I'm still struggling to wake up, but I wanted to be all responsibility. I may be months into recovery from my nervous breakdown, but producing 1000 words or more a day is still the exception, not the rule. That said, I'm planning ahead for Camp Nanowrimo in July. I have 10 posts planned between #MasturbationMonday and #TherapeuticThursday; unfortunately, I've only managed to finish 2 of those planned posts so far. But I'm going to give you a taste of the mutual masturbation scene that'll post on the first Monday in July.
-- With the last candle lit on the far book shelf, Taryn switched off the overhead light. They turned toward the pair of bean bags they'd set up for this evening. Holpa looked up from her book. “I suppose I shouldn't try to read in this low light.” Taryn laughed. “Probably, since you have a paperback.” They settled into the purple silk they'd draped over their bean bag. “Was there anything you needed?” “Weren't we going to share a drink first?” “Heh, yeah. I'll be right back.” Taryn poured a finger of vodka into each tall, clear glass before topping it off with sparkling water and a dash of mango juice. “There you are,” they said they handed Holpa's drink to her. “Before you start drinking, let's agree to what we're doing.” Holpa nodded. “This first time, we wanted to watch each other masturbate. At the same time, but not as a race. We agreed that friendship and vanilla sensuality comes before any BDSM.”
I still need to finish some things from The Queen's and my conversation, but thankfully it's mostly writing and figuring out a tag line for one thing. The Queen's comments are in italics, mine in regular font.
--- So I get you now thanks to your inability to come up with a tag line for #TherapeuticThursdays? You could be helpful and suggest one rather than just snarking about it. What do you think about #SexGenderSaturday's? “Sometimes sexy, always valid wherever on/off the gender spectrum you are.” I do like the construction for SexGender better than the first thought for Thursday. What about “Helping Romance, Love, & Sex”? That's intriguing. Although I want to include queer/quasi-platonic relationships in it. “For your life- romance, love, sex, & platonically”? “For your life- romance, love, sex, & friendships”? I like the second one. Thanks. So we have tag lines, but I thought to talk about writing projects. Could you please try not wandering out of our conversation so much? Do you need to run upstairs to get a fidget of some sort? Check on your master? And also better for a shower. I so hope this heat wave breaks soon; “too hot for sex” sucks when it's describing the temp in the house. Mind me having the “fidget” on Iona curled up on my lap? Not at all. Hi, lovely Iona. I'm so glad we agreed not to worry about science and say she has purple eyes and has body hair that she doesn't shave, despite what I found online. Yes, I've had this long break from Vala's Story, even though I've enjoyed short stories, especially for #MasturbationMonday. Yeah, I loved the space you gave for me to enjoy Ely. Kayla's HAWWWT was definitely correct. Why not see about getting “All the King's Men” from the library on Friday? I will watch it with you. Bad, letting me be distracted by your stimming, looking up world war stuff. Stimming aside though, I do appreciate how all your self-learning is showing up in scenes, like the one you had with Audrey, and “Typing My Love.” Thanks. It's fun having terms like AAC show up in my writing. What do you think of my notion to work on “Laura Learns” during Camp Nano in July? The publisher would surely like it. Maybe you could finish LL and move onto the 3rd book in that trilogy? Then you could start “A Weekend with the Quad” or something. I don't think you're supposed to be suggesting new projects. LOL! Now, I believe something with the Quad was already suggested. So the Laura Trilogy for July. Are you going to continue with “Typing My Love” in June? That makes sense. At least most of June. I might switch over to reading “Laura Learns” in the last week or so of June. The heat is supposed to be letting up soon. I know. It's just making it harder than usual to focus on anything. So I know we touched on the major novel projects. You are set at least for your July blogging, yes? Yes. I have the plan and plenty of space if/when friends make suggestions on topics. You look so nice with Iona. I'll leave you alone now, if you please. Ha. Sure. How about I send Simon to your bed tonight? I'd like that, although my mind's much more not being too hot and yoga. I'd asked for some help on this scene on Facebook; I ended up finishing it, although this and the preceding scene are still going to a beta reader for help on Iovita's talking- she's lived her whole life in Georgia, USA, so that's gonna inform her word choice. I don't want to overdo it though, so I've asked for help. I just don't know how much I want, but having had her sign and type mostly so far is making this tricky.
