Now that I've rescued myself from looking up some ASL and getting lost in the sensuality of this scene :D . I'm making sure to get this set up early Tuesday morning so depression doesn't have the chance to derail me, like last week. And I'm trying to remember what was happening from where I plucked this snippet :D Oh right! Bea is having a bad morning- that can happen with Meniere's, which sadly has few treatments and really no cure- and so Teal is being a good, caring submissive having just helped Bea to take a bath to relax when this happens...
--- I gasped even as I moved toward her with the towel held out for her. She pressed a soft kiss to my lips as I wrapped her in the cotton. The smell of lavender and the musk of her played on my arousal. I returned her kiss, her lips feeling so thick and warm when I initiated the kiss. Even as her eyelids fluttered in response to my touch, she signed, "Bed. Rub." Quickly moving the towel down her, I dried her off as best as I could before keeping strong as she leaned on me on the way to her bedroom. Must be set up enough like her apartment that she doesn't need light just to walk. I helped her settle onto her bed and returned to the door to find her light switch. Using the dimmer switch, I turned the overhead light on to fifty percent power. I glanced at a rack on dark brown bottles similar to her bath oils on one mahogany nightstand beside her bed. Another quick look shown these bottles to be labeled just as carefully. I found the one labeled "mint" and grabbed it. Bea plucked her shower cap off and tossed it to the floor. I arranged her hair onto her pillow as she stretched out across her bed. "All," she fingerspelled. I poured a thin stream of the oil down the middle of her back. After twisting the top back on, I got to rubbing her back. My gaze traveled over her skin and I sighed to hear her soft moans as she clutched her pillow. The oil felt strangely cool and hot at the same time beneath my hands as I caressed her. I pressed my fingers into her shoulders, her neck. Her head relaxed onto her pillow so her cheek pressed against the pillow. I moved down her back and poured more oil on the small of her back. Collecting some oil with my fingertips, I stroked her hips, her asscheeks. Touching her like this makes me feel so naughty. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other wonderful #WipItUpWednesday blog hoppers.
It's late on Tuesday; I figured since I'm not writing, I should get this post ready. There's this post and one more beyond waiting; I'm debating whether I want to grab some of a scene I teased Meredith with- or make her wait until I finish the book and publish it. I'm continuing to study ASL and consume books about Deaf culture so here's hoping after I finish a short story, I'll be ready for more "Two Houses" writing before we get to November and Nanowrimo, which I already have a plan for.
I jumped ahead to Teal spending the night the first time at Bea's house. -- Gentle shaking woke me. I opened my eyes to see Bea sitting next to me. She had pulled her hair into a wrap like Gareth's mom's silk bonnet; she smelled like extra bunches of roses. Must be her leave-in. "Go to bed with me," Bea signed. "Don't worry about blankets now," she said. I pushed aside the blankets and followed after her. Her master bedroom in the same place as mine, I paused when she reached in to turn on the overhead light. I rushed back to the living room and turned off all but one lamp. "Good girl," Bea signed when I returned to her bedroom. She pointed near her closet and I noticed her walker for the first time. Her voice a rasp, she voiced, "I need you to make a habit of bringing it into the room we're in." "Yes, Ma'am," I signed. "Get undressed and join me in bed," she signed. Linen socks and slacks pushed to the ground, I paused and met her gaze. "Get undressed," she repeated with slightly more forceful movements. I rushed to pull my shirt off, to slide my lingerie off. "Come here," she signed. I kicked my clothes into a pile beside the wall and walked to her on trembling legs. Gasping, I leaned gently into her embrace for a long moment before we tumbled down to her bed together. "I want..." Her voiced words trailed off. She grasped my hip and rolled me onto my stomach. Her