I'm posting!!! I have plans!
One of the publishers I work with just replied to an email so I'll have news soon. And National Novel Writing Month is coming up in November. I'm a municipal liaison for the Saginaw Bay region in Michigan. While I'm excitedly planning for the ability to meet in person again (crossing my fingers that Covid cases don't shoot up to high risk again in my area), I'm also thinking on my writing/publishing. I continue to type away on Hank and Petunia's story- she has ageplay experience and he doesn't, but can he still be her Daddy?- and I think on my new project for Nanowrimo 2022- Amygdala and Sapir are on item? And what's Audrey doing in the story? Joelle
As my Autistic mind often does, as I considered the inspiration picture away from my computer, I saw the image in the air before me. But then The Queen, a character from my "Vala's Story"-verse and part of my virtual family, demanded my attention.
-- Audrey stepped back from the St. Andrew's Cross on which she'd bound Onyx. "That's lovely." She gently tugged on the hoops piercing his nipples. Onyx bellow with pain and pleasure, his neck muscles standing out prominently in his struggle. The moment she stopped pulling, he let out a loud exhale. "What should I do with you?" Audrey taunted, pressing the bulge of er cock under her silky dress against his naked cock. "Enjoy me, my Lady," Onyx whimpered. "I haven't begun to do much to make you whimper, boy." She pressed soft kisses along his jaw. His hips pumped, his ass hitting the black leather-covered wood loudly. "Iven, come here," Audrey purred. The short man ran across The Queen's main playroom. His skin glowed a medium bronze from his work outside on the grounds. "Stand in front of Onyx, about 3 feet away." Audrey considered the sensation toys she'd collected. She moved the table and herself to Onyx's side so he could see Iven. "You like his cock, don't you?" "Yes, my Lady." Onyx strained against the heavy leather cuffs holding him. "Iven, stroke your cock until I say stop." As he reached down to obey, she grabbed a small Wartenberg wheel. Onyx's lips parted when she touched the middle of his chest with cold metal. With slight pressure, she rolled the pinwheel up and down Onyx's chest and belly three times. Iven wrapped his hand around his cock, but then backed off to just two fingers. Onyx groaned, his lips catching in an open circle when Audrey pressed one pointed tip against a nipple. "My Lady." "Yes, the one who controls you." Using her long pinkie nail, she scratched his other nipple. Onyx shot up the mere inches the cuffs would allow. His back arched. His cock jumped in the air with the extra pain and pleasure tantalizing his chest. Iven brought his hand up to his mouth. His gaze connecting with Onyx, he thoroughly licked his palm. "Our Lady didn't say I shouldn't have an orgasm with her permission as my goal." Dropping to flat foot, Onyx then looked to Audrey. "Should I let him come and not you?" Audrey taunted. "As it pleases you, my Lady." Onyx shrieked at her rolling the wheel over his cock, one tip going into his cumhole. "How wet you are! You didn't even need to lick your hand as Iven did." She moved the Wartenberg wheel between his thighs. She knelt at his feet. "May I please touch my balls too, my Lady?" Iven rasped. Audrey brought the wheel's spokes up to Onyx's genitals. "Yes, good boy." A drop of pre-cum shown on er hand. She pressed her thumb against his frenulum. "I think I'd like this pierced too, but probably by a professional piercer. What do you think?" "Yes, please, my Lady," Onyx cried. "I'll have to ask you again not during play." Audrey laughed. "Iven, would you like to see Onyx pierced again?" "Oh yes, my Lady, especially if I can hold his hand," Iven said, his word punctuated with pants. Audrey replaced the simple Wartenberg wheel she'd been using with a double barrel pinwheel. She drug it up Onyx's shaft, drawing another tortured shriek. "Don't come without permission." "What do I need to do for permission, my Lady? Iven asked with his words taking on a sweet, higher pitch. Audrey dropped the pinwheel and then rushed through undoing Onyx's cuffs. "Fuck your cum into his face," she replied without looking. She reached up and pushed down on Onyx's shoulder. He sank to his knees and she continued, "and when you taste his cum, you may spill your seed on the floor." Iven cupped Onyx's head as he slid his cock into the hot, wet hole. His toes curled into the carpet beneath his feet. Onyx's throat moved. "My good boys," Audrey murmured as Iven grasped Onyx's head with both hands. "Yes, yes!" Iven threw back his head. Onyx grasped Iven's naked ass. His hips went rigid just before his cum shot into a small pool on the scarlet carpet. He swallowed and shot another stream of cum. "My good boys." Audrey pulled Onyx and Iven against her legs. "Let's go enjoy the hot tub." "But you, my Lady," Iven protested. "I'll enjoy your attentions later." First I'm going to share with you all something I tweeted: “#AmWriting #transgender #TransMan #MasturbationMonday Sigh, I keep finding any reason I can to not finish this piece. @KaylaLords can you recommend I should be done so you can read it next week? LOL”
