"Laura Learns" went live on Amazon yesterday! $3.99. And I'm excited to announce that "Laura Challenges" will be going on sale soon- details ASAP.
So now a snippet- Tonya nodded. "They should have a four tailed tawse here, but are you sure on that detail? Those are intense toys. Even with Laura's possibly lesser strength, it's still likely to hurt a lot." She looked over her shoulder at Josh. "Sir, do you have any straps that I could use to give Jack a small demonstration?" "Sure." Josh unclipped a thin, black leather strap that hung from one belt loop and handed it to Tonya. "I know you've been learning a bunch on the giving end, but receiving?" Tonya raised an eyebrow. "Well, no. Tom said that in this week we'd have the chance to experience more sensations." Jack glanced nervously at Laura. "Place your hands on the desk, palms up," Tonya ordered. Laura sucked her bottom lip into her mouth as Jack lowered his hands between two piles of papers. "Do I have permission for some slaps on your palms, naughty boy?" Tonya grinned as her word choice brought reddening heat into Jack's cheeks. "Yes," Jack croaked. His focus shrank to his sweaty palms and the implement in Tonya's hand. "This is just a thin leather strap on your palms, not the four tailed tawse on your ass, as you're dreaming." Tonya brought the flat side of the toy down on Jack's right palm. Gasping and pulling his hand away, Jack stared at Tonya with an open mouth. "You didn't experiment with any toys on yourself first?" Tonya challenged. "I haven't used much more than sex toys and my hand on Laura so far. I believe she was content to wait on impact play until I'd learned more." -- Blurb: In a continuation of their story, Laura and Jack delve further into their fantasies and desires. Laura's challenge for Jack and herself continues into ageplay. For a wonderful week, they enjoy a variety of roles and play that falls under ageplay, including Jack finding himself experiencing a long-held fantasy. Little girl, strict Daddy, rowdy boy, and stern schoolmarm- they try it all and more. They find that their ages won't stop them from making new friends and learning new things. Their relationship including and beyond their BDSM play continues to grow, leading Jack to buy a ring. How does Laura respond to Jack's proposal?
After telling Kathryn Blake that I'd take part this week, I almost forgot. Please don't tell my Master; I'm sure He'll give me lines rather than a nice spanking. I decided to share some of "Laura Learns"- it's currently with the editor and we're hoping to release it soon. I tried to find a hand spanking, but came across this section in Jack's POV and wanted to share. They're scene-ing at a club.
-- What was it that Tom did to make Nadia come from just a whipping? Was it all that whispering? He returned to whipping her thighs and even her calves as he studied her body movements. “You're making me think you can orgasm from just a flogging.” The leather played over her ass. This domination is truly arousing me. “I can't wait to get you home and have you laying on the bed, naked, your legs spread so I can fuck you hard when I'm ready.” “Yes, please, Sir.” Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy all the Saturday Spankings hoppers I'd been considering what to do with the inspiration picture, with my NaNoWriMo number not being great. Well, I have a cisgender woman with intersex traits, a cisgender woman, a transgender woman, and a non-binary person who was assigned male at birth so I wasn't sure what went good with the picture. I'm also proceeding with the story in an interesting direction- I have an outline with "time together" that spans from the 4 meeting through them being together 20 years; here's the divisions: Dating, three months, 6 months, year and a half, 3 years, 6 years, 9 years, 15 years, 18 years, 20 years- one, both, or more retire. As I write this, I'd finished my first pass through "dating" and had moved to three months. Looking at my outline now (I was pondering this during the first church service of my Sunday), I'm not sure if this will work better for 6 months or a year and a half; I have managed to write a book where everyone is long distance and thinking on a movement towards D/s has me pondering. So I'm going to write this without a specific idea on how long although I know who is going to be in the scene- Happy and Iovita. I don't feel like giving you their gender identities. Hehe
