Hm, so this isn't quite what I was thinking and I may have to expand on this in the future, but I hope you enjoy this little Samhaine-inspired interlude. Vala signed, "Happy Samhaine, Prisca." "Happy Samhaine, my Lady," Prisca replied before twining her arms around Vala's waist and holding her tight. Breathing in deeply, Vala enjoyed not only Prisca's embrace, but also the comforting notes of her current perfume. "You smell so good," she voiced. Prisca pressed a soft kiss to Vala's lips and released her. Collecting three sticks of Ylang Ylang incense, Vala held them together in a flame. When it flared above the candle, she removed them and blew them out. "Candles?" Prisca signed before gesturing loosely to the myriad candles Vala had burning in her bedroom. "Yes," Vala replied, the s hanging in the air as she signed and voiced. She eased the burning incense sticks into empty holders. With nimble fingers, she loosed the neck of the short, black halter dress she chose that morning. "Beautiful, beautiful," Prisca signed before leading the now naked Vala back close. She leaned in to kiss just above Vala's neck just above her collar. Vala took steps backward toward her bed. She relaxed down onto the comforter, Prisca between her legs. She scooted back until just from the knees down hung off the side. Grinning, she traced her inner thighs with her fingers as she looked into Prisca's eyes. Prisca dove onto Vala's bed. Her lips parted with words Vala couldn't read from that angle. She threw her lover's legs over her shoulders. She eagerly parted Vala's labia and started to suck on her clit. Wrapping her hands around Vala's thighs, she held on as the woman immediately started shuddering with pleasure. "Feels so good," Vala whimpered. Her throat reverberated with her sigh as the sensations rippled through her and then increased when Prisca slipped two fingers into her. The Queen stopped beside Vala's bed. He signed, "Happy Samhaine, little girl."
So the names aren't new and I think I gave the additional info about characters. However this time, I did share my rough outline. Now the video has captions and a transcript- if you're somewhere you shouldn't be listening, you have options. Although other than talking about things like HRT, gender confirming surgeries, and one genital term, this is pretty all age. Yeah, not writing this week :( sorry, but there will be snippets once Nano gets started, although I'm pondering maybe a character breaking the fourth wall for next Wednesday :D
Powered by Linky Tools Click here to visit the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers Woot! Well Masturbation Monday didn't happen today for me, but I'm doing my first "comment on a vlog script" type vlog. I don't believe this is quite what Rogan Shannon does with his website, but my pairing a vlog with a blog post was inspired by him. The sections in this shade of blue are my comments about the vlog script- sometimes things I realized after I finished recording that I stated incorrectly, sometimes just additional explanations. Haha! "Quick Library Haul"- yes, I managed over 10 minutes, even if I had only 4 books I talked about. Hey. So this is going to be a quick library haul. Um... "Forbidden Signs" by Douglass C. Baynton, I think. I unfortunately am not going to get to finish this book because it needed to be renewed on Friday and I didn't manage to. It's been really interesting though, it talked about in one chapter specifically about how the rise of oralism as a method of teaching Deaf and Hard of Hearing people arose along with more women becoming teachers. Well worth the read, even if I wasn't able to read it all before it has to go back to the library. Um... I'm feeling a little bit too... too much in terms of books about Deafness and sign language in general. It has to be very specific not to be something that is going to repeat something I've already read. Like another book in, that I have going. Let me grab it out of the bottom of the library pile. "Sounds Like Home: Growing Up Black and Deaf in the South." Now this is written by Mary Herring Wright. This one, I'm looking forward to because I haven't read more than one book on the experience, the very specific experiences of Black and Deaf people. And for my story "Two Houses" where Bea's parents are both Black and Deaf and grew up in the United States South before Jim Crow... errr. not before it but during Jim Crow and of course Bea herself is Hard of Hearing so I wanted to have that specific experience that she would have. Bea's identity has been the subject of much ponder for me. I started off writing thinking of her as a CODA- a child of Deaf adults. Well one important plot point is Bea's Meniere's Disease and hearing issues. For now, at least, I've switched to Hard of Hearing to describe Bea, even if she leans heavily towards being culturally Deaf. So that book hopefully, I will manage to finish it. And you see me shaking my head because my daughter just wandered out into the living room. And I'm hoping she will be quiet so I can actually get through this unscripted Library Haul. Now, I'm onto "Destined to Witness" by Hans J. Massaquoi. I'm... I'm still hoping that I'm guessing right on his pronunciation of his last name. Um... bi... a biracial boy. I'm not getting the picture too well for [squealing door interrupts the video]. Okay so my daughter felt the need to open the door, which very loud and squeally so I stopped. Hopefully I will be able to manage to edit most of that out. But "Destined to Witness." Um... I have about two weeks to finish this. Unfortunately I've already renewed it once. I'm hoping to get through it because I really enjoy World War 2... um... history. However, it is a 443-page