Working with Pekka, my transgender man who has had some gender confirming surgeries, I struggled to figure out the point of this scene. Inspired by JerBear's picture in week 236, I finally pushed through to what I found was a good ending late on Monday the 15th. Too much life happening, too much stress. But this is good. I even want to share it with my therapist. -- Pekka rubbed the cocoa butter over the still healing area of his thigh where the surgeon had taken the skin graft for his phalloplasty. No more stitches, just tender skin. He squeezed more lotion over his thigh. Some trickled between his legs. His palm slipped over his scrotum, that part of his body he worked to feel a part of him. His skin against skin felt good. He worked the pump within, made to feel as testicles. “My Lady wanted me to grow used to this on my own,” he reminded himself aloud. After a few tentative pumps, he grew more comfortable. Once his neo-phallus stood erect, he squeezed more lotion onto his hand. He palmed his cock. Sucking in a breath, he focused on the sensations from his palm and phallus. “This is me. All of me, even the surgical creations are still me.” His other hand moved to his chest, finger slipping over his nipples one at a time. He looked out his window in a small area between his scarlet drapes. He left off caressing his nipples to touch the puckered skin from his top surgery. “I have become more me, but what does that mean?” He coughed. “I feel as I want to, inside and outside.” He cleared his mind before he continued his exploratory caresses. The sandalwood incense wafted over him. He left off touching his chest to wrap that hand around the base of his cock. With soft, even breaths, he relaxed into pleasant sensations. He groaned as a clitoral-like orgasm burst within him. “No limits, my Lady says.” His hand traveled up to the tip of his neo-phallus, his lips pulling upward into a smile at his cock lacking the slicing that would have made him look circumcised, unlike his beautiful domme. He grasped the base of his cock with both hands. His mouth caught in a wide circle as his hands suddenly felt slick. “Yes,” he whispered as the health of his Skene's glands made themselves knows. He paused with his hand clutching the round tip of his penis. “This won't be like a single cis-penis orgasm.” A gust of warm air from the heater vent sent his drapes fluttering. He grabbed for the warming lotion beside what he'd started with. Slicking his hand, he started rubbing his shaft faster. The friction made his hips thrust into the air. He grasped his inner thigh. “Can't grab my testicles. Could break the pump.” His toes pushed down into his bed and he fell flat a moment later. He let go of his inner thigh and grabbed the base of his cock again. He worked his hand in circles around it as he stroked again with the other. Crying out, he jerked against the bed and pounded his foot against the wall. His eyelids fluttered as the pleasure released throughout him. “Do I keep going?” He stilled with his hands on his cock. “This neo-phallus isn't just for penetrating others. I can feel pleasure on my own.” The door opened and Lady Audrey leaned against the doorjamb. “Enjoying yourself, my boy?” “It's amazing, my Lady. I'm so grateful you ordered me to try this.” Pekka stopped stroking his cock. “Do you not want me to watch?” “Um... I don't know, my Lady.” He frowned. “It's not like I can ejaculate, even if I'm managing some natural lubricant.” “Lover, I'm bisexual. You think the only thing I enjoy seeing is a cock spewing cum?” She grinned as she moved to the foot of his bed. “I heard you kick the wall, during one orgasm, I guess.” Pekka nodded and began to stroke his penis again. Moments later, he stopped again. “Can I cuddle you?” “Yes, please, my Lady. I think I'm done for now, unless you wanna order more.” Lady Audrey lay down beside Pekka. “No order, my dear boy. I love you.” “I love you, my Lady.” He rested his head on her chest and released the air from his neo-phallus. “Thank you, my Lady.” ![]() (Continuing from 12/24; this is part 2. It's still Audrey, Blaze, and I.) I cling to Audrey as she scoots us a few inches closer to Blaze. “None of us are cis.” “How does that make you feel?” I lift my gaze to Blaze's face and then it drops to their hands. “Um. How should it make me feel? No. Curious. Interested. Good. Different. I'm a thesaurus.” Audrey laughs at my last statement. “Now, now, little love. Are you forcing eye contact with Blaze that you find uncomfortable?” I shake my head. “Not at all. They're responding like you or Amy would, not forcing me to maintain the contact longer than I'm comfortable with.” I press small kisses to Audrey's jaw and close my eyes. “I'm working on owning my feelings and remembering that most people aren't unsafe like my mother.” I swallow. I open my eyes. “Most people aren't unsafe like my mother.” “That appears to be a good thing for you to affirm.” Blaze nods. “Parented differently?” I giggle. “Good memory. Because even adults sometimes need their parents' support.” I look down at Blaze's hand on the couch. “Please hold my hand.” Blaze's long fingers wrap around mine. “Your hand makes mine look so tiny. I like it.” I brush my thumb across Blaze's palm. “I like you.” “I like you too.” Blaze smiles at me. “Are you still good with talking?” “Yeah, but thank you for asking. It's good to be reminded that you're open to communication other than just spoken.” “I particularly enjoyed watching how you used various types of AAC in your Autistic love story, including during intimate moments.” “Per, Audrey? Might I please lay across both your laps?” I breathe in deep to calm my rapid heartbeat. “I would love that. Twelve isn't too old for