It's late on Tuesday; I figured since I'm not writing, I should get this post ready. There's this post and one more beyond waiting; I'm debating whether I want to grab some of a scene I teased Meredith with- or make her wait until I finish the book and publish it. I'm continuing to study ASL and consume books about Deaf culture so here's hoping after I finish a short story, I'll be ready for more "Two Houses" writing before we get to November and Nanowrimo, which I already have a plan for.
I jumped ahead to Teal spending the night the first time at Bea's house. -- Gentle shaking woke me. I opened my eyes to see Bea sitting next to me. She had pulled her hair into a wrap like Gareth's mom's silk bonnet; she smelled like extra bunches of roses. Must be her leave-in. "Go to bed with me," Bea signed. "Don't worry about blankets now," she said. I pushed aside the blankets and followed after her. Her master bedroom in the same place as mine, I paused when she reached in to turn on the overhead light. I rushed back to the living room and turned off all but one lamp. "Good girl," Bea signed when I returned to her bedroom. She pointed near her closet and I noticed her walker for the first time. Her voice a rasp, she voiced, "I need you to make a habit of bringing it into the room we're in." "Yes, Ma'am," I signed. "Get undressed and join me in bed," she signed. Linen socks and slacks pushed to the ground, I paused and met her gaze. "Get undressed," she repeated with slightly more forceful movements. I rushed to pull my shirt off, to slide my lingerie off. "Come here," she signed. I kicked my clothes into a pile beside the wall and walked to her on trembling legs. Gasping, I leaned gently into her embrace for a long moment before we tumbled down to her bed together. "I want..." Her voiced words trailed off. She grasped my hip and rolled me onto my stomach. Her finger moved down my jaw, encouraging me to look at her beautiful face. "Five spanks," she signed, her eyebrows moving up as if to ask if I figured out her second sign. Lifting my right hand and upper body off the bed, I signed, "Yes, Ma'am." I relaxed back flat to her bed, my face pressing into one of the black cased pillows at the head of her bed. She cupped my right butt cheek. Her fingers pressed deep into my skin, into the muscle as if claiming me. I tried to register the force of her slaps, but they came too fast for my mind to label them anything but "oh ow that feels good and too much and ow." I shuddered against the bed. I turned my head to look at her. "Good girl," she signed. She turned off the overhead light and slid into bed before pulling the comforter over us. Releasing my held breath, I snuggled against her. She sets how much. At least when she's not feeling well. I hoped for her to hold me. My still tingling butt pressed against her mound felt so very good. I kissed her finger when she pressed it against my lips. I pressed back against her when she wrapped her arm around my chest, the underside of her forearm pressing against my breasts. She kissed the nape of my neck as she stroked my chest. Feeling such peace, I quickly fell back asleep. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers
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Yum, love the picture Kayla provided this week; while I first pictured it as the end, now I'm pondering where it could have been- like maybe the off-screen beginning?