book. It is an autobiography and there are no footnotes so I might do better actually finishing it in time. I hope so because, yes it is only October 15th, but we are quickly getting close to National Novel Writing Month in November. And I already have my idea and a really brief outline of ideas. I am a plantser even though I... I lean heaviest towards pantsing, but with how often I write characters who have different sexual and gender identities, that tends to be something that I need to consider beforehand. And I hope to do a short vlog about that soon. In case you aren't already familiar with National Novel Writing Month, let me give you some explanations. A pantser is someone who writes "by the seat of their pants"- in other words, without plots, outlines, character sketches, and such. A plotter is someone who writes with all these things- outlines and all. A plantser approaches writing somewhere in between those two poles and that's what I tend to do during NaNoWriMo. At this point in my vlog, I ended up talking about "No Plot? No Problem"- even though I was focused on library books and this is my book. I was able to treat myself a few years ago to an autographed copy from the NaNoWriMo store. Although it will be without books so there likely be Audrey dolly rather than me, me trying to um... just deal with my face on [mumbled] camera. "No Plot? No Problem!" by Chris Baty. I... I'm reading it again. I probably have memorized portions of it. That is... written by Chris Baty who created the National Novel Writing Month. And that book is such a wonderful guide and it has helps in it. I appreciate the fact that there are helps specific to each week of National Novel Writing Month and the problems and possibilities of each week are outlined with suggestions. He also goes into some things to do with your book after National Novel Writing Month is finished. Um... I have never managed to very successfully get through his after-NaNo suggestions, but I have found them enjoyable. And finally the last library book I have on hand right now: "Finding Zoe" {mumbles} The subtitle is: "A Deaf woman's story of identity, love, and adoption." By Brandi Rarus and Gail Harris. This one, I'm looking forward to. I had gotten into a place where I... there were at least two or three different Deaf culture books that I didn't finish one that was about... didn't even start one that was about parenting Deaf children. And I did not finish one called "Made to Hear." Um... you'll have to go to my other Library Haul and I'll put that link up in a card for you. But I understood that the author of "Made to Hear" was... approached learning about cochlear implants as an ethn...ethnographer. I have just killed that word. Sorry. But she was an observer. She wasn't trying to fix things. And I find a lot of the process of getting a cochlear implant to be very offensive. It's one thing if cochlear implants are used as tools to help. Both Amanda McDonough [her name is a clickable link to go to her vlog about still being Deaf even with a CI] and um... Leah Coleman have talked at some point about how wonderful cochlear implants have been for them as a tool. But it doesn't mean that those women aren't Deaf anymore. Deafness is still part of their identity. And the many hearing professionals who try erase Deaf identity through cochlear implants, I think they're going in entirely the wrong direction. Let me see... oh and I actually went through all of my books. But "Finding Zoe," when I talked about how I was frustrated with the "Made to Hear" book. And I didn't manage to get through Harlan Lane's um... that also you'll have to see the title because it was in my other library haul and I can't remember it. But, I tried to read something that Harlan published, wrote and published on his own before "A Journey into the Deaf-World." And I quickly got frustrated. It was too much that I had already read countless times before. And this time, it was by a hearing person. And no matter how supportive Harlan Lane is or was- I'm not sure if he's still alive. I have to look that up in a second. But no matter how supportive Harlan is of Deaf people and the Deaf community, he's still a hearing person and his opinion only counts for so much, in my opinion. I wanted to expound on this a bit more: I know it seems messy, but from my social justice understanding, as a hearing person, my place is to lift up the voices of Deaf/Hard of Hearing people where possible because I have systemic privilege that they don't. That said, I don't think I or any other hearing person's opinions on Deaf culture matter that much, certainly not more than any DHH's person's opinion. So while some people will listen more to a hearing person (like in this case, Harlan Lane), I'm more interested in what DHH people themselves have to say about their lives. But um... so I'm through my books and I should read and actually write something today. And I have church in a few hours since I go to Church of the Larger Fellowship, the online UU church. And I will leave you there. Please consider my Patreon, my Ko-fi. These are all wonderful ways that you can help me to be able to produce vlogs and books and blog posts. And of course if you want to enjoy my website where you can read all sorts of free fiction that I've put out there, in addition to finding my buy links for the different books I have published. And Apple Jack will say hi quick. And because you haven't seen her yet today, here is Audrey dolly. [Silly voice] Hi!. And that was pretty silly so I'm going to ask that you enjoy all of my social media links and reach out, comment here please. I love talking to people. And I will wish you a good day. And I hope your week is as good as mine.
