And this book is off to 2 BRs- I still have space for a BR who's particularly interested in social justice work; would that be you? I hope to figure out editing (affording one that is) and moving on to ARCs as soon as possible.
I moved a little further in the early part of the book; this is still before Mearr decides on Vala for her new name. Ailee is helping Mearr take a bath. "You know, one of the reasons I started doing drugs in the first place was just to feel normal in my own body. But I found I couldn't feel normal without them." Mearr sat in a folding metal chair beside the bathtub while Ailee pulled back part of the curtain. She leaned over her right leg and began to loosen the laces and buckles of her combat boots. "I can't remember the last time I took these things off," she murmured thoughtfully, easing a boot off. "Hell, I can't even remember the last time I got to do more than wash up in a public bath." "Aw, would you accept my phone number? I'd rather you give me a ring than have you doing the public bathroom thing." Mearr smiled at Ailee. "Thanks, but--" "I don't expect anything in return, just like The Queen. Can't someone just be a good person and help?" After pulling off her right boot, Mearr set to work on the left. "Not too many people do that in my experience." "I'm sorry to hear that." The Queen chuckled and added, "I am a firm believer in a bubble bath every day." "Bubble bath?" She laughed. "I wouldn't picture you being into that. Little too soft." Ailee leaned close and whispered, "He loves spoiling his submissives and partners." Mearr peeled off her socks and stood. "Oh does that ever feel good." "That's how I feel about heels. I only wear them for shoots." Ailee checked on the temperature of the bath water. Mearr grabbed the bottom of her tank top and yanked it off. Sucking in a deep breath and with careful movements she undid the button on the top of her leather pants and pulled the zipper down. Hands on the waist of her jeans, she glanced at Ailee. "Shy?" "You'll be disgusted." Mearr stuck out her bottom lip. "No. Do you think I'll judge you because I'm a model and you aren't?" Ailee countered. "Maybe." "Never. I maintain this body with constant working out, more than I expect most would want to." Leaning close to Ailee to whisper, Mearr said, "I have a lot of scars." "It's okay. I'll still be dreaming on calling my domme and begging for the chance to enjoy cuddling with you, if you'll even allow that." "Why wouldn't I? You're beautiful!" Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other WipItUpWednesday hoppers...
Isn't it deep? Wait a minute- let all the sex jokes come into your head :D
but in case you haven't noticed, I in fact have two pages on this website that have "blog" pages. There's this one of my home page and then on "Visiting Authors." Whether I post on my main page for real (not just a "Hey look at my visiting author page" as I'm doing today) or not, I'll try to point you to when I post on "Visiting Authors." I don't have any notions of a regular schedule of visiting authors- I'm just trying to manage regular posting on either page, but my bipolar depression has been make life awful rough. So I wound up with a self-conscious post for MM, as in, in the post I talk about the fact that the writing is for MM :D . When I came to Weebly to create the post, I was amused to find that I wrote about Audrey and I last week. If/when I manage the challenge I make to Audrey, if will mean that I will need to share the link with all of you. Yes, I wanted to make my Audrey come and we both enjoyed ourselves. "Forget the picture. It's not working for you exactly," Audrey whispers. I sit on the bed and place my feet between her legs. "Does that mean I can't oil up your cock and slowly stroke it?" "Heh. If that's the way the picture inspires you, love, go for it. I'd love to feel your beautiful hand caressing me." She groans at my first slow caresses as I reach for the warming oil with my other hand. "How long since you've come, my love?" I lick my lips. "Long enough ago that you might encourage me to come, although I'm wondering what you plan to do with my cum." Her thigh tenses beneath my legs. "Are you still fertile, my dearest Audrey?" Her quiet, bass voice presses kisses of molten arousal to my skin as she answers, "No, sweet. This body is too old." "Not too old to give us both pleasure." I look to her gorgeous hazel eyes as I tip the opened oil bottle over her hardening cock. "It's moments like this that I particularly appreciate your intact cock, its foreskin adding so much pleasure when I touch you like this." "Yes." Her eyes slip closed as my hand starts moving up and down gently. "When you sit close like this, I swear I'm ready to come far faster than with my submissives." "Might it be that this isn't a time with a lot foreplay of any sort? While it might not work for Masturbation Monday, I want to challenge us as lovers to engage in foreplay of a lengthy time, some time, some time when we're both feeling our love and attraction so much that it becomes the opposite of needy hurt." I rub my thumb over the head of her cock, my palm against her foreskin that's fallen back slightly in her arousal. I move to my shins, my knees pressing against her balls. "Baby?" Her voice is moaned whisper. I lean over so I can press my breasts into a tunnel for her cock to move in. "I love feeling your skin slide over mine like this." When she thrusts up into me, I lean just enough farther to kiss the precious head of her cock. I press my knees just so against her balls, giving just that much sensation to the both of us. I notice a gleam of pre-cum and with the tip of my tongue, I collect her warmth. "My girl." She trembles at me releasing my breasts with one hand to wrap it around the base of her shaft. "Lover." I shift my attention to between my legs; her love and arousal have me close to orgasm as well, even with no touches to my clit, my cunt, my asshole. Or are those just words for BDSM? Her body's sudden rigidity draws my gaze back to her face, her lips open and her face tensed as the rest of her body. Balls tighten against my knees the moment before her warm cum shoots across the pale tops of my breasts, my chin, just into my mouth. "Love you, my Audrey." I release her cock and rise to kneeling between her legs. My hand skitters through her cum before traveling to my clit. "Love you so much." Fast with her cum, my fingers thrum against my clit and in a moment, I'm coming hard, gyrating over her. A gasp and I've fallen onto her, my stomach pressing against her still hard cock. Her cum, my cum, we slid against each other with our fast breaths from our pleasure. "Come here, little girl," Audrey murmurs as she draws me to rest my head on her breasts, my legs falling to either side of her torso. She licks her cum off my chin before penetrating my mouth with her tongue, her arms holding me tight in our love.