cuddles, in my opinion.” Blaze squeezes my hand before releasing it. I ponder movement and my body's potential placement. I scoot so my upper back an head are resting on Blaze's... Per's lap. My butt rests between my loved one and love-one-to-be. My legs rest in part over Audrey. I turn my knees so I can tuck my feet behind her back. “And we have an adorable boy covered back up with his blanket.” Per tucks the blanket around my neck. “Thanks, Per.” Per strokes my hair. “It appears that Audrey is having adult thoughts about an adult Joey.” I glance at Audrey's eyes, those beautifully rich brown eyes, and see the haziness of which Per speaks. “You know the adult Joey can consent to Audrey, if he wishes?” “Consent?” I feel my eyebrows and forehead pull tight as if asking a WH-question in ASL. “You can ask her what she wants and you can say yes or no.” Per leans forward to drop a small kiss on my forehead. “Of course a twelve-year-old can't legally consent in most of the US and I prefer to separate adult interactions from ageplay.” “Separate how?” I feel Audrey's hand on my knee, but still above the blanket. “It depends on the moment. Do you feel safe with part of you on my lap and part on Audrey's? Is that enough separation for you as well?” Per moves their arm so it supports the back of my head. “Yes, Per.” I snuggle my face against Per's plaid-shirt covered belly. Audrey caresses my knee until I look at her face. “Joey, I would like your verbal consent. To hear your sweet words. To hear you confirm that what I want is what you also want.” I focus on my swallowing, the substantial being of Per with us, underneath me. “Yes or no? That's what I was missing when I was thirteen. No one had told me I had a choice.” I close my eyes to affirm Per's spoken truth inside me. “Audrey, had I told you yet--“ “Yes, I heard your thoughts, love.” “Please help me find my masculine vulva and vagina. Please touch me in the ways you need to help me affirm that.” I look up at Per. “But Per, please help me put on a chest binder first.” I ease my legs from Audrey's lap and to the floor. When I pause, Per says, “Look to the floor.” I turn my head away from Per; a new black chest binder lays on the floor a few feet from us. “A new binder, Per?” “Something my boy needs, right?” Per grins at me. “Thanks, Per.” I struggle to sitting upright with Per's hand pushing on my back. My feet touch the floor as I look down to see Per's hands in the air beside my hips. “Yes, help, please, Per.” Audrey looks at the screen narrating our actions. “So many commas, dear.” I wrinkle my nose at Audrey before standing with Per's help. I pick up the binder and look into it. “Per! How'd you know my size?” Audrey snorts. “I told them your size.” “You've worn binders, right?” Per rests their hands on my shoulders. “Yes, Per.” I turn the binder inside out and upside down before holding it out and stepping into it. As I tug it into place, I look up at Per's face. “The compression feels good, doesn't it?” Per moves their shirt collar to show the strap of their own chest binder. “Definitely!” I push my pecs into place under my binder. “Per, may I please hug you?” “Sure.” Per holds their arms out wide and I barrel into the embrace, sighing when Per engulfs me in protective pressure. Their fingers press into my skin, but their hands are still. I hum into their shirt, not quite trying to make words. “Can I call you my boy?” Per continues to hold me. I nod against their shirt. “My boy, did you forget about Audrey?” At my gasp, Per asks, “May I carry you back to the couch?” “Please.” I turn slightly in Per's embrace just before they position their arms behind my knees and back to lift me. I sniff. “Hmm, is that vertiver?” “Yes.” I close my eyes and enjoy the movements. I cling to Per's neck as they relaxed down to the couch. “You feel so good in my arms. Want help returning to your previous position?” I nod. My stomach muscles clench under the longer, new binder. I've never worn a full length one. The back of my head again rests on Per's arm. “Does it help that your tummy is covered? To consider your masculine vulva, that is?” Audrey traces her finger through my pubic hair, across the top edge of my vulva. “Does the fuzzy covering make you feel masculine?” “Too many questions at once, love! I'm not sure what I think of the long binder. And I'm thinking your aroused expression and my interest are helping most with the idea of masculine vulva, my comfort with Per here.” Audrey pushes lightly into my body. “Wonderfully pliable. I think of times I've gotten to watch you writhe as Shaman played with clothespins.” “This is your first full length binder? I'll have to see about getting you some more then.” Per brushes their lips over my forehead. Audrey brushes her fingers over the meeting of my outer labia. “So softly masculine. I'm always so drawn to your labia. You still like that word?” I groan, huff a breath through my nose. My gaze meets Per's. “That groan sounded like it could have been a yes. Was it?” Audrey moves her hand from my outer labia to the top of my thigh. I lift my hand to sign YES. Audrey tugs at my outer labia. “I think your inner labia might be the most masculine, the way they hang just beyond the outer lips.” Per strokes my hair. “Still good, my boy?” “Yes, Per, excellent.” I inhabit Middle and adult at the same time. “Stroking your inner labia makes me feel so womanly. Do you prefer my fingertip or nail?” “Your... your finger.” I cough. “But