So now for the meta-scene consideration: are my characters (3 of 4 of them UUs like me) thinking about the 7th Principe as they fuck or am I encouraging them to fuck in a way that illuminates the Principle- ("the interconnected web of all existence of which we are a part.") No, I will not go into 1st Person, no matter how much I want to; Vala has the action. And I realize that the action may not flow well from one section to the next- I plan to eventually collect the series this is part of into a small ebook that will be available eventually. --- Vala groaned at Iona's small hands clasping her thighs before the loving mouth moved over the spots that made her want to come the fastest. The hisses that would have been shouts of "Yes!" if The Queen's cock didn't so beautifully fill her mouth broke the air. His thighs moved in her grasp. Bird song rang out from the large bird house Simon had just installed. One moment and Vala felt the grass poking through the blanket before The Queen and Iona drew her back into pleasure given and pleasure received. She let one hand slide from his thigh to his balls. As he moaned hoarsely, she saw his mouth pressed to Greta's naked lips. She came again, her mouth and thighs pulling in more sensation. The rain picked up in intensity, while it didn't dissuade Vala in her goals. Her hair tugged on her scalp as his balls tightened up in her grasp. "Queen, yes!" Greta cried out and Iona's moans filled her kissing, sucking mouth. Iona slipped a finger into Vala's cunt. Vala let go of The Queen's balls to grasp his ass. She stretched her tongue to touch the root of his cock even as she sucked on him. His cum rushed into her mouth, battered the back of her throat. The Queen rolled away from Vala onto the grass. Remnants of his cum fled under the rain's caress. Vala shuddered as a second finger pushed her into a strong orgasm. she whimpered as Iona and Greta pulling her toward The Queen, her release mutating into a sensation through her body. "Did you come, my love?" Iona asked. Vala held her breath, expecting Iona's question wasn't for her. "Yes, thanks, my Lady," Greta murmured. She laughed. "I'm sure Vala enjoyed swallowing your cum, my Queen." "Of course." The Queen pulled Vala against him, her head onto his chest. Chewing her bottom lip at the momentary cold of his nipple jewelry, Vala then relaxed against him. "No thunder still. This feels nice." "Yes, it does, my Queen." Greta kissed The Queen's cheek. "We'll get all wet," Iona joked. "We're already all wet," Vala laughed. "Did Simon say it was okay to swim in the pond again?" The Queen asked. "I don't know, my Queen. Why don't we get dry and cuddle?" Vala begged. "I'll leave you two to The Queen's pleasure," Iona said before kissing The Queen and Vala. "Come along, Greta. I think we especially need lunch after that interaction."
I was so glad for these waiting snippets. On Monday, I had a former friend blame me for her marriage problems. Lots of anger, lots of hurt. Today has largely been spent reading (I have over 300 pages of Deaf culture reading to do hopefully before Thursday, in case books from the library won't renew.) I have a specifically about the Black and Deaf experience in the US; I did some pondering in a vlog about Bea's identity around her hearing. 2 more snippets planned for after this one- I'm hoping I've managed to write more before then, although I still have one project waiting and then there's Nanowrimo coming up in November.
I skipped to a morning, Friday morning, I think. Teal's at her... home with Gareth. -- Bringing my coffee mug to my lips with my left hand, I worked my phone with the right. Gotta work on using both hands anyway. I typed, "Ma'am, just texting to find out how packing your apartment is going as you ordered. Would you like any help?" I sent the text and resumed drinking my coffee. I studied the top newspaper on the pile waiting for Gareth to get home. I wiggled my fingers for a moment before I started fingerspelling the headlines. Suddenly my phone danced across the table with its vibration. I unlocked the screen to see that both Gareth and Bea had texted. Gareth's text read, "Morning, little love. It seems so many days until I'll be home with you again. I want you to go buy yourself a stuffed animal, a pink sleep set, and of course what you need for your BBQ idea. While Bea being over might prevent you from doing a "welcome home" ritual, I'd like you to be thinking on something you might enjoy doing for me. Either as my submissive or my Little, as I've been learning reading about Daddy/little girl play in evening reading." "Oo," I murmured, squirming against the chair. Bea's text read, "Friends you'll meet at the Deaf dinner tonight came over and helped. I'm surprised you didn't notice us in the first drop of stuff last night. So glad the bank agreed I could start moving in before the official signing later today. I need to buy a cooler to move my food. If the dizziness stays away, I might try to move this last little bit myself." I swallowed. Can't let myself worrying too much if she's overdoing it- that could easily become diminishing of her abilities. "That's good to read, Ma'am. I'm excited to see you tonight." Powered by Linky Tools Click here to visit the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers! So I was torn between enjoying Elliott's picture or continuing Vala and Greta. Well my ladies won out. I left 'em outside next to Simon's homemade pond. Naked. Because when the nearest neighbor is at least half a mile away. But then life happened and I didn't manage to finish nor post the little I had done before Kayla got a new inspiration picture up for us; it certainly didn't lead me away from this brewing scene, which had only 143 words when I got it typed up so I could continue writing for 9/18th's Masturbation Monday. Hm, not sure where this is going, but I came to a spot again that seemed right to stop for now :D .