finger moved down my jaw, encouraging me to look at her beautiful face. "Five spanks," she signed, her eyebrows moving up as if to ask if I figured out her second sign. Lifting my right hand and upper body off the bed, I signed, "Yes, Ma'am." I relaxed back flat to her bed, my face pressing into one of the black cased pillows at the head of her bed. She cupped my right butt cheek. Her fingers pressed deep into my skin, into the muscle as if claiming me. I tried to register the force of her slaps, but they came too fast for my mind to label them anything but "oh ow that feels good and too much and ow." I shuddered against the bed. I turned my head to look at her. "Good girl," she signed. She turned off the overhead light and slid into bed before pulling the comforter over us. Releasing my held breath, I snuggled against her. She sets how much. At least when she's not feeling well. I hoped for her to hold me. My still tingling butt pressed against her mound felt so very good. I kissed her finger when she pressed it against my lips. I pressed back against her when she wrapped her arm around my chest, the underside of her forearm pressing against my breasts. She kissed the nape of my neck as she stroked my chest. Feeling such peace, I quickly fell back asleep. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers
I was so glad for these waiting snippets. On Monday, I had a former friend blame me for her marriage problems. Lots of anger, lots of hurt. Today has largely been spent reading (I have over 300 pages of Deaf culture reading to do hopefully before Thursday, in case books from the library won't renew.) I have a specifically about the Black and Deaf experience in the US; I did some pondering in a vlog about Bea's identity around her hearing. 2 more snippets planned for after this one- I'm hoping I've managed to write more before then, although I still have one project waiting and then there's Nanowrimo coming up in November.
I skipped to a morning, Friday morning, I think. Teal's at her... home with Gareth. -- Bringing my coffee mug to my lips with my left hand, I worked my phone with the right. Gotta work on using both hands anyway. I typed, "Ma'am, just texting to find out how packing your apartment is going as you ordered. Would you like any help?" I sent the text and resumed drinking my coffee. I studied the top newspaper on the pile waiting for Gareth to get home. I wiggled my fingers for a moment before I started fingerspelling the headlines. Suddenly my phone danced across the table with its vibration. I unlocked the screen to see that both Gareth and Bea had texted. Gareth's text read, "Morning, little love. It seems so many days until I'll be home with you again. I want you to go buy yourself a stuffed animal, a pink sleep set, and of course what you need for your BBQ idea. While Bea being over might prevent you from doing a "welcome home" ritual, I'd like you to be thinking on something you might enjoy doing for me. Either as my submissive or my Little, as I've been learning reading about Daddy/little girl play in evening reading." "Oo," I murmured, squirming against the chair. Bea's text read, "Friends you'll meet at the Deaf dinner tonight came over and helped. I'm surprised you didn't notice us in the first drop of stuff last night. So glad the bank agreed I could start moving in before the official signing later today. I need to buy a cooler to move my food. If the dizziness stays away, I might try to move this last little bit myself." I swallowed. Can't let myself worrying too much if she's overdoing it- that could easily become diminishing of her abilities. "That's good to read, Ma'am. I'm excited to see you tonight." Powered by Linky Tools Click here to visit the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers!
I think it's almost time for bed- my eyes just started to do a weird crossing thing :D But I managed to clip a few snippets from "Two Houses" so I'm less likely to miss #WipItUpWednesday :). I'm still in a lot of reading about Deaf culture; of course I've had some cross-thoughts about Vala's Story, where I have two characters dealing with hearing loss. But in "Two Houses," Bea and Teal have been cuddling on Teal's living room couch and Bea fell asleep. Here's Teal needing to wake Bea...