--- "Since you seem to be having a lower fatigue day, I want to try something. If you can manage to say your safe word if you need to sit, however I will not consider it disobedient if you sit before you manage to say it," Happy instructed. "Thank you, Sir," Iovita murmured. "And now because I have experimented with it, I have a text to voice program open." "I understand, Sir." Iovita shivered as her mind tumbled with wondering what the computer voice would sound like, if Happy had written a script for this session, what her other partners thought of the growing BDSM interactions. Gladness danced within her at the delicious sentences of Happy's voice she had heard. Happy's computer spoke with its slightly metallic voice, its tenor level masculine sound, "I want to see: you naked leaning against the wall silhouetted in the moonlight streaming in through your window." Iovita typed into the text box, "Yes, Sir." Still sitting in her wheelchair, she grasped the bottom of her red tank top and lifted it off her before working her bra's multiple closures. The computer voice purred, "Slower removing your bra, girl." Nodding as she licked her lips, Iovita held in the gasp as her nipples puckered in the black leather bra she'd picked enjoyed struggling into that morning. She continued to look down, although keeping her chin slightly raised so ze could see her fingers pulling on the silk lacing; she used both hands to loosen the mesh of silk before releasing the clasps at the top of the bra, meant to keep her larger breasts restrained. Her thumbs under both shoulder straps, she eased the bra up until the cups covered her face. "Stop!" Happy's computer cried out, the increased volume making her press her legs together. Continuing at the lower volume, ze said, "You are not already getting turned on, are you? Just at me turning up the volume a little? Just nod your head as you can around that bra that you meant to tease me with." Iovita pulled in a deep breath as she focused on nodding while holding her bra as it was. "Beautiful. Do you need to stand to remove your clothing from the waist down? Answer with a nod or shake of your head." Swallowing hard, Iovita shook her head in answer as well to shake away a random thought about her father's deafness. "Finish undressing," Happy ordered. She grasped one armrest as she leaned over to grab and toss first one and then other white ankle sock. She closed her eyes for a moment. Just a lap blanket. She lifted the purple blanket ze had made for her birthday. Her lips parted as she gave hir a moment to respond. "You may put that over your calves and feet when you stand for me," came from Happy's computer. "Thank you, Sir," Iovita said. "That is one," the computer voice threatened over the video chat. Eyelids squeezed shut, she nodded. How will ze have me punish myself tonight for hir pleasure? "Move into position." With moist palms wrapped around her wheel's frames, she pushed herself closer to the space of wall. She locked the breaks, pushed up the footrests with her feet, and then pushed her toes into the carpet as she stood. The cold wall shocked her when her hot skin pressed against it. She leaned over and grasped the edge of Happy's blanket to pull it to her. With the silky fabric wrapped around her legs and feet, she settled back against the wall. "Lovely. Do you still have the clothespins in your chair's basket?" She nodded, her lips parted. "I am so glad I bought you a webcam better than the one built into your computer. I can see your labia shining with your fluid from your Bartholin's gland. Your one will be a clothespin worn on your labium until I allow you to remove it." Her voice caught in her throat and she nodded. How my Sir turns proper anatomical terms into sexy things. She slid down the wall so she squatted and was able to reach into her basket. She selected one of the black plastic clothespins she'd bought at Happy's order. Pressing her teeth into her bottom lip, she eased the pin onto her lip. The pain shot through her and she shouted without words. Using the wall to help, she moved to stand again. "Take your midpoint clitorophallus in hand." Her sweat felt good when she held herself; she had had an erection since ze had given the first instruction. I hope ze allows me to come soon. --- I'm thinking this won't be the whole scene, although I'm unsure what the scene's goal is just yet. Also I started out trying to write with a different neopronoun set, but since I was trying to write for Nanowrimo and around two church services, I just needed to use a neopronoun set I was familiar with. I'm also unsure of Happy being called Sir for a title, since Happy is bigender and is still experimenting with pronouns. The humor... often I look at the Masturbation Monday inspiration picture either late Saturday night or early Sunday morning- and then I write during either/and a church service at the bricks-and-mortar Unitarian Universalist church I go to and/or the online Church of the Larger Fellowship. Well being way too broke meant no B&M church this morning and I'm getting pissed off at a failure to caption at CLF- I do have above average hearing and usually processing abilities are pretty on, but reading so much about Deaf culture as I study ASL has captions on my mind. So I got off Facebook because I often manage to write a decent scene during church service(s). But captions drew me into just seeing Kayla as she lay on the bed in the picture. So worry about therapist on Monday cut this a little short; I hope you still enjoy.
