud music, folk music, rap, bisexual, pansexual, BDSm-oriented, noetisexual, mental life, online life, writer, storyteller, uptight, clothing performance, mom, gender, questioner, animal lover, tattooed, swearing, My Little Pony, 4, distrust, distrust of cops, activist, political wanderer, not a doormat, fierce, wrong, processing, mansions of thought, sex, sexual educator, freak, non-mainstream, gender non-conforming, long hair, balance of "natural" and chemical, med non-compliant, messy, meltdowns, "never the daughter they wanted," "produced the grandchild they didn't want," vegan, vegetarian, hypoglycemic, energy drink addicted, "wired wrong," Audrey dolly, The Queen, Vala's Story, spanking, transgender, intersex, trans-attracted, noeti-relationship, cuil, cuilmate, burden, incompetent, disabled, neurodivergent, not dating, Mx. Right, physically mostly able, impatient, appears to have unending patience, debilitating periods, distrust of any medical health professionals in the course of their job, non-gaming wife, pseudo privilege, dysfunctional, singer, can't dance in front of people but can fuck, not person-in-the-pew, lay leader, story-verses, mixing of seemingly unrelated things, Jelly Bellies, Pinkie Pie, "totally random," LGBT, alphabet soup, Intersectionality, trying to make sure I don't repeat myself even though I always do, liberal, Jamberry, stimming, needing pictures in a word cloud, anorexic, emotional eater, author, nudist, clothing optional, homemade tshirts, vulgar tshirts, characters who live in my mind, dark, pain, ache, feminist?, the wrong type of woman, sex worker, whore, second chances, serial, series, serial/series?, random humor, cry ugly, cry alone, cry where no one can see it, service, servant, the past is always in this moment, family is not only determined by blood, Anne Rice theory of erotica, goth, unbalanced, maladjusted, masks, trying to appear mainstream, trying to appear neurotypical, technological challenged, overshare, giving, TMI
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January 2025