If she's starting to lose her hearing, does she hear better from one side? I haven't noticed yet. I tapped Bea's forearm. "Hm?" she murmured. "Two," I signed against her arm. She hugged me and then signed, "Thank you." Still holding me, she moved us to sitting up on my couch. "Good girl." Her voice slightly shaky, she said, "Feeling better. Help me and my stuff to my car?" "Yes, Ma'am," I signed. "We need a wheelchair ramp too huh?" She nodded. Maybe she can handle a little more speaking? I just don't know. I went to the guest room to see that she had already gathered up all her things. I wandered to the shower to see her hair bonnet hanging up. From behind, she said, "I have extras. Mind me leaving one?" I turned to sign, "No, Ma'am." My gaze dropping to her adorable feet, I noticed she'd put on her black loafers. Not going to get teary and say I don't want her to leave. "Your copy in your bag, Ma'am?" Snorting, Bea nodded. I followed after Bea into the living room. I stopped when she did and gasped when she wrapped her arms around my waist. She pressed soft kisses across my cheeks, on my nose, finally on my lips. "Good girl," she murmured against my cheek. She's guessing I'm not out to the neighbors. But my flag? We'll have to negotiate. I locked my knees for a moment when she released me. While she grabbed her messenger bag, I grabbed her wheelchair and headed out the side door. After the unlocking beeps, I opened the trunk of her small car and stowed the folded wheelchair in it. I slammed the trunk closed before moving to the driver's side door to see her already in the seat. "Behave," she signed. I nodded. She started her car and I stepped back onto the grass. I waved as Bea eased her car out of our driveway. Hurrying in, I grabbed my cellphone and opened my conversation with Gareth. I texted, "Sir, Bea got the home! Her closing will be on Friday. May I please call a handyman and see about quotes on a wheelchair ramp for our house?" I placed my phone of his table before moving to turn on the ASL DVD. I stretched my hands in front of me and then over my head before rolling my fists in circles. I fingerspelled, "Bea." The menu having shown up, I picked my lesson. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers
I'm still not 100%. I've spent a lot of the day playing with my fidget spinner and working on my American Sign Language (ASL); I'm learning with Lifeprint and just took a break from Lesson 7's sentences to write this. I decided to write a piece of "Two Houses" fresh for the hop in my email creator. So this is really really fresh, not spell checked beyond what my browser offers. I've been thinking on "meeting the [Deaf] parents" after I watched a vlog from the CODA brothers in which one of the guys pulled a prank on then-(hearing)girlfriend when she first met their parents- here's the link for your amusement- they voice over so you don't need to be fluent in ASL to understand. I need to figure out if I can put videos right on these pages or if I need to use my YouTube channel. But to make the B hand shape in the manual alphabet, you basically just hold up your palm.
And the humor- you can tell I haven't been writing- I managed to switch Teal and Bea. Teal is meeting Bea's parents. Alas I'd already signed up for #WipItUpWednesday so the sharing is fixed.
"Okay, so B facing the viewer and then turn the hand so it's facing me, Ma'am?" I signed; I wanted to be ready for "voices off."
"Yes. No Ma'am in front of my parents," Bea signed. I tensed to keep from visibly shaking when Bea pushed the button; lights flashing in the foyer looked weird, even though I was getting used to them since she had installed them at her doors. The door swung open to show a tall, gorgeous black woman who could only have been Bea's mother, although. She grabbed Bea with one hand and me with the other before pulling us inside. She wrapped her arms around Teal and they stood still embracing. From behind them, I saw a shorter man joining us. Breathing in deep, I schooled my mind to see the signs I knew. I tried to think ahead in glossing so my signs flowed, "Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is Teal. Are you Bea's father?" He signed close to my slower speed, "Hi. I'm Bea's father. My name is George. Come in the kitchen with me." -He must know they are typically Deaf in their greeting.- I slipped into a wooden chair opposite him at a small circular wooden table. George pushed a piece of paper and a pencil toward me. On the top line, it read, "Don't worry if your signing isn't very good yet. Plus Daisy and I have heavy accents in our ASL from going to Deaf schools for blacks in the south; it might not look much like what you're learning." "Thanks," I signed. I picked up the pencil and pondered what i wanted to say. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers
I was skimming "Two Houses" trying to decide what to share. A "when I edit" thought came into my head and I shared it as a Facebook status :D The status message will be a tease of sorts as I'm continuing with Teal and Gareth's negotiation in my sharing this week...