It took me a bit to decide what I wanted to share, but I figured getting my post set up was better than struggling to finish the figging scene I'm currently writing in "Out of the Night: Book One." Yes, I said a figging :D It's not until the end of the book though and I may say that you have to read the book to get it :D hehe I love being a tease!
So yes, this is a little bit further from what I shared last... week, I think. They're still settling into The Queen's Manhattan loft after he went to the coffee house to bring Mearr home. "The Queen and most of his boys aren't really typical men and the lofts have gotten a few women's touches." Ailee shed her boots and thick winter jacket before sitting on a large, comfortable-looking black sectional. "So, Mearr, how about I put you on the couch next to Ailee? I need to take care of some things while Tommy runs a bath for you." The Queen struggled with his combat boots and then tossed his own trench to the floor. "Uh... I..." Mearr sputtered, absolute terror entering her eyes upon seeing the massive, silk-covered bed in the far right corner of the room. The Queen laid his hand on her cheek. "Stop," he commanded. "There is no reason for fear. I am not going to take advantage of you." Mearr nodded her head though her fearful expression didn't change. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she clung to The Queen. She pressed her face against his neck. "Hon, he's not going to rape you," Ailee soothed. "Why don't you come sit with me?" "Okay. Shit, that bump on the head must have fucked me harder than I thought." Mearr released The Queen's neck and slipped to her feet. She shrugged her trench off and sank to the couch beside Ailee. Shivering, she huddled close to the corner. "Let me grab you a blanket," Dr. Karl offered. "I take it that this chaos is regular?" Mearr asked Ailee. Ailee leaned her head back against the couch. "His sub Simon tries to keep order, but yeah, it's regular. Well a regular under the ceremony The Queen loves and Simon's order. Somethings can be depended on like if The Queen is going to call a formal dinner, it'll be at six." As The Queen settled in to use his computer, Mearr studied the packed bookcase between the desk and the couch on which she and Ailee sat. Her gaze eagerly moved over a few intriguing titles: Anthem by Ayn Rand, The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future by Riane Eisler, Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. "Do you remember the last time you ate?" he asked offhandedly. She wrinkled her nose. "Uh... not really." Dr. Karl approached with a red afghan. "Maybe you can tell Tommy something small you'd like to eat?" The Queen snorted. "You were about to go dom on her and you know that doesn't help usually," Dr. Karl scolded. "I'm not hungry!" Mearr glared at The Queen. The Queen spun around in his chair. "You have starved yourself for far too long and you will not be allowed to continue that in my house. You will eat by your own will or will be forced to eat. Do you understand?" he questioned with tight lips and furrowed brow. "Ye... yes," she stammered, her eyes wide with fear and astonishment. "How about a smoothie?" Tommy asked. "Oh, okay, thanks," Mearr said and sank back into the couch. Her mood changed again, her fearful expression melted into a pensive frown. She watched Tommy cross the loft again. The center of the room contained a full kitchen with a stove, refrigerator, an island with cupboard space below its Formica counter top, and a freestanding basin; Ailee patted Mearr's knee before saying, "How ever long you stay, enjoy yourself. The Queen will fix anything you let him." "Can I get a break?" The Queen grinned at Ailee. "And it is not just about fixing, but empowering people to utilize agency we're all born with but oppression strips from us. And Mearr, you are a gorgeous woman." Powered by Linky Tools Click here to view the other hoppers this Linky Tools list... "Look at you, still tied up. Shaman forget about you?" Audrey grins at me. "You know He wouldn't do that," I protest. "Still it looks like I can enjoy you in a less-than-vanilla situation." Audrey drags her finger up from my cunt lips to just below my collar. "Oh and I notice he only tied one of your hands." She lifts her hand from my throat. "So are you being a good submissive and begging for your orgasms, since you know that makes him happy, even when he doesn't specifically say you have to beg?" "Uh." I suck her fingers into my mouth when her fingertips rest on my lips. "You can still answer me with your mind, dear heart. Let's not play this game." I think to Audrey, "I try to, when I think to, especially since He got out the beater stick." "If he didn't forget you, tell me why you're like this, baby?" Audrey pulls her fingers out of my mouth and kneels between my bound open legs. "He had a coughing fit and needed to get a drink." My lips part and a moan sits