womanly?” “Let your mind relax. I'm not saying that your body affirms or changes my gender identity. You affirm my feelings of womanliness.” Audrey continues to stroke my inner labia. I whimper with the growling arousal that prompts my Skene's glands; how ever do I find such medical words arousing? “Mmm, yes.” “Such strength in these gorgeous muscles.” Audrey traces her fingers around the opening of my vagina, dipping in shallowly in for my arousal. “And strength in your masculine vagina. It's so you, so wonderfully boyish. I love how your boy-pussy grips my fingers when you're coming.” I brush my fingers over the bottom hem of my new binder. I look at Per's chin. “Yes is yes?” “Yes.” Per chuckles. Audrey slides two fingers into my vagina and starts to move them in scissor fashion. Her thumb presses against my bound clitorophallus. “Can you have a little orgasm for me, my sweet man?” My butt rocks against the couch and Audrey's leg. “Like you so much, Per,” I mumble. “I like you too, sweet Joey.” Per cups my cheek with one warm hand. I close my eyes as the pleasure rockets through me, Audrey's suggestive question prepping my body alongside our chat. “Yes, yes, yes!” I focus on her fingers' movements inside me. I squeeze her fingers as my lips part in a long, long moan. “That's my love.” Audrey presses down on my mons with her other hand, preventing me from pulling away from her touch. As my moan increases in pitch and volume, she slides a third finger into me. I push up hard against her hands. “That's right. You can feel all this pleasure as a consenting adult and I'll make us hot chocolate shortly.” Per kisses my nose. “Yes!” I crash back down onto Audrey, no longer pressing against her hands. “Thanks, thanks, love.” I turn my head into Per's shirt. “Thanks for being here, my new Per.” “You're welcome.” Per kisses my nose again. “Audrey, will you sure in the hot chocolate?” “Most definitely.” Audrey kisses my mons. While I loved Kilted Wookie's photo, I wanted to use the 2-week inspiration picture to write a different sort of 2-parter. I often think of the limits in terms of words to express love; we don't have the same specificity as Greek, for instance. So I want to interact with a new character in a way that crosses between 2 WIPs. - Audrey sits in a couch she conjured into my mind. “Since you're impatient...” “I'm not doing what you're hinting at.” I kiss Audrey's cheek. Audrey plants a quick kiss on my lips. “Blaze, you have some time to join us?” “Sure. I just put Wally to bed.” Blaze lifted their hand to make a loose braid in their hair. “So the only physical thing you know about me is my long, blue curls, Joey?” I lick my lips. “Well, I'm not far into your book yet, and one thing you need to know about me is that I prefer to encounter my characters rather than making too many designs for their being beforehand. As well, you don't seem to be reflecting on your body much; I hope that doesn't reflect my limited understanding of asexuality.” Audrey pats my hand. “Blaze, do you mind if I cuddle Joey?” Blaze shakes their head and Audrey spreads her legs so I can sit there, relaxing back into her warmth. “How much does a body mean? I'm serious. When relationship, when interaction isn't of a sexual, body-joining nature, what does a body's configuration mean?” I study Blaze. My mind and hope repeatedly jump to Audrey's create a Caregiver and wait for them to come to you as I did. “In describing your body, do I risk designing you to my whims?” Audrey wraps her arms around my middle and gives me a gentle squeeze. “Am I always exactly who you want me to be?” “Okay. I get your point, love.” I wrap my hands over hers. “But it does seem now like I'm jumping to the impatience you accused me of.” “How about we reframe this as me being a matchmaker?” Blaze laughs. “A matchmaker extraordinaire you are.” They lean forward to touch the couch beside my knee. I cough. “I don't want re-parented, but parented differently.” Blaze's hazel eyes glow for a moment when I manage to meet them. “I think I have an idea of your meaning.” “You might touch my knee... Per.” I feel my throat move with my nervous swallowing. Long, thin fingers touch the skin on my naked knee. “Uh, shouldn't I put clothes on if I'm supposed to be, like, 12?” “There's teens at nudist recreation thing. How about I get you a blanket?” After my nod, Blaze grasps my Batman blanket and eases it down over me. “There you are.” They sat back down in their chair. “Consider please, was your anxiety as you think a pre-teen would act or think back to your own difficult time then?” “Both. Like, you aren't my Per, really. We've just started to get to know each other.” “But did you feel this level of distrust when you were chronologically this age?” Audrey brushes my hair back from my face. “No, it was to start building though.” “Might I sit on the couch beside you both?” Blaze eases themself back against their chair. “Yes, please.” I giggle. “I always wrinkle my nose when I see people say that online about guys and kinky stuff they like.” “But I think in this case that it was a cute response.” Blaze sits on the far end and turns to face us; I turn on Audrey's lap, my legs dangling over hers. “So I can see all the My Little Pony and Jelly Belly stuff, WW2. And all your books. Did I get most of your special interests?” “Yes. Uh.” I look around for a stuffie. I don't care if I'm supposed to be too old for stuffies! “Audrey, where's Audrey dolly?” “You