#amauthor I'm considering "Two Houses" for #WipItUpWednesday and I realized- because of the difficulties of showing ASL, including fingerspelling, in written English, it's going to be difficult if not impossible to use text-to-speech software to help in editing this book. "I love you." He hugged me around my shoulders. "So we'll manage a sit down when I get back from the business trip on Sunday, but we need to agree on things like will my dominance or Bea's over you supersedes the other when all three of us are together. Of course you'll also need to negotiate privately with just Bea, but what about us?" "I don't know I could use a title. For you. I mean, I giggle at all title use in erotic romance books." Licking my lips, I tried to read his lack of response for a response. "How do you feel about kneeling to speak rather than using a title then? I like that idea." He chuckled. "And maybe you naked around the house more often than not." "But won't taking it out of the bedroom make it less about sex?" I chewed on my bottom lip. "Maybe, but I don't think so. Dominance doesn't have to be just about sex, although if your comfort is to keep sexual activity in the bedroom, I could order you to go to our bed." His grin worried me. During our talking, he'd slipped out of his slacks and shirt without me exactly noticing. "I think you should pick a safe word since we haven't played so hard just yet and you might need it especially for things that happen outside of our bedroom." "Soup," I responded without knowing why. "You didn't say. Would you like you to be important, or maybe more dominant, over Bea?" "Hm. Don't really have an opinion yet on that. What if she and I usually agree on what's best for you?" I bit my bottom lip. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to visit the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers
Ah, I didn't quite space even if it was 8pm EST before I realized I hadn't done this. I decided to skip ahead and introduce you a little to Teal's other love, Gareth, and show some of their BDSM negotiations.
-- Shifting under the comforter, I opened my eyes even though the room was dark when I heard the side door open and then shut. Moments later, Gareth crept into the bedroom. "My love?" I murmured. "You aren't asleep, sweetheart?" Gareth replied. "Too anxious." "About what?" He turned on the small lamp on the nightstand on his side of the bed. "There's a lot to discuss, isn't there?" He leaned over to kiss my forehead. "Are you awake enough for this important conversation?" "Yes, love." I scooted up the bed until I was able to sit beside him. "Might I start?" Nodding, I clasped his hand. "My personal feeling, desire is to keep hers and my sex lives with you separate," he began. "I agree, but I'd like to ask if that's more about her comfort or yours?" I kissed his knuckles. "Really both. She's not looking for a male partner of any sort and I can imagine a great platonic friendship with her. Who knows? While it won't be queerplatonic because I'm a cis man and she's a cis woman, maybe it can be like that in form." "Does that mean she identified as cis?" "Oh, I assumed." He shook his head. "No, she didn't state that she's cis. That's something for you to ask her in your own time and for me to say that I have no feelings one way or the other on her gender identity." "I love you so much!" I grinned with the sappiness of my outburst. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers!
So I *passed the finish line* with Camp Nano on Sunday. Not feeling it. Haven't even said anything directly to my Master, who promised *fun* for me writing because everything feels like shit here. I have a vlog update about the end of Camp as well as some "Two Houses" stuff that's uploading as I write this; link will be here once I have it to give.
I'm going to continue in the first meeting scene, just skipping a little. Bea and Teal are talking while Gareth is off checking the guest room... Brushing her fingers over my knuckles, Bea asked, "It would seem Gareth's encouraging the flirting; what does that mean for any polyamorous agreements you two have?" "I... um." I swore I could feel my throat closing with my confused agitation. "Yes, I find you very attractive, but I would like for you to set the pace." "Shouldn't I know more ASL first? I mean, what about your parents?" I sputtered. Arching her eyebrow, Bea asked, "You're not interested in dating my parents, are you?" "Your first language though." "If only I wasn't so dizzy," Bea muttered. "What?" I gasped. "Finish your soup." Bea slowly got up from her chair. She took small steps toward Gareth when he popped his head into the living room from the back hallway. As she drew close to him, she said something I couldn't hear and then he laughed. "I will. No, we aren't very vanilla as you may have guessed, but we're not lifestyle either," he replied. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to visit the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers I was torn- interested in the inspiration picture & not. However, needing to get to my [sadly reduced] Camp Nano goal, I thought of a partial scene that is likely to become "epilogue" in my WIP; I figured I should write it after asking my daughter [18] to look up *masturbation* in ASL for me. :D
