It took me a bit to decide what I wanted to share, but I figured getting my post set up was better than struggling to finish the figging scene I'm currently writing in "Out of the Night: Book One." Yes, I said a figging :D It's not until the end of the book though and I may say that you have to read the book to get it :D hehe I love being a tease!
So yes, this is a little bit further from what I shared last... week, I think. They're still settling into The Queen's Manhattan loft after he went to the coffee house to bring Mearr home. "The Queen and most of his boys aren't really typical men and the lofts have gotten a few women's touches." Ailee shed her boots and thick winter jacket before sitting on a large, comfortable-looking black sectional. "So, Mearr, how about I put you on the couch next to Ailee? I need to take care of some things while Tommy runs a bath for you." The Queen struggled with his combat boots and then tossed his own trench to the floor. "Uh... I..." Mearr sputtered, absolute terror entering her eyes upon seeing the massive, silk-covered bed in the far right corner of the room. The Queen laid his hand on her cheek. "Stop," he commanded. "There is no reason for fear. I am not going to take advantage of you." Mearr nodded her head though her fearful expression didn't change. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she clung to The Queen. She pressed her face against his neck. "Hon, he's not going to rape you," Ailee soothed. "Why don't you come sit with me?" "Okay. Shit, that bump on the head must have fucked me harder than I thought." Mearr released The Queen's neck and slipped to her feet. She shrugged her trench off and sank to the couch beside Ailee. Shivering, she huddled close to the corner. "Let me grab you a blanket," Dr. Karl offered. "I take it that this chaos is regular?" Mearr asked Ailee. Ailee leaned her head back against the couch. "His sub Simon tries to keep order, but yeah, it's regular. Well a regular under the ceremony The Queen loves and Simon's order. Somethings can be depended on like if The Queen is going to call a formal dinner, it'll be at six." As The Queen settled in to use his computer, Mearr studied the packed bookcase between the desk and the couch on which she and Ailee sat. Her gaze eagerly moved over a few intriguing titles: Anthem by Ayn Rand, The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future by Riane Eisler, Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. "Do you remember the last time you ate?" he asked offhandedly. She wrinkled her nose. "Uh... not really." Dr. Karl approached with a red afghan. "Maybe you can tell Tommy something small you'd like to eat?" The Queen snorted. "You were about to go dom on her and you know that doesn't help usually," Dr. Karl scolded. "I'm not hungry!" Mearr glared at The Queen. The Queen spun around in his chair. "You have starved yourself for far too long and you will not be allowed to continue that in my house. You will eat by your own will or will be forced to eat. Do you understand?" he questioned with tight lips and furrowed brow. "Ye... yes," she stammered, her eyes wide with fear and astonishment. "How about a smoothie?" Tommy asked. "Oh, okay, thanks," Mearr said and sank back into the couch. Her mood changed again, her fearful expression melted into a pensive frown. She watched Tommy cross the loft again. The center of the room contained a full kitchen with a stove, refrigerator, an island with cupboard space below its Formica counter top, and a freestanding basin; Ailee patted Mearr's knee before saying, "How ever long you stay, enjoy yourself. The Queen will fix anything you let him." "Can I get a break?" The Queen grinned at Ailee. "And it is not just about fixing, but empowering people to utilize agency we're all born with but oppression strips from us. And Mearr, you are a gorgeous woman." Powered by Linky Tools Click here to view the other hoppers this Linky Tools list...
I had a thought about this hop- I'm glad it's not just about selling books; if it was, I'd be a huge failure because I always have several WIPs going so what I share can vary so much and "soon to be published" is an incredibly relative term in my life. But I saw Meredith mentioning the day of the week on Facebook and so I was reminded to sign up.