in my throat as her fingers slip shallowly into my cunt and asshole. "No need to let your hovering orgasm get too far away from you." Audrey moves her finger in a small circle in my cunt. "Squeeze my finger," she urges. "Yes," I hiss as I bear down on my love's precious fingers inside me. "Remember that you aren't coming until you're able to beg Shaman for permission," Audrey teases as she leads my unbound hand between my legs. My toes curl underneath the cuffs around my ankles when my fingers come in contact with my slightly sore clit. "Why must you be such a tease? We're supposed to be vanilla." "Because I'm enjoying myself and vanilla isn't quite as strictly defined anymore. I'm sure Shaman'll be back any moment now. And I can feel how ready you are to orgasm all over my fingers. To cover me with your Joelle juices." I bite my bottom lip. "Why is it sexy when you say it like that?" I think at Audrey. "Because I'm not laughing as I say it." Audrey turns her head toward the door. "And there he comes. Maybe I'll be back later when you're relaxing to slumber and we can enjoy some vanilla loving time then." I struggle to squeeze her fingers harder so she can't take them away from me, but she disappears just the same. "Please, Master," I beg as He picks up the suede flogger again. "In a bit," He promises. Isn't Audrey such a tease? Or maybe it's me that's the tease :D but anyway, if you click on the banner for Masturbation Monday or "picture," you can enjoy the other hot, greedy handed writers this week encouraging you to take you orgasm in your own hand :)
I had a thought about this hop- I'm glad it's not just about selling books; if it was, I'd be a huge failure because I always have several WIPs going so what I share can vary so much and "soon to be published" is an incredibly relative term in my life. But I saw Meredith mentioning the day of the week on Facebook and so I was reminded to sign up.
Now to tell you about what I'm sharing. My current focus is my Vala's Story serial/series and I've started at the beginning with "Out of the Night: Book One"- it's getting a serious rewrite. Some plot lines are being scraped, some added, some things just edited. It really doesn't make to give snippets from the very first pages of the story; things progress very quickly to the first problem. So I decided to skip to when The Queen is taking Mearr (that would be Vala's birth name) back to his loft in Manhattan. I don't think much of anything needs explanation; although in the rewrite I have started with characters' thoughts in italics. I can't make any promises, but at least for this sharing, it's all from one character's POV. --- "Where are we going?" Mearr asked as The Queen turned a corner and headed towards what looked like a small apartment building. "To my loft," The Queen replied as he continued down the street. As they drew close to the white door, a gorgeous man with his own jet black hair and smoky blue eyes leaned out the doorway. "My Queen?" "So good to see you at the door, Tommy. I ran away without thinking. At least there is not too much snow right now," The Queen said as he walked into building. "I'm not an invalid," Vala snarked. "Is that your way of saying you would like to walk up the stairs yourself?" The Queen laughed. "Tommy, what floor did you and Iona set up?" "Two, my Queen." He's into BDSM. "I can do a flight of stairs." The moment The Queen put her down, Mearr moved to a banister and started up the high stairs. "Ailee texted if she can stay here tonight rather than driving all the way home. Her plane just got in," Tommy said. "That is fine. Mearr might enjoy another woman to hang out with." I'm not that sick. I can do this. Mearr shivered and pulled her coat tighter around her. "Fuck!" "What's the matter?" Tommy asked. "Daniel cut my trench!" Mearr fumed. "I can buy you a new one," The Queen offered. "My Queen, money doesn't fix everything," Tommy joked. "I just want to help," The Queen protested. With a soft smile, he met Mearr's gaze when she looked over her shoulder at him. She paused and clung to the railing. "Help?" The Queen offered. "Well it seemed you were willing and able to carry me up these stairs. Still willing?" Mearr asked. "Of course." The Queen wrapped his arms around Mearr's waist, holding her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist. "There we are," he murmured as he started up the stairs again. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to view the other hoppers on this Linky Tools list... I'm having a UU-focused weekend as I write this... and focused on The Queen and Synn-weekend :D They're also the characters I'm "having a conversation with" for UU Lent. They liked my idea that they would be good for the theme of partnership. So my two men took a look at the picture Kayla found for us; The Queen enjoyed all the pretty rope and Synn said "Why not?" I did at one point in the writing pause to post on Facebook: #pmwriting You pause to remember you're write a short sex scene meant for a blog post, not something for a novel. So you shouldn't still be doing set up 398 words in. Yeah, I ended up with nearly 1K with this intro :D