-- Bea signed something. I signed, "Again please, Ma'am?" She placed her left index finger against her right wrist; I focused on her hand, figuring she was about to fingerspell. "M-A-S-T-U-R-B-A-T-E." Then she repeated that sign. "Masturbate how Ma'am?" I signed carefully. "In our bed," she replied. I backed off her and the chair. Don't need to help her up. I'm so glad how the surgeries helped. Following after her, I went to our bedroom. She turned on the overhead light; my gaze was drawn to my pillow that she'd allowed me to add to our bed. She signed, "Lay down in the middle of the bed spread eagle." "Yes Ma'am," I signed before moving to obey. Once my body was positioned, I looked up to see her watching me. My heart seemed to come into my throat when I saw the small suction cup in her hand. Climbing onto the bed between my legs, she leaned forward and traced around my clit, its hood with slick fingers. Then she pressed the cup against my genitals and twisted so it sucked me into it. [Masturbate] is a specific sign with specific variations. She ordered... I brushed my fingers over my labia, around my vaginal opening. The skin tight, the nerves thrumming in me, I dipped my index finger into my cunt. She loves when I spell that word. She slid beside my leg where she could still see, but gave me greater access to my body. She caressed my calf. Slipping a second finger into me, her order only giving a slight shape, I tightened my neck so I wouldn't rock my head back away from seeing her beautiful face. How will I beg to come? My muscles tightened as I split my attention between my fingers, the cup, her gaze. "Good girl," she signed. My lips parted. I pushed my fingers against the front of my pussy, searching for my G-spot. "Yes," I hissed. Is yes readable on the lips? I thrust my fingers into me, in and out, faster. No way to tell if she was going to edge me, I decided just to obey. She leaned over and kissed the top of my thigh. How wonderful it is for her not to deal with dizziness anymore. I met her eyes and shuddered against the bed. Enjoying the heat of my recently spanked ass, I pushed down in the comforter. She signed, "Orgasm?" Having to think for a moment so I could do the signs with my left hand instead, I signed, "Please, Ma'am?" "Need to?" she signed. "Yes, please." She plucked the suction cup off my clit and her fingers mashed against my sensitized nerve cluster. "Come!" she ordered. I pushed down on her fingers and my hand. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I yelled. She clicked her tongue; I gasped. "Thanking in speech?" The signs somehow brought extra emphasis to my mistake. I yanked my hand out of my pussy and, without wiping my wet hand, signed, "I'm so sorry, Ma'am." She grabbed my hip and flipped me onto my stomach. Without warning she delivered five sharp slaps to the backs of my thighs. After a moment of breathing into the pillow beneath my face, I lifted my shoulders just enough to see she had moved up the bed. I eased my face down onto her lap and closed my eyes, feeling the moment.
I nearly forgot the day of the week- Camp Nano is going pretty bad, although I'm hoping to record and upload an update vlog sometime Wednesday. As usual for me, I'm writing "scenes" rather than "chapters." I skipped ahead in the first scene after Gareth (Bea's husband) got home from work. As I've been joking during this writing, "How do I make learning ASL sexy?" Did I succeed? :D
-- I swallowed; Bea had flirted, but never said she was exactly okay with me being bisexual and polyamorous, or what her identity was. "Why don't you enjoy your company, dear, and I'll set the table?" Gareth placed his mug on the table between his chair and the couch. "If I'm not mistaken, it seems you'd like to flirt more with Bea." The heat rushed into my cheeks. "It seems you can't hide your interest from Gareth," Bea quipped. "How well do you know the manual alphabet so far?" I carefully moved my right hand through the hand shapes. At P, I hesitated as I tried to remember the shape. Bea took hold of my hand. She pressed my ring and pinkie fingers over against my palm. Leading my middle finger to my thumb. She led my hand so my fingers pointed at the floor. I pressed my thighs together, grateful for my ankle length dress. "P," Bea murmured. "P," I whimpered. "The rest of the alphabet?" she prompted. I rushed through the rest of the hand positions, finishing Z just in time for Gareth to call out, "Dinner's served." Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers |
January 2025