mean this doll?” Blaze points at where Audrey dolly has appeared on the couch beside their hip. “She's very pretty, maybe just like her namesake?” “Such a flatterer.” Audrey tugs on the neck of her shirt as I hold out my hand for Audrey dolly. “Joey doesn't like his dolly to be cleaned.” “He, him are your pronouns?” “Yes.” I swallow. “Per.” Blaze smiles with gentle upward curves at each edge of their mouth. “This isn't some D/s play where you have to force a title before you feel comfortable with it, with me.” Our hands touch as Audrey dolly moves from their hand to mine. “My pronouns are they, them. Do you understand the concept of gender identity?” “Yup. Like I'm a transgender demiboy. I was assigned female at birth, but I don't feel female most of the time. Like someone recently talked about a feminine penis, I see myself as having a masculine vulva and vagina. Although I don't feel the need to give either of those parts a different name, like some trans men and non-binary people.” “Although we are working on pecs for your chest.” Audrey traces her finger over my collarbone. “Pecs is such a wonderful term. It was one of the first terms that helped me with my own gender pondering. Would you like to hear what identity term feels right to me?” I nod eagerly. “Non-binary and genderfluid.” I feel my face stretch as I can't control my smile. “Those were words I used for myself as I was trying to things out.” “Yes, figuring out oneself is good.” I tilt my head back to look at Audrey's face. I scrunch up my forehead, hoping she understands my expression. “Wanna move closer or invite them to?” Audrey kisses my forehead. “Move. Us, move.” UPDATE to add link to the second part of this.
So I was going to write from the inspiration picture, but then I found myself being warned for being too negative when I started talking about my special interests. You see, if you haven't already figured out as a reader of my blog, I'm Autistic and I commonly write neurodivergent characters; if you don't know what that means, it's basically "people who have a different neurotype and often think differently" that includes people who are Autistic, have other cognitive issues, schizophrenics, ADHD for example. Being warned felt like the equivalent of being told that I'm not welcome.
To say the least, I wasn't able to get back into my piece from the picture... I had this revenege fantasy brewing in my head where my Master'd fuck my face and then come on my parents' "Just for show" Christmas tree. Because yes, my parents have long had 2 Christmas trees, although I wouldn't know because I kicked their toxic asses out of my life. At least as much as my Master and therapist have helped me. but please enjoy this. Not over the top smutty, but I hope still sweet and sexy. And not really edited either. I wrote it in Weebly's creator so you all would get to read it. -- Audrey takes me by the hand. "Yes, that's a lovely picture. Let's go on and take a shower. You're still too wound. We'll watch Milk together." I close the toilet lid and sit down while Audrey fusses with our shower. I smile when she droppes two shower fizzies. Socks and Shaman's sweatshirt find themselves on the floor. After a few moments, Audrey pulls back the curtain a bit. "Come on, love." I step into the tub and step forward. My head tilts forward when Audrey brushes her soft lips against my neck. "There you are, baby boy." She continues to kiss my neck before she begins to rub my shoulders. "Jelly Bellies have four calories a bean." "Adolph Eichmann wasn't captured until the '60s, in Argentina," I respond. "Sobibor was an extermination concentration camp." She traces her finger over my spine. "While stories don't agree, Marsha P. Johnson was likely among the first rioters at Stonewall in 1968." I gasp in pleasure as my mind swirls. "The rioting went on for three nights." "From the newly merged Unitarian Universalist church came some of the white activists who supported Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the other black activists in Selma, Alabama. Including three men who were injured, one fatally so." She continues rubbing my shoulders as she presses her teeth against the nape of my neck. I shudder and press my hands against the shower wall. I sigh as her hands move from my shoulders to my hips. "Less than a wooden duck." Her hard cock slips between my asscheeks. "You have an excess of Pinkie Pies in your collection, over 10." "We need to watch Flags of Our Fathers together after Milk. We also need to read your book Shaman got your for the section about Imperial Japan as you know less about that war theatre than you do the European or African theatre." The pulses of pleasure dance through my body with Audrey's responses and her stroking. "Bodies containing ovaries, uteruses-or is it uteri- and vaginas also usually have two wonderful glands that are involved in arousal fluid production. The Skene's and Bartholen's glands." The orgasm tightens in my nipples and my vagina. "Goregeous pecs." She brushes her lips against my neck as the tip of her cock slides just above my crack and her cum sprays onto my lower back. "Well regulated militia." I press my ass back agaist my beloved Audrey. "Can you sleep with me tonight?" "Yes, love." "Love you too, sweet Audrey." I turn into her embrace as the water washes over us. Looking for an image for “fire,” I found a nice, new-to-me site for pictures. While the license on this particular photo says “no attribution