--- Is it still a gag when it's on the dominant... or when both dom and sub have their mouths held closed? He pondered as he pushed the Velcro pieces together on the back of his head; her mouth was held closed by a smaller size of the same harness, although her bound wrists prevented her from reaching the Velcro. Her legs flexed only as much as her tightly bound ankles would allow. Her hips moved with her struggles as he slipped his earplugs into his ear canals before placing a yellow silk swatch in her right hand. He lifted his eyebrows. You still consent? She squeezed the swatch harder. Snorting a breath, she tensed when he carefully removed her hearing aids before placing them in their box on the nightstand. She focused hard on the massager, it seeming as larger as her forearm. Grinning, he allowed her to take her look. I'm not sure how much she can tell its speed from looking. With fluttering eyelids and lashes, she sunk into the bed as he sunk the vibrator into her cunt, fitting the clitoral attachment into place. Her jaw pulled against the facial harness even though the Velcro was strong enough to hold against this low level of struggle. He swallowed, his intent to dominate through words blocked by their consensual dual gagging. He touched the tip of his tongue to the inside of his mouth. A flick of his thumb sped up the vibration. Her hips thrust up. He twisted the vibrator slightly. With his free hand, he gave her inner thigh a small pinch. The cord stroked the top of her other thigh. He pulled the toy out slightly before pushing it back in as far as it could go. He released her thigh and moved his left hand to hold the vibrator. Come? he signed. She blinked. Right, we agreed no sign except for safety. He turned up the vibrator again. She bounced against the bed with the first orgasm he'd given her that day. So much more to explore.
I was skimming "Two Houses" trying to decide what to share. A "when I edit" thought came into my head and I shared it as a Facebook status :D The status message will be a tease of sorts as I'm continuing with Teal and Gareth's negotiation in my sharing this week...
#amauthor I'm considering "Two Houses" for #WipItUpWednesday and I realized- because of the difficulties of showing ASL, including fingerspelling, in written English, it's going to be difficult if not impossible to use text-to-speech software to help in editing this book. "I love you." He hugged me around my shoulders. "So we'll manage a sit down when I get back from the business trip on Sunday, but we need to agree on things like will my dominance or Bea's over you supersedes the other when all three of us are together. Of course you'll also need to negotiate privately with just Bea, but what about us?" "I don't know I could use a title. For you. I mean, I giggle at all title use in erotic romance books." Licking my lips, I tried to read his lack of response for a response. "How do you feel about kneeling to speak rather than using a title then? I like that idea." He chuckled. "And maybe you naked around the house more often than not." "But won't taking it out of the bedroom make it less about sex?" I chewed on my bottom lip. "Maybe, but I don't think so. Dominance doesn't have to be just about sex, although if your comfort is to keep sexual activity in the bedroom, I could order you to go to our bed." His grin worried me. During our talking, he'd slipped out of his slacks and shirt without me exactly noticing. "I think you should pick a safe word since we haven't played so hard just yet and you might need it especially for things that happen outside of our bedroom." "Soup," I responded without knowing why. "You didn't say. Would you like you to be important, or maybe more dominant, over Bea?" "Hm. Don't really have an opinion yet on that. What if she and I usually agree on what's best for you?" I bit my bottom lip. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to visit the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers I asked a friend to write a domestic discipline story. Oh and yeah, as if it goes without saying, it's NSFW. I mean, how much do I post on here that is safe for work lol ? Rather than write an intro for him, I'll let his profile on a fan fic site do it:
"Hello everyone, my name's Anthony, but I also go by Tony and A.J. Stony's my OTP, StarkSpangledBanner's my OT3, but I love many other pairings! I am fond of action figures, reading, dancing, and painting. I have a deep love and appreciation for hair, particularly beards and chest hair. And I can never get enough smut, I really can't." for more, read here to read other fan fiction stories of his, go here "WHAP!" When Tony looked up at the clock, he was shocked to see what time it was. He knew he’d been in his lab for a long time working on the Mark VII like Steve had asked, but he completely lost track of time. Normally Tony would’ve asked Jarvis to notify him when it was midnight, but he was so excited to finish the repairs and make Steve proud that he forgot. Unless the Avengers were on a mission, Tony was supposed to be waiting in bed for Steve at midnight, freshly showered and dressed in his pink bra and panties with cream lace trim. It was one of their rules, and even though Tony had a difficult time adjusting to being submissive for the first few months of their relationship he now loved answering to Steve and doing as he was told. He loved making Steve, who he lovingly referred to as Daddy, happy, and he would do anything to please him. Tony went against Daddy’s wishes by staying up past midnight, however, and he knew he was in trouble. He put down his soldering gun, walked over to the floor length mirror to his right and stared at himself, disgusted by his appearance. His hair was greasy and sticking up on all ends, his face and arms were smudged with oil and dirt, and his black wife beater and distressed jeans were stained with all shades and tints of grey and brown. Daddy wasn’t going to be happy to see him in such a deplorable state, and Tony hoped he had enough time to clean himself up and change clothes before Daddy walked into the bedroom. He rushed out of his lab and into the elevator, pushing the level 20 button over and over again in hope that it would somehow make it move faster. It seemed slower than usual, however, and Tony took the opportunity to remove his dirty, sweat-sticky clothes as the elevator brought him to his destination. When the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Tony was already completely naked with his clothes piled in his arms. Tony knew that Daddy would be especially unhappy if Tony left his mess in the elevator, so it was better to take care of them now; the last thing he wanted was to disappoint the Head of Household even further. Tony ran down the hallway to the left and into their bedroom door at the end of the hall, tossing his soiled clothing into the hamper sitting right next to the doorframe. When his dirty clothes were put away just as Daddy expected, Tony hurried into the bathroom on the left hand side of their bedroom and turned on the water in their shower. When the water warmed up, Tony walked in, slathered his body head to toe in body wash with a bath pouf, washing away the dirt, debris and sweat covering virtually every inch of his body. Two minutes later he was out of the shower, and he swiftly dried off and carefully folded up the towel and put it on the rack next to the sink, just as Daddy told him to do whenever he finished bathing. He took a quick look at himself in the mirror, gave himself a smug grin for cleaning himself up before Daddy came into the bedroom and walked out of the bathroom. Tony’s belief that he’d gotten away with his bad behavior was incorrect, however; Daddy was sitting at the edge of the bed, wearing nothing but a pair of blue boxer briefs and holding a wooden paddle. He took his eyes off of the paddle and looked over at Tony, his naked body shivering in shame as he looked at his Daddy with his big, brown eyes. “Baby boy, what time is it?” Daddy asked as he beckoned for Tony to come to him, waiting patiently as Tony hesitantly walked over to him and sat down on the bed to the left of him. “It’s past midnight, Daddy… I’m sorry, I got caught up making repairs to the suit and I just never looked up at the time. I didn’t do it on purp-” Tony began to apologize, but Daddy brought his left index finger up to his sub’s lips to silence him. “You know better than to make excuses, baby boy. You should be dressed and in bed right now, not just stepping out of the shower… It doesn’t matter that you were having fun working on your toy, that’s not a good reason to misbehave and I’m disappointed in you for thinking that you can get away with your mistake and hide it from me. You thought I wouldn’t find out that you were late to bed, and I can see that… Now tell me, what’s your punishment for not getting to bed on time?” Daddy questioned as he looked over at Tony, whose face was flush bright red in embarrassment. “Tw-Twelve paddles…” Tony mumbled, unable to bring himself to look Daddy in the eyes. “That’s right, baby boy. Now go get your pillow and get on Daddy’s lap. Now be a good boy and hurry,” Daddy said in a calm, even voice as he watched Tony crawl to the head of the bed, grab his favorite blue pillow and return to his previous position. Tony put his blue pillow on Daddy’s lap, and then assumed his position on Daddy’s knee. He kept his arms out in front of him and gripped the corner of the bed with his sweaty, wet hands; the last time Tony didn’t keep his hands gripped to something he ended up covering his butt to defend himself from Daddy’s paddling, and neither of them wanted that to happen again. Before Daddy began, Tony turned his head to look at his partner, pleading with his eyes for forgiveness. “Don’t give me that look, Tony… You made a mistake and we have to correct it. If you hadn’t have broken the rules then I wouldn’t have to spank you, baby boy. How else are you going to learn if I don’t teach you a lesson? Now, if you’re a good boy for Daddy and turn around then your punishment will be over before you know it,” Daddy spoke in a stern, yet kind, voice, and Tony nodded his head and looked face down at the black blankets on the bed. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Tony flinched when the cold wood hit his left ass cheek, and he let out a small yelp of pain. He wanted to put his hands on his bottom to keep Daddy from striking him again, but Tony knew better; if he did that then the punishment would be more severe, and that was the last thing he wanted. After the first strike, Tony felt Daddy’s left hand move to the small of his back and hold him tight, preventing him from moving. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! The noise rang in Tony’s ears as the paddle hit his bare, flesh over and over again, turning his skin bright pink and sensitive. It burned, and each smack only worsened the pain. His Daddy could be a bit brutal with his spankings sometimes, but that’s the way Tony liked it; he wanted his punishments to hurt, and while he knew Daddy would never use his whole strength he did put much of his energy into the whacks. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! At the ninth slap to his bottom Tony began to cry. The pain was getting to him, and he felt completely humiliated and ashamed of himself for breaking the rules. The only reason he went to his lab in the first place was to please Daddy, but he ended up upsetting him instead. With each smack he realized how wrong he was to disobey the rules, and Tony truly felt sorry. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! When the spanking was finally over, Tony heard Daddy carefully put the paddle down onto the ground, thought he was unable to stop crying. Tony knew exactly why he deserved to be punished, and even though he felt like he was forgiven for his transgressions he still felt ashamed. As Tony continued to cry, Daddy carefully picked up his sub’s body and cradled him in his arms, holding him tight to his body. “I’m proud of you baby boy… You took your punishment like a grown-up, and Daddy loves you so much,” Daddy purred in Tony’s ear as he held him close and rocked him back in forth in a slow, gentle motion. “I’m sorry, Daddy… I don’t like disappointing you, and I should’ve paid more attention to the time. It won’t happen again, I promise… Are you still mad at me?” Tony sniffled as Steve wiped away his tears, earning a soft smile from his Daddy. “No, of course I’m not mad at you anymore, baby boy. You accepted your spankings and you said you’re sorry. But if you do it again, I’m going to have to add time out in the corner to your punishment, understand?” Daddy answered in a soft, sweet voice, soothing Tony and calming him down. “Yes I do, Daddy. I’ll do better next time, and I mean it. Cross my heart and hope to die if I’m lying to you right now,” Tony responded sincerely as he made the shape of a cross with his right index finger over his heart to further make his point. “Okay, my little smart-ass… I love you baby boy,” Daddy assured Tony as he pressed a tender kiss to his sub’s lips. Tony stopped crying, and he let out a loud, drawn out yawn. He was exhausted both physically and emotionally, and now that he’d been trained to go to bed at a reasonable hour Tony found it was difficult to stay awake much past twelve-thirty in the morning. Daddy carefully lifted himself up off of the bed with Tony still in his arms, and he walked over to the left hand side of the bed. He slowly lowered Tony onto the bed, and he covered him with blankets to keep him warm. After he tucked Tony in, Daddy gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and assumed his position on the other side of the bed. He wrapped his arms around Tony and the two fell asleep, both feeling reassured and content in the strength of their love.
I teased Meredith on Facebook with how much I should post today- but I'd already decided to keep being a tease :D . So You get a little less than half this week and the rest of the scene next week. Then I'm left with "what next?" I'm not sure if I'll continue with "Out of the Night: Book One." I'm waiting on my BRs' thoughts and saving up the money for editing- I want to do a copy edit and a sensitivity edit so that makes it even harder to consider "how much I need to save up."