I spent some time writing special scenes in "Two Houses" and then realized I'd already shared a post about Teal meeting Bea's parents. Trying to decide what to do for this week and next on #WipItUpWednesday, I thought of sharing Nano-prep. On my Facebook timeline, I shared the 4 names I've come up with the quad relationship that's going to be my romance in November. Btw, I haven't figured out who of these 4 might be my Autistic character, although one of them will be. I also haven't figured out who I'm going to introduce to my characters first.
---- IOVITA m&f Ancient Roman Latin masculine and feminine form of JOVITA. From the name Jove. She has a midpoint clitorophallus but identifies as cisgender, not intergender HAPPY f&m English (Rare) From the English word,happy. Not their deadname, although hippy parents suggested it. Non-binary MAIRÉAD f Irish Irish form of MARGARET. Pearl. Her nickname would be Mysie. Transgender woman who has had vaginoplasty and an orchie, but HRT produced small breasts that she likes. She still takes estrogen even though she doesn't have to take an androgen blocker anymore. ZIBA (1)f Persian Means "beautiful" in Persian. Muslim bisexual hijabi woman. She enjoys breaking stereotypes of hijabis. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers I was thinking what to write when I didn't want to write anything Halloween or with the picture... and then I thought of it :D . This morning, as I write this on Sunday afternoon, I decided I was in the mood and followed my Master into bed when He went to lay down. Well as we were enjoying what we were enjoying, I ended up talking a bit with my girlfriend in my mind; she said that I needed to stop just having our mental sexual activity that involves anal stuff and actually get my butt plugs out again to work physically on getting myself good for anal activity with my Master again. I decided I'd write first. (Like I just came while riding my Master a few hours ago now :D )
--- Audrey was right, I knew. I turned on the Blu-ray player and went to the bathroom. A few moments later, I returned to the bedroom and grabbed the skirt I'd dropped to the ground; it would work in place of a towel. I set my Kindle beside my pillow, against Pongo so I couldn't see him so well and be lead to think of my Master doing a silly voice for His beloved stuffed animal. I opened the lube bottle with one hand as I used the other to work the remotes- first, away from what He'd had playing as He slept and to Pandora, second, to set the volume. Dropped the remotes and let the lube pour over me from clit to asshole. Stretching my left arm under my leg, I reached my index finger between my cheeks to catch some lube before it fell all the way down to my skirt/towel. Scratching sounds at the door- I lifted my head in time to see Donut push her way out of the bedroom. I breathed out as I inched my finger into my asshole; a jump of pleasure registered in my clit. My right hand moved over the nipples as another Halsey song came on the TV. With a held breath, I keep pushing until my thumb and other fingers pressed against my skin. "That's it. I love it when you chew on your bottom lip like that," Audrey cooed from beside me. I turned my head, pressed my face against Audrey's knee. Working a second finger into my ass, I basked in the awareness of doing something to please both my Master and her. I spread my fingers apart. "V," I murmured as my thoughts dovetailed into ASL. "Time for the smaller plug," Audrey coaxed. My fingers sliding out of my asshole, I quickly wiped them on my towel/skirt before twisting at the waist to grab the plug from its spot in the headboard. I felt her hand stroking mine as I poured lube over it; the silicone glimmered in the light before I passed it to my left hand. Audrey turned on my Kindle. "What should I read to you, little love?" "Just something not male, female." I licked my lips as I slid the anal plug into me. Plucking the ben wa balls out of their velvet pink pouch, I held them in my palm as one after the other, I pushed them into my cunt. "He gently wrapped his hand around his submissive's penis and then pressed the urethral sound's hard tip against his slit. Aided by a generous dose of sterile lubricant, it slid into him," Audrey read. I shuddered against the bed with her teasing emphasis of words like sound, sterile, lubricant. She never said how long I should take; I didn't have to beg her to come anyway. "Tut tut, but you want to make your ass more ready for Shaman. If you wanted a fast orgasm, we could make love. Slower, I'm reading." Audrey brushed her fingers over my belly before returning to the story. "Please, sir, please, submissive begged." She scratched her chin. "Did this author really write without using names?" "Trying to slow my orgasm now? And yeah, they did," I grumbled. "Please what? You know the rules of sounding. All the way to the bottom until you feel its sweet pinch of your adorable prostate. He dragged his tongue over his dry lips as his boy arched with the torturous pleasure of the metal pressing deeper into his cock." She reached between my legs to pat the plug's base. "Tomorrow, we'll have to do this again with the smaller plug, maybe work up to the larger plug