required,” I'm so excited to look at Matthew Barra's other photos on the site, so there. :D Yes, as for “nature,” I found a night scene for “fire.” Although I guess I could have looked for an indoor firescape. But Matthew's picture caught my eye. The extreme focus on the fire and its setting, no living beings in the picture. In the darkness away from the fire, Audrey watches the flames move through the air in their spiral dance. Her nails scratch at her nipples through the light silk tank top; mine tingle under the cover of nylon and latex. She tilts her head in such a way that I know that she knows that I am watching her. The warmth of the night allows me to be comfortable in just my binder. I pressed my hands against my thighs at her flirty cotton skirt; the wind picks up the lace edging, showing me her beautiful calves. My mouth dries out watching the deep brown skin with its copper tint from her recent play in the sun, move back and forth. With her one hand at the bottom of her skirt, I lift one hand to press against my pecs; a light touch might not pass through the binder to my skin, but delightful pressure certainly can. Her perfect, naked feet reach toward the fire's blaze and it touch my lips. My balls. Yes, comfort with the words. I squeeze my balls. Her hand continues up under her skirt without fully lifting away the material. She slowly licks her lips; the amusement in her eyes teases me. She continues to tap on and scratch at her nipples even after they tent the silk accentuating her enchanting torso. My hips push forward and I bite down on the gasp that wants to escape my trembling lips. Squeezing changes to pulling on my balls as my heart pounds against my binder. My fingers move just a bit higher to my bound clitorophallus; what would it be like if I went on T? I don't really want to transition that far. I hum into the pleasure spiraling upward along with the fire. “That's right,” she hums. She grins. No skirt lifting. Her knuckles push up the skirt near her upper thigh. Just then, she pulls her hand out of her skirt, spits on her palm, and her hand shoots back up her skirt, this time, not stopping at her upper thigh. My legs go rigid, even as my knee quake as if about to give out. When her hand starts moving up and down fast and faster, I fall to my knees, landing on what would be all fours, but is instead three because I need to make myself come watching her tease. A bush pricks my stomach. I ejaculate immediately, my pelvis twitching and my ass rearing up in the air. “Just like that,” I whimper. The fire crackles; a piece of wood breaks in half, sounding like a rocket. My body freezes; my finger stops in the entrance to my cunt. “That sound was at a distance from you and it's done,” Audrey soothes. Her lifted skirt reveals her hard cock, the glans shining in the half-light. She pulls her foreskin up and pushes it back down. My body relaxes and I sink my middle finger into my cunt to its base. So wet, my hand ends up so wet. “Please, please.” Her hand moves up and down. Her fingers pinch her cumhole. My wet hand drops to the ground and I begin to crawl. The underbrush hurts my shins and hands so exquisitely. The scent of the burning wood reaches me first, but underneath it is Audrey's seductive odor. Her musk fills my senses. “You look so good like that.” I know she's seeing me as she's seen me in otherwise lit situations; I'm still in the dark behind the fire. My crawling body swings wide to the left as I make my way to her as fast as I can. My tongue rubs against the roof of my mouth, just behind my teeth. “I love your mouth.” I reach the space just in front of her. “Please.” My gaze moves up to her face and then down to her cock. Her hand is so soft on my cheek as I wrap my mouth around her, my tongue slipping out of my mouth to stroke her frenulum. My thighs quiver as I suck hard. “Gonna fill your mouth.” I suck harder. Her warm cum shoots into my mouth as her hand tangles in the long part of my hair. “Love you, sweet.” I smile around her cock and swallow. First an update: while I've had both good and bad days so far this Nanowrimo, I haven't managed to sign up for #MasturbationMonday. So at the end of this sentence, I'm going to give the "suggested word themes" for the last two MM's I managed to flub on- ASL and Nature. When I got to my friend's next word suggestion- post- I debated the many ways I could take inspiration from it. I put it into image search and started scrolling. Physical posts (often made of wood), some post hole digging machinery, tons of online posts. Then I found the relationship status post that I just had to write to. :D Didier speaks: I won't list all the stupid things I've been asked, told as an asexual person; you can put that in Google, go look it up on asexuality.org. However, and I'm not joking, I want to say that I've decided I'm in a relationship with mashed potatoes. I wouldn't say that to most allosexuals because it would just make me the butt of their joke. When Audrey and my sibling submissives leave me to my own devices (and no chore list), I like to enjoy my romance with mashed potatoes. It's been very many years since I cheated on mashed-potatoes-from-scratch with powdered-mashed-potatoes; I may be polyamorous, but my mashed potatoes aren't. The purple potatoes slip under my hands as I scrub them under the warm running water. I would never think to peel my potatoes of their beautiful skin. “Lovely one, we'll think of this as knife