---- "Why should we take turns in our receptive pleasures?" Vala grinned. "If we are an interconnected web, shouldn't we 69?" Greta snorted. Vala crawled away from Greta only to plop onto her butt beside Greta's hip. She leaned over to kiss the beautiful olive-colored thigh. Grasping the far hip, she pulled Greta onto her side. Whimpering as Vala's mouth captured her labia, Greta slid her hand down Vala's hip as she completed the connection. "Mm..." Vala thrust her tongue into Greta's cunt, stopping the attempt at words. The warmth of the sun and Greta's touch caressed her skin. She kissed and licked the soft, hairless beauty in front of her. Without her lips entirely leaving Greta's skin, she lifted her voice to say, "Let's not hurry our pleasures, nor do I expect you to beg." She enjoyed Greta's smile pressed against her mound. She relaxed into the moments of giving and receiving. Stretching her legs, she felt someone join them on the blanket. "Will it mess up your 69-ing if I join?" Iona asked from above the women. "We could make a daisy chain," The Queen suggested as he knelt beside Vala's head. "Even if porn calls for all women." With a groan, Vala lifted her head from Greta to look at The Queen."Uh, my Queen?" "Do you mind, little love?" He traced his index finger down the bridge of her nose. She blinked her eyes as she processed his words, the request of his tone of voice. She met his searching kiss. Her hands left the ground to bury in his hair, cupping the back of his head. Crawling awkwardly, she moved forward off Greta. Heart beat and breathing quickened as her face slipped down his body to his hard cock. "My presence does not change this to a begging time," The Queen decreed before his body in a way that Vala suspected he'd connected with either Greta or Iona. His moans trickled down to Vala. Swallowing with his cock pushing farther into her mouth, Vala basked in the increased sensation of soft lips once again finding her clit. She grasped his ass with one hand as her other hand pressed against her thigh. Bursting with sensation, she trembled between him and whoever it was fucking her cunt with their tongue. She sucked in whatever pre-cum he was already giving her. Iona's small hand clasped her hip, encouraging her shuddering. A sudden, warm rain started to fall. Vala angled her face to keep sucking The Queen without rain falling into her nose. She wiggled her tongue against the underside of his cock.
I think it's almost time for bed- my eyes just started to do a weird crossing thing :D But I managed to clip a few snippets from "Two Houses" so I'm less likely to miss #WipItUpWednesday :). I'm still in a lot of reading about Deaf culture; of course I've had some cross-thoughts about Vala's Story, where I have two characters dealing with hearing loss. But in "Two Houses," Bea and Teal have been cuddling on Teal's living room couch and Bea fell asleep. Here's Teal needing to wake Bea...
