So I rememberd #WipItUpWednesday, even if I messed up my Master's work schedule (off work Tuesday night, not Wednesday night). I'm sharing something different; I know :D like I never ever manage different LOL. But I'm going to share my editing note as the scene set up.
Is this even close to any prayer or would this be horrifically offensive to include in the book? This paragraph is lackluster from lack of knowledge and indecision on it. --- Ziba stepped into the mosque and headed for the bathroom as she removed her head scarf. She quickly completed her ritual bathing and then moved to the prayer hall. Spotting an empty prayer carpet, she slipped her shoes off beside the wall before approaching the empty space. She knelt on the carpet and began doing whatever Muslims do when they pray. Her breathing pleasantly slowed as peace filled her. “Allah is above all people. Allah is peace. I wish to be a servant of Allah.” She continued through her prayers, focused on the connection. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to visit the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers
Okay, trying to put together this post while my Master is being silly across the room, trying to give me the visual of Him putting a can of Mini Ravoli in my asshole and then using it as a plate; He suggested it could go in a book :D . However, I'm not giving you anything that graphic. I had a small window of feeling inspired to edit or write and my daughter got me wound up :(. I want to share a scene that happened "off screen" and I'm hoping to do more with it in my rewrite/continuing write, now that I'm working post-Nanowrimo with "Typing My Love." This is Happy, Iovita, and Mairead chatting while Ziba is off at her mosque praying.
-- While I'm not sure if I want it in story or just to know it happened in this section, I think about 3 months is a good time for one of the women to tell Happy about the phrase unbound clitorophallus and I think joy will prefer it to testicles. I'm still wondering about testicles though. "I wonder if we might not have some fun the three of us, some time. Oh Happy, did you know you had it in you to be such a wonderful dominant?" "You're going to make joy blush," Iovita typed. "Are you trying to play in ways that might have gotten you in trouble within the scene?" Happy typed. Mairead laughed. If only he... joy was able to add emotion to a phrase like that. I wonder if joys way of being might disincline joy to use emojis. She studied the private message box for a moment. Finding the emoji tab, she clicked on it before clicking on ten different emojis. "Mairead?" Happy typed. "I'm sorry. Just a fecking neurotypical ponder that I allowed to cause me to act." "Apology accepted. Although I think there is promise within your emoji line. However, instead of the little picture emojis, how about words in [what are these punctuation called]? Like for instance, to say that I am smiling or feeling in a way that might encourage me to smile, I could type: I love Iovita and Mairead [smiling face with huge grin followed by two dark pink and red hearts.] My therapist introduced a tool that was created for work with Autistic children called social stories. Well it seems that my parents did basically that but used spoken words along with their expressions to try to teach me. Remember that while they could tell I was different, the philosophies of the commune meant that medical words like Autism were not used to describe me until I officially got the diagnosis." "I like that! [smiling face with eyes closed to show excitement]. I love you too, Happy. Do you have any sense of how often you might like us to do these emojis-sentences?" Mairead asked. After a few minutes of nothing, Happy typed, "Let us try once per sentence. I know it is asking a lot. [Yellow face with raised brown eyebrows, big white eyes that take up most of the face, small straight line of mouth.] And yes, I am aware that I just did a significantly more descriptive sentence because I looked at a page of emojis as I typed. I am not asking that of either of you." "I can tell Ziba about this so she'll check out this conversation when she gets home," Iovita offered. "I would appreciate that. LOL. So I was looking at how to go about describing the emoji named kissing face. [Face with a mouth that looks like a sideways W, eyes and eyebrows simple lines, a small circle of light red near the corners of the eyes.]" "Ah, my love. I like the hugging face! The hands on the bottom of the emoji make me imagine us touching each other," Iovita typed. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to visit the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers Sighs, my life continues to be difficult and I'm hit or miss on posting, whether for this hop or because I've done something. I have to wait until the end of the month before I finally get to see a psychiatrist, but things are working closer to my goals. I've been tending to have this and "Laura Learns" open so I can write in whichever WIP catches my interest and/or inspiration; sadly it's neither too many days still. This week, I decided to share from "3 Months together" (where I'm editing currently). Happy and Iovita are talking.
- "Okay, doing Ziba proud." Iovita clicked the submit button on her application to the University of Georgia. "Am I sure?" A private message from Happy popped up. "How is the day treating you?" "Hey, sweet. It's good. I just submitted my application to be a student at U of G," Iovita replied as she dragged her teeth over her bottom lip. "You don't think Ziba will be upset that I pushed through and submitted without telling her yet?" "Ziba respects education too much. I cannot imagine her being upset, but why did you not tell her?" "Well I'll tell her once she gets online later. I did mention I was thinking to fill it out before she said good night. I have the night off work, so I may be on when she gets online the next, before I go to sleep." Because I wanted to do it on my own seems too lame. "Yes, our time differences and Ziba's prayer times can make things tricky." Happy's cursor moved to the next line. "Did you pick a field of study? Or what was the correct term that Ziba keeps telling me?" "Declare a major," Iovita replied. She considered the armrests of her new power chair. "Special education. Can you imagine a little kid who's never seen an adult in a wheelchair before? I mean, with the increased mainstreaming of Deaf children after oralism meant the firing of most Deaf teachers, too many Deaf kids have grown up expecting to die when they turned eighteen. I'd like to change that for wheelchair using kids." "What wonderful care you have for others." "Aw, thanks. Did the chocolates get to you?" "Yes, they did, and I have had an enjoyable time learning to appreciate chocolates. Thank you so much." An image of Happy reclining on her bed with melted chocolate across joys chest jumped into Iovita's head. Goodness, not in the middle of the day. It's not like Happy and I are in vastly different time zones after all |
January 2025