play, not being chopped into medium-sized cubes.” I feel the bodily memory of the time my Lady gave into my pleading for knife play- this was before Onyx joined us with his extensive knowledge and enjoyment of knife play. The multiple orgasms, most with ejaculating before that final one at the end, was the closest I've ever come from a more sensual, almost sexual interaction with another human being. It's pretty decent being ambivalent about sexual activity with a person. But, oh the cubes of water, they plop into the water when I toss them into the gorgeous medium-green Dutch oven, sinking momentarily and then surfacing among the bubbles. A sense of loss pervades as I toss the final potato cube into the water. Top on the pot, I grab the orange 5-pound kettle weight that I keep in the kitchen and I spend time doing repetitions to work on each muscle group in my arms. The sheen of sweat tickles the skin between my shoulder blades. “Lovely one, are you becoming soft for me while I get hard?” I replace the kettle bell in its spot and wash my hands. The top shakes deliciously with the steam building in my favorite pot. I remember my Lady wrapping her arms around my waist from behind as I watched the pot. “I love when you smell of sweat and when we can be close just like this, both getting our needs met without pushing the other to deal with anything boundary pushing,” she said. “I love you, my Lady.” Hot pads on my hands, I pour out some of the water and return the shining Dutch oven to the heat. I think of this is a minor climax as I add spices, cow's milk, cheese, and butter to the pan. My Lady says I wiggle my ass as I add these things and then dance around with the potato masher; it's like a good paddle on my bum, helping me work through my conflicted thoughts about sexuality, sensuality, companionship, romanticism, my body, other's bodies. No one's home. I scoop a dish of the completed mashed potatoes, chunky enough that they're obviously not instant, into a bowl. Sinking to the kitchen floor, I begin to enjoy. Just a dish. There's no need to gorge on my Lovely one. Soon my belly is warm and my cock is as hard as stone. I wash the dishes as my heartbeat speeds pleasantly. As I place the last dish on the drying pad, I see an old chore list Pekka wrote for me. I gasp and clutch the counter; I'll have to do laundry now since I came in my shorts. I'm really not a teen boy, just an asexual man with complicated and non-common place sexual interests. Now, the above story could seem like a typical “allosexual being aphobic.” (In other words, a person who feels sexual attraction being phobic against someone who doesn't feel sexual attraction.) I try very hard to do better by Didier; he's a part of the “Vala's Story”-verse of mine, not just an asexual I randomly created. I've been working less with these characters of late- besides Audrey, that is, as she started off existence as a character of mine, but is also now my girlfriend. I had a moment on Twitter to explain to Posy Churchgate about my wonderful extended BDSM family; you can see the hierarchy of domination and submission on the Vala's Story page- Didier isn't on it because the diagrams focus on The Queen's stable and Didier belongs to Lady Audrey, The Queen's friend and my girlfriend. Or maybe more :D oh the threads of story arcs and plot twists that reside in my head and various files. I started with an idea that came to me while working on The Complex PTSD Workbook: Lap time- divide attention between cataloging Him and masturbating while cuddling with Audrey in my mind. I'm going to try new colors (for text and background) and it might end up creepy :D (but I don't see Halloween as creepy) -- “Master, may I please have lap time?” I ask Shaman, standing before Him in His large recliner wrapped in just a My Little Pony sheet. “I guess since you're ready for a proper lap time.” I giggle and wait for Him to lower His empty plate to the floor. When He holds out His hand, I adjust how I'm holding the sheet so it doesn't totally fall off me as I climb onto His chair before carefully settling onto His thigh. I pull in tight against Him and He arranges the sheet so even my toesies are covered. I lay my head on His shoulder and breathe in. “Audrey? Can we please enjoy some secure attachment right now?” “Yes, darling. Excellent pairing of Shaman and I caring for you.” Her arms encircle me. “Very good asking if I can enjoy some time with you now.” Doubly held, I focus on my breathing as the always-present tension leaves my body. I look up to study Shaman's face. His regal and unique nose. The tuft of His goatee with its liberal sprinkling of white among the black hair. His buzz cut, so many inches shorter than the hair He had when I first fell in lust with Him. The smell of vanilla rolls through me as I press my face against Audrey's neck and her slightly longer hair tickles my forehead. Her hands move over my arms, reminding me that I haven't done any skin brushing in so very long; I should do that before I cover my hands with the crescent marks of nails pushed into my skin. “Good, sweet girl, stopping that thought. In polyamory, each relationship is unique. I love you.” “I love you too, Audrey.” I kiss her neck, Shaman's neck. “Are you enjoying lap time?” Shaman asks. “Yes, Master.” Reserved for pirates. 