Now we continue with Vala's first power exchange sexual/BDSM experience with The Queen, Tommy, and Simon... "She does look real good like that, my Queen. The tape is a nice touch," Simon commented with his voice growing louder in Vala's hearing. Vala startled and tightened her jaw when the first lash fell across her back. How do I beg to come with his cock in my mouth? I'm not going to last. "That's a girl," Tommy cooed as he used one hand to stroke Vala's cheek. "Are you trying to make me come fast so you don't have so much to worry about your own orgasm?" Trembling as The Queen slowly applied lashes up and down her back, Vala lifted her gaze to Tommy's face; his grin encouraged her eyelashes to flutter as her eyes rolled up in pleasure. "It seems we have the makings of a pain slut, my Queen. I believe your sweet Vala is fighting not to come without permission from the flogging," Tommy drawled. A second hand joined Tommy's in Vala's hair and The Queen growled, "Is that right, my little slut? Gonna come from being whipped?" He dragged the flogger over her genitals, yanking loud moans from her. "I think after me and my boys get our enjoyment from you, I might just have to tie you down to the bed and flog you until my arm tires. I wonder how many orgasms I could get out of you." Want to be yours, my Queen. Tears sprung to Vala's eyes when Tommy pulled her down hard onto his cock, forcing her to deepthroat him. She pushed down with her knees so she wouldn't kick out and lose her balance. With churning hips, she struggled with her readiness to orgasm. "She has a lot of orgasm training ahead of her," Simon joked as his fingers slipped between Vala's labia and over her clit. Two of his fingers slid into her cunt as her hands were pulled to the small of her back. "Wonderful touch, my Queen." Tape started around Vala's wrists. A whole bunch of movement happened fast, leaving her wondering. Her head was yanked away from Tommy's cock. "Gimme her cunt," The Queen barked as one of the boys lifted Vala by her arms. Vala bent her legs at the knees as she was lowered over The Queen's hard cock. "My Queen," she whimpered as he penetrated her cunt. She pressed her face against his shoulder as she started to move her hips. With his thumb, Tommy traced Vala's asscrack. "Look at you moving against The Queen. Are you turned on enough that I can take your ass without lube?" Vala grunted, "Huh?" "I do so love to fuck a little sub with The Queen," Tommy growled. "Sub? My Lord?" Vala echoed. "The Queen and I don't discriminate. Man, woman, a submissive of an indeterminate gender identity. You'll do just fine." Tommy pushed apart Vala's asscheeks, his fingers pressing into tender spots from the spanking and flogging. "Please, my Lord, please," Vala begged. She gasped to feel his fingers move between her lips and The Queen's cock. "I think that should be enough." Tommy slipped one finger into Vala's asshole. "Please, please, please, my Lord," Vala whined. "Is my guess at your plan correct, my Queen?" Tommy asked. (Next week, you'll get to enjoy The Queen's answer.) Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers Thank goodness that Candace Blevins (the author of said book) came to my rescue when I couldn't find my review on Facebook; as an author, I don't post my reviews on Amazon because they seem to think that authors are not also readers. I managed to mis-name her book on my vlog; I protest though that a total power exchange is the type of relationship the narrator and her dominant have in the book :D A few spoilers in my review of "Absolute Power Exchange – 20 years later" by Candace Blevins *** As a lifestyle submissive with twenty-four years experience (getting close to twenty in my current collar, with my current dominant), "Absolute Power Exchange – 20 years later" touched my heart and turned me on, maybe not quite in the way a person without BDSM experience would *experience.* While I read, there were times when I gave a happy sigh that would catch my Master's attention; yes, He made many jokes about me not being wired right- I guess I wasn't supposed to feel romantic during watersports? Haha. When I Candace told me about "intense BDSM" being in the book, I wondered how it compared to what I do, what I've done. I did spend time in this wonderful novella considering the difference and similarities between my Master and me, Sir and "I" of the book. I've often thought that I wanted my Master to be more hands-on, to micromanage as Sir comments in the book (I swear I remember him commenting that). The story was very emotionally satisfying for me; now if only my Master read erotic romance. Or maybe not, because