I got the piece started for Masturbation Monday started before church this morning, although I continued it somewhat there, around my trying-not-to-meltdown. I've also made the change that I have to approve comments before they go live on my site; I do things very different in my writing. I'm not writing for a primarily white, primarily cisgender, primarily heterosexual audience. While I could be turning away readers, I rightly don't give a fuck. I'm writing for people who do or could enjoy erotica/erotic romance, but very seldom find themselves in the pages.
-- Kaya studied the chapter in the ASL phrase book, using her hands to make each sign after she studied it. I can do this. I know these signs well enough. "I want to play now. In Camelot," she signed. "Yes, Lady," Ailin signed. His Adam's apple jumped. "Thanks for 'voices off' day." "Sure," Kaya signed. She grabbed his hand and started them toward the play wing. I'll be able to just talk in sign soon. No, both of them said I have to use what I'm learning. She considered the signs before asking, "Your hearing aids in our bedroom?" "Yes, Lady. After session? He slowly fingerspelled the word 'session' with his eyebrows lifted. Kaya nodded. ... Kaya pointed at the floor before signing, "Lay." Ailin sank to his knees before winging his legs around and slipping onto his back on the stone floor. He spread his feet just slightly more than shoulder width apart before lifting his gaze to Kaya's face. Turning away from him, she went to the disguised toy cabinet. She spotted a pen and grabbed that for his safe object. Shaking her head, she moved it to her left hand. She sought his gaze before signing, "Safe object." He lifted his left hand to accept the pen from her. "Thanks, Lady," he signed. The door opened, admitting The Queen. "The Queen!" Ailin signed. Kaya looked over her shoulder and smiled. "Joining us, The Queen?" she signed. "Like to join," The Queen signed. Wrinkling her forehead, Kaya pondered her sign vocabulary. Do I really know enough ASL to manage a 2 dom-scene? The Queen brushed his fingers across her forehead. First in speech then sign, he said, "You will handle whatever you were worrying about." "How are you so much further in your ASL than I am, my Queen?" she blurted in speech. "Working with Ailin twice a day, voices off." The Queen clasped Ailin's shoulder with one hand. "Scene?" he fingerspelled. She pulled the handful of clamps and a glans ring from her pocket. She pointed at them and signed, "These... touch... orgasm." "Orgasm?" The Queen repeated, signing with both hands. Kaya nodded. "Eventually, The Queen?" Ailin signed. "Yes." Using his index finger The Queen traced a path, like a visual growl, from Ailin's collar to the line of his pubic hair. He took the glans ring from her palm. With a few slow strokes, he increased the gorgeous hardness of Ailin's cock before slipping the metal ring past the head of his cock. He pointed at Kaya, the clamps, and then Ailin. I don't need to sign to do this. She tweaked Ailin's nipples, one at a time, harder and harder until he gasped. Focusing on his chest and face, she affixed a Japanese clover clamp to each nipple. Ailin cried out, his lips remaining parted. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the pen. "Safe object," Kaya signed. The Queen fisted Ailin's cock as Kaya moved on to pinching up small chunks of his chest and stomach before securing plastic-tipped clamps on them. "Please, Lady, The Queen," Ailin signed, his hand hovering carefully over him to avoid touching any clamps." "No," The Queen signed. Kaya moved between Ailin's legs. She met his gaze before leading it to his hand holding his safe object. "Lady," he pushed out in a whimpering voice. He released a deep groan when she placed the first small alligator clamp with rounded teeth on his scrotum; the sound continued until he was breathless through the application of three more clamps. From a pocket in his jeans, The Queen produced a three-jointed urethral sound. He lifted both eyebrows. Kaya nodded; Ailin closed his eyes for a long moment before he reopened them to the doms' laughter. "You, The Queen?" Kaya signed. The Queen nodded. He released Ailin's cock and went to the toy cupboard. Positioning himself so Ailin and Kaya could see, he cleaned the sound with a wipe before grabbing a tube. Kaya wrapped her hand around Ailin's hard shaft as The Queen dripped what happened to be sterile lubricant over the glans. She watched The Queen grasp the glans ring as he eased the sound into Ailin's piss-hole. She looked to Ailin's hand holding