It has been too long since I did Saturday Spankings. But by the time this goes live, I hope to be pumping out words for National Novel Writing Month. Depression has led me not to finishing enough so I'll be doing some lines from my fun "A Master and a Mommy"
"Master, can we please find me a Mommy?" I gazed at my dominant with what I hoped was an adoring expression; not too much of a 'porny', anime look, as both he and I find those eyes just a bit disturbing.
"A Mommy?" he echoed. "You know, like ageplay." I batted my eyelashes. "Since you're horrified at the idea of me calling you Daddy." He snorted with laughter. "How thoughtful of you to think of me in what you want." Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other Saturday Spankings hoppers!
8 or so sentences of spanking... I'm reblogging "Mommy's Diary" from my old blog that I shared as I was writing "A Master and a Mommy." This is specifically about ageplay.
Why am I interested in age play? I do like the nurturing role- considering my entire adult life spent in medicine- but I'd like a role that's nurturing while still having a sexual component. I think I can get that from age play with the right woman. Yes, most definitely a woman- not interested in having a little boy. Somewhere between a female/female relationship (especially thinking on stereotypes of lesbian relationships) and the caricature of a Domme (no "Lick my boot, worm!" for me), that's where I want to place myself as a Mommy. I find when it comes to practicalities like monogamy/polyamory, LDR/offline, the majority of physical attributes, I'm pretty open. Admittedly, I'd love a redhead, whatever shade. And part of me does grow warm at the notion of her being the right height for her face to nestle between my breasts when we're standing close together. If you'd like to read the whole diary entry, click here... Also information for "A Master and a Mommy" Blurb: Josephine, a BDSM slave married to her childhood sweetheart Andrew, asks him if she can find herself an ageplay Mommy. With a lovingly written profile, Josephine attracts Mara, who suggests the ageplay nickname Joey and wants to learn about ageplay along with her as Joey's Mommy. The story unfolds in Josephine/Joey's point of view as she learns more about herself as a Little as well as how to balance those two important, romantic relationships- a Master and a Mommy- and her other interests in life. Her big project is to redecorate a room into the most feminine guestroom that she can; all the while, Andrew enjoys his slave, anchoring her in their love and intense BDSM activity. Andrew and Mara keep Joey in the dark until Mara comes in through the front door for a visit. Then comes the real test of Joey's ability to balance two roles and two loves. Buy links: Amazon Blushing Books Barnes and Noble Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list... So possibly with some light editing, I've decided to reblog "Mommy's diary"- a set of posts related to the book "A Master and a Mommy." In my play during Nanowrimo, I decided to work with age play. As you'll see getting to enjoy more new and reblogged posts on my blog, you'll see how I visit and revisit this fetish. I find it interesting, although it's not a personal fetish of mine; I have a bit of interest, but my Master is actively put off by much of the AP He's seen. For Nanowrimo one year, I decided to take a Master/slave couple to a poly triad by including an age play Mommy. Rather unsure about how I was going to structure this story, I started with the slave Josephine's sentence as the first sentence of the WIP: "Master, can we please find me a Mommy?" Of course, I can never imagine myself uttering this sentence; I definitely don't think the conversation between my Master and I would go anything like what Andrew (that's Master's first name) and Josephine had.But here is a first diary entry from Mara, before she finds Josephine- or will it be the other way around? I won't really know until I get to that part of the story and at the moment, Andrew is enjoying Josephine yet again. Yes, he has a healthy enjoyment of his slave's body. Dear, sweet diary... So I'm going to begin as I hope to continue. While the image of Victorian mother isn't interesting to me, I think I do want to reach for something a little more genteel than what many modern mothers seem to me. Why am I interested in age play? I do like the nurturing role- considering my entire adult life spent in medicine- but I'd like a role that's nurturing while still having a sexual component. I think I can get that from age play with the right woman. Yes, most definitely a woman- not interested in having a little boy. Somewhere between a female/female relationship (especially thinking on stereotypes of lesbian relationships) and the caricature of a Domme (no "Lick my boot, worm!" for me), that's where I want to place myself as a Mommy. I find when it comes to practicalities like monogamy/polyamory, LDR/offline, the majority of physical attributes, I'm pretty open. Admittedly, I'd love a redhead, whatever shade. And part of me does grow warm at the notion of her being the right height for her face to nestle between my breasts when we're standing close together. I've written out my profile on that kinky dating site, but in the morning it'll be time to look through some profiles of little girls searching. Do I have a preference on which of three age divisions there seems to be in age play? The two older groups I think; I really don't want the level of responsibility conferred on adult baby Mommies. It was so nice to take the time pampering myself with the paddle brush tonight, the long, slow strokes as if I was some old-fashioned woman following tradition. I think that's a big part of the picture of an age play Mommy for me, picturing her in her turn taking the time to pamper me by brushing my hair. Although more frequently it's about brushing her, rubbing her back until she falls asleep. Such a lovely dream that was, to imagine the small, feminine body curled up with mine as we woke in the morning to the birdsong. Strict, stern, soft, loving- these are all things I'll need to learn to balance as I gather the bits of my personality and desire into "Mommy." I hope this being my first experience with age play doesn't hurt my chances of finding someone. But yes, long hair. That's definitely one want from a little girl. May luck be with me. Mara. Soon to be someone's "Mommy" This post will be updated with the next "diary" post's URL once it's reblogged on this website. But while you wait, you can enjoy the book itself! Blurb: Josephine, a BDSM slave married to her childhood sweetheart Andrew, asks him if she can find herself an ageplay Mommy. With a lovingly written profile, Josephine attracts Mara, who suggests the ageplay nickname Joey and wants to learn about ageplay along with her as Joey's Mommy. The story unfolds in Josephine/Joey's point of view as she learns more about herself as a Little as well as how to balance those two important, romantic relationships- a Master and a Mommy- and her other interests in life. Her big project is to redecorate a room into the most feminine guestroom that she can; all the while, Andrew enjoys his slave, anchoring her in their love and intense BDSM activity. Andrew and Mara keep Joey in the dark until Mara comes in through the front door for a visit. Then comes the real test of Joey's ability to balance two roles and two loves. Buy links: Amazon Blushing Books Barnes and Noble |
January 2025