the intensity is lovely to read, but I like some of the lack of protocols in my daily life. And finally, the link so you can buy and enjoy the book yourself. Ha! You thought maybe with that picture that you were heading toward some ageplay? Nope :D You throw me down on the bed. "Are you my slut?" "Yes, Master," I moan, lifting my ass and thrusting my hips back at You. Please, please. "Your cunt's so wet." Your hand moves over me, first across my clit, into my cunt. You spit; I hear the sound, feel the wetness dripping down my asscrack. Then You finally push two fingers into my asshole. "Wet... for... you... Master!" I can't help it; I'm fucking Your hand. "Please fuck my cunt, Master! Please fuck my ass and fill it with Your cum, Master!" I feel the bed move with Your weight. Thanks the Gods! You pull your fingers out and wipe them on my inner thigh. A ringing slap echoes through the room. Then You grab my asscheeks and spread them apart before thrusting hard into my cunt. "Thank You, Master. Thank You!" I'm not sure if my words are as audible to You as they are in my head. I think for a moment how I taunted, teased tonight, how I made sure You could see my cunt lips when I bent over in my short skirt. "Your cunt and then your ass?" You pull my hair, pulling my face away from the bed. "Please, cunt, ass, Master. Please." I cry out at another unexpected slap to my ass. "You've been a rotten tease all night, why should I do what you want?" You slap my ass harder. "Please, I beg, Master. I beg!" I draw in a harsh breath but it gets stuck in my lungs when You thrust Your cock into my ass; You were right. I am so wet that my cunt juices worked as good as lube. "Yes! Please use my ass, Master. Use my ass hard and fill it with Your cum, Master!" You squeeze my asscheek and slap it. "Hard?" "Yes, hard, harder, please, I beg You, Master!" "Spread your cheeks for me." My hands shoot behind me and my fingers press into the hot handprints You've left as I spread myself to allow Your cock to go farther into me. "Master, please fill me. I beg You to fuck my ass until You fill it with Your cum, Master. Please, Master. Master." Your grunt washes over me. I close my eyes to focus on the sensation of Your cum shooting into my ass. "Thank You thank You Thank You! Master! Thank You, Master! Thank You for filling my ass, Master!" I scream. You fall down to the bed, pinning me beneath Your body. The orgasm that had started to wane powerfully shocks through my body again. Your harsh breathing strokes my neck. You roll onto your side, taking me with you. "You mind me waking you, using you as my fucktoy, and filling your ass with my cum?" I whimper softly. "Never, Master. Thank You, Master. Love You, Master." "Love you too, fucktoy." -- Was that difficult for you to read? Did you find the language hard to deal with? Cunt, ass, fucktoy, slut. These words are heard on a regular in my bedroom and I love them! While Master had only only recently started using fucktoy when I first wrote this reblogged story, He's taken to using it commonly and I love it! This is even language He'll use with me outside of the bedroom, as long as we aren't among too hopelessly mundane people. Mind you, if anyone besides Him directed those words at me, I'd be mighty pissed; I accepted His collar- doesn't make me a doormat for the world! Now wanna read something funny? When I'm reading other erotic fiction- whether it lays more between the lines of "pornography," "erotica," or "erotic romance"- I find much of the word choice frustrating. Words like "core" and don't get me started on phrases like "love button" (instead of clit or the medically correct, clitoris). These words meant to be gentler, unoffensive to women, those irritate me, often enough turn me off. Of course, I'm learning to calm my reaction to them; I've found many writers like Sue Lyndon who uses terms like that in some of the historical spanking fiction she has written and published. It all comes down to perspective, I guess- "core" is more acceptable, it seems, but I'd rather read "cunt." Moments of BDSM. That's definitely a part of my perspective. Sometimes I get so frustrated reading about "sessions," "BDSM club play," "play time." I forget which post it was in or who said it, but I loved a recent comment "... life tinged with BDSM." As the lifestyle submissive in a long time couple where we have family obligations, a companion animal (a previously cat as I reblog this), a teen and her live-in boyfriend, and lots of other things, several hours taken for a scene isn't very realistic. So I wanted to look at the moments of BDSM activity, interactions that can tinge my world.