the safe object. Even with her moved gaze, she listened to her boy's soft moans. His eyelashes fluttered, drawing her attention to his face. "Please, orgasm, Lady," Ailin signed. "The Queen," Kaya signed. I love the way his hand rocks against the floor as he holds onto the pen. Safe objects are more enjoyable that I even imagined. She moved to his side where she could watch The Queen and Ailin's hand with the safe object. Ailin's toes curled into the floor as the metal slipped past the final joint into his cock. Holding Ailin's cock and the sound still with one hand, The Queen signed, "Ready to orgasm?" "Please, The Queen!" Ailin signed with huge movements even laying on his back. The Queen lead Kaya's hand to replace his on Ailin's cock. He withdrew the sound a few inches before thrusting it back in. "Please!" Ailin screeched. "No voice, boy," The Queen signed. "Please, The Queen!" Ailin signed. "Count from 10 to 1. Then you may orgasm." How'd he put together than second sentence? Kaya pressed her teeth into the inside of her lip as The Queen withdrew the sound. His right hand shaking, Ailin made a fist and shook it. Kaya tugged a clamp off Ailin's scrotum; his hand blazed through several number. His counting froze when she removed the next clamp. She grinned to see him sign 3. She pulled the last clamp off his scrotum before grasping his hand. She pressed his thumb against his palm and then urged his middle finger down. She drew his index finger between her lips. Ailin writhed against the floor as his cum shot out of him, onto the floor, onto his stomach. His left hand relaxed, letting the pen roll to the floor. The Queen went about gently removing the clamps remaining on Ailin as Kaya lay on her side and curled against her boy. When the last clamp was removed, he also turned onto his side and encouraged Ailin to nestle against him. "Good boy," he signed and kissed Ailin's cheek. "Thank you, Lady, The Queen," Ailin signed and closed his eyes to relax in their care.
Okay, we're back into Ailin's POV. I'm undecided if this is the last scene in this figuring-out-story-things-in-fiction thing. I was amused though- before I forget- I'm not sure people realized that this is within my Vala's Story serial and Ailin is just so proper, so submissive that Kaya gets called "Lady Kaya" as a dominant in The Queen's hierarchy, same as Prisca, although only Kaya is directly dominant over him. Of course, this is still days before The Queen is told- which actually happens in the re-written "Gates of the Garden: Book Two" (I know, I gotta stop fixing my serial :D ) Ailin is still holding out on his identity btw- Deaf? Hard of Hearing?
And two bits of explanation for you- in talking about ASL, there is something called ASL Gloss (where some of the English translation of an ASL sign is given in mostly or all capital letters.) Also I'd pondered something called "hand shape" in ASL; rather than trying to describe something like an "A hand shape," I'm giving you the link to go look at the hand shapes in ASL. http://www.lifeprint.com/asl101/pages-layout/handshapes.htm -- Lady Kaya placed a hand on Ailin's shoulder. She spoke one short word. Her lips moved. Consonant. Ate? Her tongue moved within her mouth. That's a T. Um. Adan signed, "Hey. Are you so upset that you cannot manage to figure out?" Ailin nodded. Adan signed, "Wait. Our Lady wants you to wait." After a moment of Lady Kaya's lips moving, she started translating into ASL. "This might be better done on paper, but I'm concerned about title use. Does that work okay in ASL?" Kaya asked. "Can I answer for you, my Lady? Ailin's feeling rough," Adan said. "Sure," Kaya answered. "ASL doesn't have a lot of the respect language that English does, my Lady," Adan started, only to have Kaya lift her hand like a B. "Speaking of titles, for now you and your brother can drop them, at least until we've enjoyed swimming." "Yes, thanks, my Lady." Adan nodded. "So, there is no Mr. or Mrs. or related words in ASL. While The Queen will need to make a decision once Ailin agrees to tell him or if you decide to push the topic, you can make a decision for now, what pleases you." "Let's step back into our room." Kaya pointed over her shoulder at their closed door. Ailin laughed. "Your gesture was close to the sign for past, my Lady," Adan explained. They went back into their room, Prisca closing the door after all of them. "Ready to translate?" Kaya asked Adan. Nodding, Adan lifted her hands in front of her chest. "Prisca and I are in agreement of keeping Ailin's hearing between the four of us until after