If she's starting to lose her hearing, does she hear better from one side? I haven't noticed yet. I tapped Bea's forearm. "Hm?" she murmured. "Two," I signed against her arm. She hugged me and then signed, "Thank you." Still holding me, she moved us to sitting up on my couch. "Good girl." Her voice slightly shaky, she said, "Feeling better. Help me and my stuff to my car?" "Yes, Ma'am," I signed. "We need a wheelchair ramp too huh?" She nodded. Maybe she can handle a little more speaking? I just don't know. I went to the guest room to see that she had already gathered up all her things. I wandered to the shower to see her hair bonnet hanging up. From behind, she said, "I have extras. Mind me leaving one?" I turned to sign, "No, Ma'am." My gaze dropping to her adorable feet, I noticed she'd put on her black loafers. Not going to get teary and say I don't want her to leave. "Your copy in your bag, Ma'am?" Snorting, Bea nodded. I followed after Bea into the living room. I stopped when she did and gasped when she wrapped her arms around my waist. She pressed soft kisses across my cheeks, on my nose, finally on my lips. "Good girl," she murmured against my cheek. She's guessing I'm not out to the neighbors. But my flag? We'll have to negotiate. I locked my knees for a moment when she released me. While she grabbed her messenger bag, I grabbed her wheelchair and headed out the side door. After the unlocking beeps, I opened the trunk of her small car and stowed the folded wheelchair in it. I slammed the trunk closed before moving to the driver's side door to see her already in the seat. "Behave," she signed. I nodded. She started her car and I stepped back onto the grass. I waved as Bea eased her car out of our driveway. Hurrying in, I grabbed my cellphone and opened my conversation with Gareth. I texted, "Sir, Bea got the home! Her closing will be on Friday. May I please call a handyman and see about quotes on a wheelchair ramp for our house?" I placed my phone of his table before moving to turn on the ASL DVD. I stretched my hands in front of me and then over my head before rolling my fists in circles. I fingerspelled, "Bea." The menu having shown up, I picked my lesson. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers I sat down to write this, uninspired by this week's picture, having forgotten the #MasturbationMonday week number, and underwhelmed by the interim minister at the church I formerly was a member of. Wearing a Doors shirt with Jim writhing on the stage, Cheshire Cat *knee* socks [really *thigh* on me], a ruffly skirt, and my black bat chewy necklace, I was ready to see how the interim minister dealt with me; in case you don't know what said job title means, I'll tell you what I did my Master :D "Her job is to fuck things up for a year so they'll be ready for a new settled minister wants to change something." Enough intro. I realized I hadn't started the 7th principle in the #UUsHaveSex series. Let's let Vala teach Greta [and us] what the principle is. --- "I think I saw you once when I snuck into the BDSM club." Vala smirked at Greta. "Were you a naughty girl?" Greta teased. "Always." Vala clasped Greta's hand. "Let's drag the blanket over by the pond!" She sniffed the heavy fabric as she lifted it. "Oh, it still smells like The Queen." "You are so wrong!" Greta laughed. "Let me smell." "And you aren't wrong?" Vala passed the blanket to Greta and ran ahead to the pond's edge. She dipped her naked toes into the water. "I'm so happy for this warm spring day." Turning to watch Greta, she licked her lips as the beautiful woman sat on the spread blanket. "I'm also glad Iona let me borrow you." Snorting, Greta lay back. "Like my Lady would say no to you unless it was orgasm denial or edging." "Would you?" She dropped to the blanket next to Greta and yanked off her sundress. "Never." Greta traced her fingers over Vala's bottom lip. "At least not when you've given me permission to drop your title." Groaning, she let her finger dip into Vala's sucking mouth. "Might I?" Vala settled between Greta's legs, ass pressed to freshly shaved cunt. She rested her head in the crook of her loaned girl's shoulder. A humming bird hovered over one of the pond's lotuses; Vala's gaze moved over it as it seemed to look back at her. Greta placed her wetted finger between Vala's legs. "Might I ask the last time you came?" She brushed her lips against Vala's ear. "You just wanna know how hard you'll have to work," Vala challenged. "Nope." She stroked Vala's labia with index and ring fingers before parting them. "It wasn't a begged for orgasm," Vala mocked. "Uh huh." Greta let her finger slip into Vala's cunt. "What if I just wanted to feel pleasure without orgasm as a goal? Maybe I don't feel worthy of an orgasm outside, if we're going to respect the whole interconnected web of life." "I believe The Queen would figure out a punishment you don't like for the first part of your statement." "Before the sun goes behind those clouds, why don't you change my mind of my worth?" "Yeah. I'll do that." I swear there'll be more. I've just ran out of emotional stamina to write tonight. Stupid St. John's Wort. Time for bed. For now, you can enjoy this vlog (not sexy, but it includes St. John's Wort babble and writer type stuff about word count. I repeat! Not sexy, so enjoy as a come down after the smoking hotness of the other #MasturbationMonday hoppers :D ) |
January 2025