Now to tell you about what I'm sharing. My current focus is my Vala's Story serial/series and I've started at the beginning with "Out of the Night: Book One"- it's getting a serious rewrite. Some plot lines are being scraped, some added, some things just edited. It really doesn't make to give snippets from the very first pages of the story; things progress very quickly to the first problem. So I decided to skip to when The Queen is taking Mearr (that would be Vala's birth name) back to his loft in Manhattan. I don't think much of anything needs explanation; although in the rewrite I have started with characters' thoughts in italics. I can't make any promises, but at least for this sharing, it's all from one character's POV. --- "Where are we going?" Mearr asked as The Queen turned a corner and headed towards what looked like a small apartment building. "To my loft," The Queen replied as he continued down the street. As they drew close to the white door, a gorgeous man with his own jet black hair and smoky blue eyes leaned out the doorway. "My Queen?" "So good to see you at the door, Tommy. I ran away without thinking. At least there is not too much snow right now," The Queen said as he walked into building. "I'm not an invalid," Vala snarked. "Is that your way of saying you would like to walk up the stairs yourself?" The Queen laughed. "Tommy, what floor did you and Iona set up?" "Two, my Queen." He's into BDSM. "I can do a flight of stairs." The moment The Queen put her down, Mearr moved to a banister and started up the high stairs. "Ailee texted if she can stay here tonight rather than driving all the way home. Her plane just got in," Tommy said. "That is fine. Mearr might enjoy another woman to hang out with." I'm not that sick. I can do this. Mearr shivered and pulled her coat tighter around her. "Fuck!" "What's the matter?" Tommy asked. "Daniel cut my trench!" Mearr fumed. "I can buy you a new one," The Queen offered. "My Queen, money doesn't fix everything," Tommy joked. "I just want to help," The Queen protested. With a soft smile, he met Mearr's gaze when she looked over her shoulder at him. She paused and clung to the railing. "Help?" The Queen offered. "Well it seemed you were willing and able to carry me up these stairs. Still willing?" Mearr asked. "Of course." The Queen wrapped his arms around Mearr's waist, holding her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist. "There we are," he murmured as he started up the stairs again. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to view the other hoppers on this Linky Tools list...
I debated what to share; I of course have several WIPs, even if one has my main attention atm. I've been having a super hard time with my bipolar and how it makes dealing with life's issues trickier. While I know that Meredith has been enjoying my sharing from "Backward Dating," I've put it on a back burner at withdrawing it from the publisher I had expected to work with; the editor simply had no clue what my vision was and was trying to force me into a mainstream editing box.
So instead, I'm going to start sharing from "Vala's Hearing Loss." Yes, I'm a tease- this is a spin-off of my "Vala's Story" series/serial; I'm not sure when it'll be published because I also need to get back to work on the rewrite of "Out of the Night: Book One" that was stopped by my previous laptop dying. If you'd like to read a complete scene from it, you can enjoy a scene from later in the book inspired by a Masturbation Monday picture here. However today for this hop, I'm going to share a snippet of the beginning of the book.
Vala held her head with both hands as the ringing tortured her ears.
"My... my—" Vala heard Eoin calling as if from a distance. "Sh, boy," Vala murmured. "Go get me two aspirin and some water. Please be quiet when you return. My ears are ringing." She watched his lips move as he obviously paid her respect and worried. She lay back on her bed and closed her eyes. Soma sat quietly beside Vala. She placed her hand on her Lady's shoulder. Taking her girl's hand, Vala led Soma to stroke her temples. "My love, please see if Adan or Ailin are free. I can't hear anything but this fucking ringing." Soma cupped Vala's cheek and nodded. As Soma left the room, Vala got up to turn off the overhead light before she moved to light her purple three-wick candle on her dresser. As she relaxed on her bed again, Eoin and Simon appeared at the door. "You didn't need to get Simon." She gasped as her own voice multiplied the pain in her head. Adan came in behind Eoin. She signed, "Your eyes hurting?" Vala signed, "No." "Our Lord was in the bathroom," Adan explained. "I can't hear anything but this ringing," Vala signed. Adan's lips moved as she interpreted for Simon. After a second, she started signing, "If you don't start hearing again in twenty minutes, our Lord wants you to send a sub to tell him." "Yes, my Lord," Vala signed. She popped the aspirin into her mouth and washed them down with a gulp of water. She beckoned for Soma to return to her and signed, "More." Soma grinned and started rubbing Vala's temples again. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...