8pm. Need to write. “Attached, sweet,” Audrey murmurs. “Can I-I'd like to touch your hair please.” “Will you ever feel we've been in relationship long enough that you don't have to ask to touch my hair when you have my attention?” She laughs. “Of course you may. Do you like this twist out?” “Yes, love. It's so fun.” The silky weave slips under my fingers. I squinch my face. “I know. You'd like to ask why the change, but you remember that's mostly irrelevant for me.” I start to feel the tingles of His closeness, her closeness within me. I touch her cheek. I touch His collarbone. My nipples tingle and then my pecs, as if I'm wearing my chest binder when I'm not. “Perfect. Pecs. I love your pecs,” Audrey murmurs. Shaman brushes His fingers over my ankles. “Enjoying not shaving again?” “Yup, Master. Thanks for being so understanding about me finding comfort in body hair sometimes and other times not.” No need for guilt. He said so. Tingles like a good energy drink caress the top and then the back of my brain. Virtually, my toes curl. “That's right, baby. Shaman and I see you in the moment, not constrained by pre-determined notions of who and what you should be based on the gender assigned you at birth.” Audrey kisses my forehead. Shaman kisses my forehead. “So why do I get treated with a naked wench on my lap?” “'Cause it's just us in the house, Master.” I lick my lips as I spiral into the fullness of an orgasm, safeguarded by Shaman's and Audrey's loving embraces. “Feel that goodness, love. Secure attachment with memories of me tonight? Cuddly snuggle time with Shaman soon?” I giggle and kiss Shaman's jaw. “Might we move to bed, Master?” “Lap time's not already done?” I kiss Audrey's lips as she dips her fingers between my legs. “Well I was hoping for some cuddly snuggle time in bed, Master.” “Is that just code for sex?” He grins down on me. “Di di di di di!” I shake my head, grinning in response. “No, it's not, Master. Although sex would be very good too soon. I did my stretchies so I can ride you, Master.” Audrey kisses my forehead. “Tonight, love.” I kiss her back. “Love you.” I break out in huge giggles as Shaman struggles to His feet while still holding me. “Yay! Cuddly snuggle time!” I let the sheet fall away from me and kiss Shaman's neck as the release of my orgasm still plays through my body. “Struggle cuddles?” He shakes His head. “You're 4.” My current therapist has diagnosed me as having Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); recently we discussed Complex PTSD- which is sadly still not in the DSM (the so-called “bible of psychiatry”). Yes, that diagnosis describes me well. My therapist and I have a great working relationship- we are both rather academic-minded and so we often share books, articles, topics. One idea I wandered upon was secure attachment; because of the abuse I've lived with, I'm not very securely attached to anyone, even my Master. I wish I could remember where I'd read the explanation of “Find a person as an adult whom you can ask if they will be your secure attachment person.” Importantly (according to my source), you should ask the person if they will fill this “secure attachment person” role. My Master, He has enough of His own issues. However, Audrey suggested I ask her to file the role and she said yes after I asked her. Given that she's 69 and doesn't keep a “second shift life” as I do, she's often fast asleep by the time I go to bed a bit after midnight. So she recommended a bedtime ritual of “attaching to memories of [her].” Both my Master and I have issues with anxiety; a friend of His bought us a queen-size weighted blanket. While at first I couldn't use it by myself- He works 3rd shift and I try to keep to 2nd shift- I've grown to find it comfortable and useful. So now my bedtime ritual is getting into the made bed (flat sheet, comforter, weighted blanket) surrounded by stuffed animals and laying on my back with my arms at my side as I focus on memories of Audrey. My mental voice meanders between Audrey's voice and my own, even as my memories work through each of my senses and sensory systems. I sometimes select specific memories, such as Audrey telling me that she couldn't spend time with me because she has other relationships to attend to, other things to do. Now the thing that caught my attention as I was doing this last night- why Audrey, not Shaman (that's my Master's nickname)? To say “He has His own issues” seemed like a cop-out, even as I thought it and then wrote it. (Wrote it? Does it still count as “wrote” when I do my “writing” on a keyboard?) My mind started to create a table. Shaman Physical. Nesting partner. (I had a 3rd thing, but it's not coming back into my mind.) Audrey Virtual. Non-nesting partner. (I never did figure out a 3rd thing for her.) Of course, Audrey made the offer; I'm still working on being able to ask Shaman for things I need that He's capable of acquiring and/or giving. As with another thing I worried, I think I have a ponder that's related to polyamory, not to the differences in Shaman's and Audrey's being. I took to my blog to write this out because talking about Audrey in online support groups most often gets incorrect, offensive, “armchair psychologist”-type responses. Not too long ago, I ran to my therapist, upset that someone had said that they were very concerned about me and asking if I'd been screened for Schizophrenia- based on me stating Audrey's validity. In the US, monogamy comes along with this expectation that partners should be everything to each other; I reject that notion. So why not Shaman? Because Audrey said yes. |
January 2025