---- "Master, any plans today?" I finish drying off, pull my damp towel into place on its bar, before stepping out on the bathmat that He's just stepped off of. He brushes his hair, stroke after stroke, and in its wetness, it reaches toward the longer hair that he had when we first met. The first strike falls and I wobble, moan. I press my hands flat against the bathroom wall as He delivers several more swats with His brush. "Don't give me that," He laughs. "No, Master. That felt good, Master," I purr. I let go of the wall and resume getting ready for the day. I guess I go do author work and wait on seeing if I can guess His plans or if He'll tell me. --- I may hate my mother, but grandparents are good for some things, I think as I wander back into the living room, naked and carrying a dish of ice cream. "Ice cream, Master?" His fingers are rapidly moving over His keyboard. "There, thanks." He points at an empty spot on His laptop desk. I set the bowl down and start to move away. I gasp at the unexpected blow across my chest; I hadn't noticed Master picking up His back scratcher. "Thanks, Master," I whimper as the arousal zings through my body again. I arrange my body over the arm of His recliner, my legs spread to help with balancing over 12-packs of soda and everything else collecting on the floor. The back scratcher falls on back, hard and harder. I'm glad my cunt is above air, not the chair arm, or there'd be an embarrassing wet spot when I get up. "Give me more than a few minutes warning before you go to bed and we'll have some fun with the beater stick," He says and I shiver; I've finally learned to like that particular toy. "Maybe I'll even get out a clothespin or two." "Yes, please, Master." I pull my bottom lip between my teeth as some weird collision of wanting to address my Master as "my Queen," arousal, and thinking on how often I've written some slave doing what I just did with my lip and my teeth happens in my addled brain. He laughs. "Go back to your writing." "Yes, Master." I notice my legs are still shaking as I drop into my armchair and flip to the OpenOffice file I'm working in. --- I stand beside the table where Master is playing Warmachine. Master's left arm snakes out to wrap around my waist. "Why are you frowny?" "I'm frustrated," I lower my voice, not knowing the guy He's playing against, "Master. Struggling to write." "I could take you out back and whack your ass." I grin. "That'd help." He's back into His game so I don't try to explain what I'm writing; it looks like a teaching game. Good gamer wife, I think as I wander back to where my computer is set up in a cubbie. His words echo in my brain, keeping time with Marilyn Manson's growled, snarled lyrics. High ponytail, the hair divided into two braids- hopefully it's gets Him into the mind, the mood for something more... and our being awake, being interested come together at the right moment. --- I stand just inside the bedroom; I take in a deep breath. Master complains I strip out of my clothes too quick so I'm just gonna stand here a moment. "Good girl." His large hand squeezes the back of my neck without warning. I nearly fall to the floor at the praise, the phrase making me so ready. I'm glad for the sundress, its only-for-looks straps. He grabs at my dress at my waist and starts pulling up handfuls of fabric. "You were teasing me and every guy at the store with your hard nipples showing through this dress." One of his hands moves over my chest, sliding over the soft cotton dress. I groan at the sensation of His hot hand against my nipples, which have gotten even harder. Then He's back to lifting my dress, my naked skin bared to His touch. He pulls it over my head and tosses it toward the hamper. He shoves me toward the foot of the bed. Tripping over dog bedding, I find my upper body pressing into the comforter. His phone makes some sound; I'm not sure what it is. "Maybe that's Your mom or a job calling back, Master?" I suggest, nonetheless trying to hold onto the moment. He stuffs a dirty sock of His into my mouth. "Stay," He orders as He goes to check His phone. --- I slowly come into consciousness, still groggy from last night's play. I shift my hips and cuddle against Him. One hand comes into my hair and He drags me down the bed. I open my mouth and breath in as I come close to His cock. Morning wood, such a fun phrase. I groan as His hard cock shoves into my mouth. I love not having the moment to compose my body before He uses my mouth for a hole. |
January 2025