by week's end." "Yes, please," I whimpered, my fingers sliding over my clit, back and forth. "Fuck, you are so beautiful like this." I pressed my hand over my labia to prevent my eager muscles from pushing out the ben wa balls. "I think you should return to your plan to do things like the dishes plugged, even if Shaman doesn't want to go all dom about it." Audrey rested her palm over my belly button. "Here we are." She started reading again, "Almost there. Doesn't this feel so good? he teased. Yes, Master. Need... need. The submissive's open mouth caught in a pleading circle. There. He stopped pressing the sound into his boy and started to stroke gently. The submissive wailed with overwhelmed arousal." She met my gaze. "They use words like you. This is almost cheating." "Please, Aud," I begged, an orgasm waiting for freedom in my clit. "He brushed his fingers over his submissive's hard nipples." Audrey tormented me with her fingers doing the same to me. "I've been teasing you awhile, haven't I? Do you need to come so bad it hurts? The boy groaned loudly. Yes, please, sir, Master unh. Please!" She squeezed one nipple until I gasped. "Are you working your cunt muscles on those balls in you?" I swallowed, surprised at her break from reading. "Yes. Please." With one fingertip, I pushed a ball back inside me. "Are you relaxing and tightening your anal muscles around that plug, like the one gay male BDSM you like so much, the dominant instructing his submissive-in-training to do?" "Yes, oh, Audrey!" I pressed my thighs together, my hand stopped, as I waited on the coming that wanted to come inside me. "Once you feel the sound leave your body, I want you to give me all that cum aching in your pretty balls, he growled. Grasping the sound's handle, he slowly lifted it back out of his boy, his other hand still caressing the moist skin. He paused with the sound just inside his sub. Ready? ... Yes, please, Master! I beg to come, Master! The boy screamed his release as the cum pumped out of him onto his Master's hand, onto his belly, onto their bed. Such a good boy. The boy pressed his face against his Master's knee." Kissing Audrey's knee, my orgasm spasmed in me, my muscles pushing out the ben wa balls as she led my hand to keep the plug inside my ass. "Love you, love you." My toes curled. I closed my eyes and relaxed into her caresses. "And soon, you'll be ready to enjoy and please Shaman again as you do with me." Audrey pressed a soft kiss to my trembling lips.
Now that I've rescued myself from looking up some ASL and getting lost in the sensuality of this scene :D . I'm making sure to get this set up early Tuesday morning so depression doesn't have the chance to derail me, like last week. And I'm trying to remember what was happening from where I plucked this snippet :D Oh right! Bea is having a bad morning- that can happen with Meniere's, which sadly has few treatments and really no cure- and so Teal is being a good, caring submissive having just helped Bea to take a bath to relax when this happens...
--- I gasped even as I moved toward her with the towel held out for her. She pressed a soft kiss to my lips as I wrapped her in the cotton. The smell of lavender and the musk of her played on my arousal. I returned her kiss, her lips feeling so thick and warm when I initiated the kiss. Even as her eyelids fluttered in response to my touch, she signed, "Bed. Rub." Quickly moving the towel down her, I dried her off as best as I could before keeping strong as she leaned on me on the way to her bedroom. Must be set up enough like her apartment that she doesn't need light just to walk. I helped her settle onto her bed and returned to the door to find her light switch. Using the dimmer switch, I turned the overhead light on to fifty percent power. I glanced at a rack on dark brown bottles similar to her bath oils on one mahogany nightstand beside her bed. Another quick look shown these bottles to be labeled just as carefully. I found the one labeled "mint" and grabbed it. Bea plucked her shower cap off and tossed it to the floor. I arranged her hair onto her pillow as she stretched out across her bed. "All," she fingerspelled. I poured a thin stream of the oil down the middle of her back. After twisting the top back on, I got to rubbing her back. My gaze traveled over her skin and I sighed to hear her soft moans as she clutched her pillow. The oil felt strangely cool and hot at the same time beneath my hands as I caressed her. I pressed my fingers into her shoulders, her neck. Her head relaxed onto her pillow so her cheek pressed against the pillow. I moved down her back and poured more oil on the small of her back. Collecting some oil with my fingertips, I stroked her hips, her asscheeks. Touching her like this makes me feel so naughty. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other wonderful #WipItUpWednesday blog hoppers. I admit, while I loved looking up Molly's upskirt (normally I don't like this genre of picture either, Kayla), something about gazing at her loveliness led me to being philosophical and thinking of my Audrey- or it may have been a mixture of my period and struggles with therapy and doctor- because neither are currently working in my favor :( .