-- “How about that massage now?” I'm so hungry for touch. She lit the coconut cream and lavender scented candle on her nightstand. “I'd like that.” Iovita rested her head on her pillow. She lay still as Mairead pulled off her socks and then wrestled off her dress. “I do so enjoy when you go without underclothes.” Grabbing the bottle of relaxation oil, she moved to Iovita's feet. “You want me to start on your front?” “It's not like I'm a cishet guy who's gonna be all silly about a woman rubbing on me.” Iovita pulled a scrunched and silly facial expression. “Uh huh.” She poured some oil onto one palm before putting the stopper in the bottle's neck again. “Tell me if any part feels too tender for rubbing.” Iovita nodded. Mairead grasped Iovita's right foot, her thumb running along the sole. She collected some of the oil with her other hand before working on both of Iovita's feet. She inhaled quietly and smiled at the scent of Iovita's arousal over the massage oil. So beautiful. So loving. After rubbing the feet for several more minutes, she let her hands wander to Iovita's ankles. “Calves sore?” “Not that I feel particular soreness. It's my hips and lower back that are particularly tender,” Iovita said. “Okay.” Mairead collected some more oil before starting on Iovita's shins with both hands. Her fingers ran through the luxurious leg hair. “I don't know how I ended up in such varied relationships all with people who keep their body hair natural. Well except for Happy's color choices.” Iovita laughed. “We enjoy sex in the bodies we have. Why bother? Anyway, don't you enjoy the way I use limited energy?” Grinning, Mairead shook her head at Iovita's comments. “Of course. I'm just glad that even you here in the US where femmes are pressured to shave don't seem to have that cultural baggage. I'm not sure how the trans women here do it, unless they're super obvious about it like Jacob Tobia.” “Yeah. I think, as a visibly disabled person, I'm not expected to have a sex life at all so I almost get a pass.” “That's just rubbish.” Mairead moved up to rubbing Iovita's knees, working on one at a time with both hands. “But then there's all too many who don't see long distance relationships such as ours valid.” She licked her lips. “Would you say we're queerplatonic, you and I?” “You asking seriously or as a roundabout why of asking for something after my massage?” Iovita arched her eyebrow. “Maybe both?” Mairead shrugged and moved onto the top of Iovita's left thigh. “I don't want to push you into anything physical just 'cause we're living together.” “We haven't normally engaged in any of the forms of sexuality present in our polyamorous relationship, but I might like too.” Iovita moaned softly as Mairead's hands slid down onto the sides of her thighs. “Okay, not might. I would like to, but I'm not having a lower pain day and I always feel guilty about my ability to reciprocate physically.” “This isn't the baseball game being scored that is cishet sexuality.” Mairead brushed her fingertips over Iovita's hip creases, just below the swell of her belly. “There's no porno cum shot moment to be had with our bodies.” She poured some of the relaxation oil over her lower stomach and started rubbing gently. “How's your stomach feeling this evening?” “A little queasy. The cobbler looked so good, but I think maybe it was sweeter than I should have had.” Mairead nodded and significantly reduced her rubbing so that it was just her hands moving across Iovita's stomach. So sad that #WipItUpWednesday ended last week, but I've decided to continue with a #WipWednesday on my own, at least for now. Blogging at least a few times a week is very much a "recovering from my nervous breakdown" thing- even my therapist found it a good idea :D. I'm also starting a new writing challenge today; yes, I know, I just finished Camp Nanowrimo yesterday LOL. My daily goal is to do at least one National Novel Writing Month; word count or pages edited is simply going to be icing on the accomplishment cake. I'm thinking to stick with "Typing My Love" for the time being. Just spell checked currently, so here is the scene started a day or two ago that's moving slowly...
-- Iovita's POV Joelle, really? Is this for me not helping in the last bit? I think your Master needs to punish you. Maybe if we have to write lines side by side that'll learn you! Mairead stopped by the doorway to the bathroom. “Mind if I relax in your company awhile?” “Not at all.” Iovita smiled at Mairead as she wandered into the bathroom and then put the toilet seat down to sit on the lid. “Rough class?” “Nah. Not really. I mean, it was mostly repeating myself and making my pre-teens redo their knife cuts repeatedly.” Mairead laughed. “I think we're having vegetable casserole of some sort for dinner tonight to deal with their efforts. “I think Larissa said she brought in a bunch of fresh cheese from her smokehouse.” Iovita dragged her fingers over some of the bubbles covering her bath water. “What do you have going between now and dinner?” “I was going to straighten up around here a bit.” Mairead snorted. “It's not like we'll get to any new dishes soon in any of my classes with the knife cut issues today. I'm working on pastry with the teens, but they're still learning desserts that I could practically cook in my sleep.” “I hoped to be up to some cleaning after a soak,” Iovita pouted. “And I hoped to do some cleaning and then enjoy giving you a massage.” Mairead arched an eyebrow. “You aren't going to whine more, are you?” Despite the heat of the water, Iovita shuddered against the bath tub. “You're just too pleased that Happy said you could be toppy with me.” “Do you mind?” Mairead leaned forward to trace Iovita's earlobe with her fingertip. “Not at all, but I might not be able to reciprocate much. Ah,” she moaned when Mairead dragged the tip of her tongue in the same path as her finger. “Tease.” Iovita leaned against Mairead's other hand. Sasha paused at the bathroom doorway and hissed. “Don't be salty, miss,” Mairead playfully scolded Sasha. “I'm glad it didn't take me long to get used to no doors.” Iovita giggled. “At least the cats behave themselves.” |
January 2025