I still gotta work on the first round of edits, but here's another interesting section from before I see what the editor has to say. Naveed and Ocean are talking in the ConSuite as Suvi grabs Ocean a plate of munchies.
-- "Aromantic, huh?" Naveed restarted the conversation. "I'm glad to have found the term in the asexual community." Ocean chuckled. "Not to say that I'm asexual, just that I don't experience romantic feelings at all really, or at least not like our culture says." Ze smirked. "Our culture can mean so many different things when talking to an immigrant. If you don't mind the question, do you think of yourself as Iranian, American, or Iranian-American?" "I kinda swim between the three." Naveed popped a piece of watermelon into his mouth. After swallowing, he continued, "I was only six when we immigrated. Sometimes I feel so Iranian based on how too many people react to me, but then I remember how I disappointed my family, not being the perfect Muslim girl." He sighed. "Not that religion is or should be proof of one's culture. So yeah, I'm sure you can guess that I'm not close to my family; I was thrown out as a sick sixteen year old who they had simply given up on." "You make me want to take you home." Naveed brushed his fingers over his chair's wheels. "To meet your parents?" he joked. "Well my mom, but nothing much at my home looks close to norms." Quick save. "That sounds nice, if people are free to be themselves." "Completely." Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...
I'm so glad that Meredith O'Reilly got WIP It Up Wednesday going again. I'd debated what to share with you all- I have several projects going as usual. Back in October, my laptop died and while my Master was able to buy me a new laptop, I haven't checked yet when the last time I backed up "Laura Learns" (Kink Challenge 2), but I'm hoping that once I finish "Backward Dating" that I can get going with LL again.
So a little explanation- this WIP "Backward Dating" is the level of "experimental" that many of you expect from me. This is not a simple "woman and man date and fall in love" story. I'm going to start with a piece from chapter 1- for I'm trying to carve this story into chapters- that I've attempted to write in 3rd person omniscient- I'm not starting into the 3 MCs' perspectives until chapter 2. ---- The line for the unisex bathroom moved at a snail's pace; the organizers of the science fiction convention hadn't quite thought out their desire to be inclusive of people whose gendered experience rested outside the binary. Various conversations began and ended as people bonded over feeling not quite included, although no more worse than usual. Mid-way through the line, a Persian man using a wheelchair smiled at a Greek beauty of indeterminate gender. With jade green eyes glowing affectionately in a heart-shaped face the color of caramel candies, the beauty said, "Hi. I'm Ocean and my pronouns are ze and hir. And you are?" "Naveed. My pronouns are he and him." He sighed and patted his black sweat pant-covered legs with a slender, deep red hand. "I'm so glad I lucked into this wheelchair at the Salvation Army. I would never be able to last through these lines without it." "They really needed to put in some more of these unisex bathrooms, especially in accessible places." Ocean frowned. "I'm guessing you don't know about the other unisex bathroom I've found that's down a few stairs over by the Consuite." "No, but thanks. I'm actually not paralyzed so if I'm up to it, I'll have a second option." A diminutive woman with slick, long blond braids and a swishing, satiny red dress turned to face them. Bright blue eyes moved over them with excitement. "Weren't you just both in the 'diversity in science fiction' panel?" "Yes," Naveed and Ocean said together. She giggled. "I don't know why I'm waiting in this line, silly cisgender me. My name is Suvi and yes, my pronouns are she and her. Would you both like to go back to my room, use that bathroom, and then catch a bite in the Consuite?" Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list... |
January 2025