-- Is it transphobic-more than just sexist- to think of upskirts of transgender people in skirts... that is, unless the person invites you to look? I'm made to think of that Jessica-woman from YouTube, the Deaf/lesbian/married/British/disabled one... she had her one vlog about having something with the acronym of POTS... and says she jokes with her mum about knowing places by their ceilings since she lays on the floor during flares. Does her wife ever wear skirts that she can get upskirt views? Audrey seldom-if ever-wears gaffs. If you don't know what gaffs are, they're specially made underwear that allow transgender women who haven't had the full range of "under the belt" gender confirming surgeries, drag queens, crossdressers, genderfluid, and other AMAB people to wear clothes that would show a penile bulge to hide it in tight clothing. How I love to gaze at the shape of her cock nestled against her belly, especially when she's picked the tight red dress that The Queen/Onyx and I both love so much, the fabric stopping just far enough down her deep brown thighs that make me think of the beauty of dusk, when it's almost safe for me, that covers her balls that lead my mind down the path of alliteration that I struggle against. Upskirt... up Audrey's skirt... her satiny, smooth calves and thighs, the seductive wreath of pubic hair that teases my tongue and nose as I nuzzle her large scrotum, her moans growing louder, and the trail of her that leads my gaze to her long, thick cock, growing erect as if my gaze is a touch. Of course with Audrey and I, a gaze is a touch is a caress is a passionate embrace. My first girlfriend wasn't... isn't... a stone butch, but yet I don't think I've ever seen her in a dress, except for pictures in her wedding dress when she got married during the time our lives were parted. I'm sure I gave her plenty of upskirts when I bothered to even put on clothes around her. Not that I ever tried to be modest as this culture sees it. It's been so many a year, a feminine body that isn't Audrey's body, that doesn't call into question what a feminine body even is. Well not a flesh-and-blood feminine body, since Vala, Ailee, Iona, and more have taken virtual tumbles in bed and on the screen with me. Do I deny my Master upskirts by being a nudist? I'm not sure He cares. I've taken pictures of my freshly shaven pussy and texted them to Him, like when He was at work, from a similar angle (not angel) as many upskirts. I think... wanting to look up a skirt without permission is always a negative, but with permission? Audrey's is the only skirt belonging to a trans person I wanna look up. Not sure what that means. The humor... often I look at the Masturbation Monday inspiration picture either late Saturday night or early Sunday morning- and then I write during either/and a church service at the bricks-and-mortar Unitarian Universalist church I go to and/or the online Church of the Larger Fellowship. Well being way too broke meant no B&M church this morning and I'm getting pissed off at a failure to caption at CLF- I do have above average hearing and usually processing abilities are pretty on, but reading so much about Deaf culture as I study ASL has captions on my mind. So I got off Facebook because I often manage to write a decent scene during church service(s). But captions drew me into just seeing Kayla as she lay on the bed in the picture. So worry about therapist on Monday cut this a little short; I hope you still enjoy.
--- Is it still a gag when it's on the dominant... or when both dom and sub have their mouths held closed? He pondered as he pushed the Velcro pieces together on the back of his head; her mouth was held closed by a smaller size of the same harness, although her bound wrists prevented her from reaching the Velcro. Her legs flexed only as much as her tightly bound ankles would allow. Her hips moved with her struggles as he slipped his earplugs into his ear canals before placing a yellow silk swatch in her right hand. He lifted his eyebrows. You still consent? She squeezed the swatch harder. Snorting a breath, she tensed when he carefully removed her hearing aids before placing them in their box on the nightstand. She focused hard on the massager, it seeming as larger as her forearm. Grinning, he allowed her to take her look. I'm not sure how much she can tell its speed from looking. With fluttering eyelids and lashes, she sunk into the bed as he sunk the vibrator into her cunt, fitting the clitoral attachment into place. Her jaw pulled against the facial harness even though the Velcro was strong enough to hold against this low level of struggle. He swallowed, his intent to dominate through words blocked by their consensual dual gagging. He touched the tip of his tongue to the inside of his mouth. A flick of his thumb sped up the vibration. Her hips thrust up. He twisted the vibrator slightly. With his free hand, he gave her inner thigh a small pinch. The cord stroked the top of her other thigh. He pulled the toy out slightly before pushing it back in as far as it could go. He released her thigh and moved his left hand to hold the vibrator. Come? he signed. She blinked. Right, we agreed no sign except for safety. He turned up the vibrator again. She bounced against the bed with the first orgasm he'd given her that day. So much more to explore. |
January 2025