The Queen comes to the mansion this coming week. To that end though, I think we should be careful how much we sign outside of our bedroom so we don't involve anyone else in keeping this from The Queen; honesty is so important to this family. So we will make a decision between the four of us about titles. That said, I need to be sure that you, Ailin, will agree to renegotiate with The Queen about title use once he knows." Kaya tapped her fingers against her thigh. "Well that was a lot for you to interpret, Adan. Do we need to switch over to writing or are you still good?" "I'm good, but I would suggest, my Lady, that if what you're thinking now is to negotiate with Ailin what he'll use right now with you, until we find out if hearing aids will be able to help him or not, it might be more pragmatic to do this part in writing." Adan turned to Ailin and translated her comment into ASL. Kaya wandered away to her nightstand. Prisca said, "Adan? I want Ailin to know that whatever he agrees with Kaya goes for me. Though I have a suggestion that may ease worries about us signing outside our room." "Yes, my Lady?" Adan replied. "Why don't we say that Kaya and I asked you both to teach us ASL? We're already both bilingual." "Oh my Lady! That would be wonderful." Adan brushed her fist over one eye. "I have a book you could start with the manual alphabet!" She ran to Prisca's bookshelf and grabbed one thin book. They both want to learn ASL. This has got to be some dream. The phrase book? Thank goodness I'm relaxing and managing to lipread again. Adan slowly demonstrated the sign for LADY-polite, her A hand sliding down her jaw before the thumb of her 5 hand touched her chest and made two small circles. Is she going to continue consecutive interpreting so she's not SimCom-ing? Ailin turned his attention to Lady Kaya; she'd sat on her bed with a pencil and paper on her lap before gesturing with one index finger. Hoping he wasn't shouting, he said, "If you did that gesture with both fingers, you'd have the sign for COME, my Lady." "Thank you," Kaya signed. "I didn't know you'd picked up a sign, my Lady," Ailin cried as he ran across the room to her. Kaya pulled Ailin down onto the bed beside her and hugged him for a long moment. Releasing him, she then brought the pen and notebook onto her lap. She wrote, "Of course I learned a few signs from seeing you and Adan use them repeatedly. What was that sign Adan showed Prisca just now?" Ailin accepted the pencil from Kaya and wrote, "Lady, the polite form, my Lady." "Remember, no title for now. At least not until we agree to what we're going to do." Ailin put his hand to his hot cheek before nodding. Kaya hugged Ailin with her arm still wrapped around his waist. She started writing again. "Does the 'my Lady' construction make any sense translated into ASL?" "Not really, but then none of it really translates well," Ailin wrote. "What about just using the polite form of Lady that Adan taught? I'm fine with that." After joining them on the bed, Prisca signed, "Me too." Joyful laughter escaped Ailin. Kaya wrote, "Good boy. I like seeing you happy. Everything will be okay." She placed the notebook and pen on the bed before dropping to the floor between his legs. She kissed the head on his cock before sucking it into her mouth. A moan of pleasure buzzed across Ailin's lips. But, my Lady? He placed his hands on her shoulders as he enjoyed the intimacy. A light touch on his arm startled him. Adan signed, "Lady Prisca wrote 'no beg.' I don't think Lady Kaya would disagree." Ailin relaxed his forearms back onto Kaya's bed. His toes curled into their carpet. He sighed when she placed her left hand on his thigh, her right hand cupping his balls. No beg, no waiting for the comfort. Her beautiful eyes as she awaits my release, tries to pull it out of me. His attention wandered across her soft squeezing hand, her warm mouth and tongue relishing attention on his cock. Oh I'm going to come fast if you keep doing that. His gaze dropped to meet hers; the affection and passion in her honey brown eyes filled him with peace just before his orgasm surprised him. He clutched her shoulder trying to warn her of his coming. "Thanks, thanks. Love you," he whimpered. Her gentle swallows coaxed more pleasure from him until he moaned what he was sure was aloud. After several more moments, Kaya lifted her mouth from Ailin's cock and kissed his inner thigh. Then she stood up and signed, "Come." Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy all the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers |
January 2025