--- "You want to play a little? Let me tie you up and blindfold you?" The Queen pressed his thumb against Synn's bottom lip. "When you look at me that way." Synn kissed The Queen's thumb. "Since it doesn't have to be about D/s, just you and I enjoying ourselves." "I hope you will enjoy it as much as me." The Queen wrapped his arms around Synn's waist and pulled him close for a hug and kiss. "Love you, so much." He kissed Synn again, his tongue plunging between the sweetly parting lips. Feels so good in my arms. Want to make you come again and again, my love. Synn took a backward step, pulling The Queen with him. "Come on. Make us feel good," he murmured against The Queen's lips. He moved his hips in small circles, rubbing their cocks against each other. "What do you have going on in this head of yours? Do I need a safeword?" "Nah. Not gonna make you beg to come. If something gets to be too much, just say," The Queen mumbled as he took up leading them to Synn's bed. He dragged his teeth over his bottom lip as he grabbed a coil of red nylon rope he'd brought, hoping. Each loop he made around Synn's right wrist felt like a stroke to his hardening cock. "Your bed is made for bondage." "Yes," Synn purred. He slipped onto his back on his bed. After resting his head on his pillow, he lifted his hands, pressing his fists down beside his pillow. "You make me think of romance books laying like that." The Queen secured the rope to an eye bolt in wood.. "And now the other hand. You look so good tied up." He moved around the bed, grabbing another coil of rope as he passed the nightstand. He licked his lips. "You're trying not to say things you would to one of your subs, huh?" Synn laughed. "When you look so good that way?" The Queen traced his index finger down the middle of Synn's chest. "Well we have never quite said there is a line between lover and submissive, you and I who interact intimately more often with those submissive to us." He tied the second coil of rope "Do you need me to be quiet or can you tied my ankles faster? Just guessing that's what you're planning?" "Shins, I think, so your legs are spread open and I can enjoy your cock. Just seeing how hard the preparations have made you." The Queen dragged his hand over Synn's cock, smearing pre-cum with his movement. He focused on the rope, the loops around Synn's shin. Pulling the leg so his knee pressed against his stomach; he groaned to see an eye bolt in the right place to tie off this rope. "Of course I know you might not even hear, so into tying me up you are," Synn commented. "Hm. Yes." The Queen finished off the knot against Synn's other shin and then lead the rope to the headboard. "And you are just as hard, my love." He opened the bottle of warming oil and let a short stream pour down on Synn's cock and balls. He reached with both hands to caress his lover. "I thought you planned to blindfold me?" Synn moaned with the pleasure of The Queen's attentive hands. "Maybe later." The Queen gazed into Synn's eyes as he wrapped one hand around Synn's cock. "Yes, yes!" Synn pushed against The Queen's hand, even if his bound legs prevented him from thrusting his hips. "Trying to come fast?" The Queen rubbed Synn's balls with his other palm. "I am sure you would never do that." Synn grunted his pleasure. "Just enjoying. That oil must be something special." "Just a few warming oil Tommy made. Like?" His gaze dropped to Synn's cock as his stroking sped up. "Love it. Nearly as much as I love you." The Queen used his thumb to rub oil over Synn's frenulum. His other hand slid down from Synn's balls. "Please, finger my ass," Synn whimpered. His head rocked back when The Queen's finger slid into his asshole. "Yes!" The Queen rubbed his finger against Synn's wall until he felt the prostate. He looked to Synn's shaking thighs and sighed. Releasing the cock for a moment, he poured more oil over his left hand before insinuating a second finger into Synn's asshole. "Yes, love!" Synn shot a stream of cum, the gorgeous whiteness landing on his lower stomach. "Good boy," The Queen murmured. He stroked just the head, his thumb pressing with intensity to draw out Synn's orgasm. He groaned with surprise as he came from Synn's passionate response, his cum mingling with Synn's. "This is why I wanted to see." Synn's asscheeks flexed as he clasped The Queen's fingers inside him. The Queen slipped his fingers out of Synn, pressing them against his thigh. He laid his head in the pool of their cum, his cheek pressed against Synn's softening cock. He kissed the nearer inner thigh. "I wanna fuck your ass now." "Yes," Synn sighed. "Just a moment, love, then yes, again and again until we're ready for a shower." |
January 2025