A few weeks ago (link here) I shared a portion of the page long "trigger warning" or "context description," as I prefer for "Vala: Out of Night" (that would be a different title than "Out of the Night: Book One" that I'm pondering. So today, I'm going to continue in difference and share with you a brand new blurb that is still in process. And yeah, obviously I'm doing some things different- like "triggering material" rather than "trigger warning"- I have my reasons.
Before that, I want to share some developments on Vala's Story. Beyond the rewrites- which are finished with me until BRs have comments through book 3- I've also found a new cover artist. While I'll be engaged in Camp Nano writing in a few days, I do hope to see about getting the first book- "Out of the Night: Book One" or "Vala: Out of Night"- what's your opinion? Night controls and limits Mearr in many ways, but a gorgeous man and a name change helps Vala escape into happiness. The Queen introduces her to his family of submissives or slaves, as they each prefer to be called. Eighteen people, of whom she only meets two at first. Can she find her way in her new multi-racial family? The Queen guides Vala into his family with love, affection, and BDSM. While Abrecan puts a bump into the road of The Queen's plans for Vala, the other adults in the family are ready to help. She makes a fast and deep connection especially with Iona, the beautiful Grecian woman who is parenting with The Queen. Can Vala become lover, partner, submissive, everything The Queen needs? Simon and Tommy support The Queen in bringing in Vala from the beginning, even before her new name. Maybe not Abrecan, but everyone else waits patiently to welcome Vala into their love. Men and women, even a non-binary person not yet ready to come out, are so ready to love her. Can they help guide her into a better service to The Queen, a better love to the family? Triggering material: There's enough complex stuff to warrant a whole page on the topic, but I'll summarize here. Multiple genders in multiple types of sexual and BDSM activity, interracial and polyamorous relationships, use of "slave" in a consensual BDSM context, upsetting character backstories that include everything from rape and incest to mentions of domestic abuse and racism. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers
This was originally from a venting sort of series, but I've broken that series all apart. The series was about how love can look in BDSM, that indeed, even if it doesn't look like love to others, there is often love in BDSM, I'd begged The Queen to step up and give a cisgender male view on it; a transgender guy friend had taken part in the series, but no cis man. I love you, all of you, every last bit of you. At first glance with BDSM, it is all too easy to miss the loving care that a Dominant will lavish on a devoted submissive. Especially when the care isn't what we have been taught to expect.
Let me ruminate on Mearr, then Vala once she decided on the new name she wanted, to mark her new life, to place herself firmly in my life and push away her tortured past. Oh, that sick little female I brought home from that coffeehouse. Even then, holding her in my arms, I could not help but look down on her and feel my heart expand. Yeah, I am a sucker for a person who needs me. I so enjoyed imagining Ailee giving her that first bath, wishing I could have done it. However I did get to watch her relax as it became slowly obvious to her that she could trust me not to violate her. The first time we enjoyed having sex, the care of her fingers pulling the latex onto my cock, the way she felt as she came. Ah. I do not understand why more male dominants do not write erotica. Then as the days built into weeks into months as she got healthier, as I helped her move through the steps of her legal name change. Just to look up from my desk when I was busily at work and to see her smiling at me with a very similar, contented, doting love as Tommy. It almost startled me when I realized how deeply I had fallen in love with her. Then when she finally said those words to me. "I love you, my Queen" were the sweetest words to hear in her voice, although when she hesitantly pushed through just to say she thought she was falling in love with me. Now despite what she'd seen in the loft of Simon, Tommy, and I interacting, the books I'd provided her, what she'd seen in life of BDSM, I knew it was going to be entirely different for Vala when she made the move from being in recovery at my loft to coming to my mansion, being collared, becoming my slave. Sure, I always saw what was in her- I was even half waiting for what happened between her and Raanan when I left them at home alone- but I knew she didn't. It took time, patience, and care on my part to help her find her strength. But how I love her strength. How I love seeing her pride in her body, both for her own sake and how it pleases Iona and I. Love at the loft, love at the mansion, love before and after collaring. Of course that first week after her collaring was so very difficult. While I was sure how important the security and the learning of sleeping on a bondage board would be for her, I fought with myself if her nightmares would overwhelm her; I do not remember when my nightmares finally lessened, but I am pretty sure it took both Tommy and Simon's bodies pressed against me as we slept before that happened. I wish there hadn't been so much upheaval that messed with where she slept, but Iona has definitely been good for her. I so enjoyed how Vala came to love the pain play, the subjugation, and how her eyes would glow with love in response. The catch of her breath when I would look into her eyes and tell her, "I love you, my baby girl." So yes, the novels are "Vala's Story," but I want to talk about my other sweet slaves. I know many who are monogamists and cannot understand how polyamory works will look at all my slaves- just as people in intimate relationships, not even with the BDSM- and wonder how. Well I am here to say, yes I very much love all them. Certainly not in exactly the same way. Of course, there is sometimes an allowance for "time we have been together." I have not had as much time to build a loving relationship with Chitra (only three months mine when Vala's story starts) as Tommy (my gorgeous, lovable Tommy who I have known since that fateful day when we were thirteen, my slave for fifteen years now.) I think of Tommy's embrace, how it feels when our arms are wrapped around each other. Chitra's sweetness on the day her formal training period ended was so overwhelming. How great her love shown in her very being when I made love to her, enjoyed her body beneath mine. Of course love is not just about physical intimacy. I think on Simon especially in how he manages little and even big details. How he prepares every meal, decides what food will come into the mansion. The best though is his delight in pleasing me. I love watching the myriad of tiny changes to his posture when he prepares a new chocolate dessert and after I take the first taste, smiling with the simple pleasure of chocolate and how hard he worked to please me. But, and this works in speaking of all my slaves, one thing I love above all is doing whatever each needs for aftercare, especially after a scene that triggered sub space. First it is beautiful to reach that point with each other, where everything is just so right. Whether it is tiny Iona I am talking about or my sturdy little cub Gaelan, I love that trusting, shaking submissive body against mine. Moments when eye contact is made and the totality of their love and submission is presented so innocently to me. Yes, I love them all deeply. And I treasure their love. Whether that treasuring is shown with a new outfit, a meal, or a caning- after all, Tommy does love to be on the receiving end of those beautiful instruments of pains. This inspiration picture just isn't speaking to me. So I'm trying to write in between morning worship and CLF worship that was recorded and shared on Facebook and the last of the General Business meetings and the closing ceremonies of General Assembly; yes, if you're not a UU that whole first part of the sentence was largely meaningless to you. But I am a UU and today is the last day of our annual General Assembly. I only get to see the stuff that gets Livestreamed; as I snarked at my Master "This is the closest I'll ever get to GA so please let me enjoy it." I'm working away on "Two Houses" even though we still have a few days before Camp Nano begins; Vala's Story is mostly just thoughts as I wait on beta readers. Between conversation in UU stuff about appropriation and activity in the Multicultural GLBTQ group I'm in on Facebook, thoughts kept trying to become a story. A comment, in working with different genders, presentations, and bodies other than the cisgender men and women many expect, I may use words that aren't good for everyone, words that may be new and incomprehensible to some. "What color would you say I am?" Johnnie asked Pilo as they cuddled with their ass pressed back against his boy-pussy. "Um, brown?" Pilo clasped Johnnie's naked calf; they traced their fingers over the smooth skin beneath his knee, thinking how it reminded them of a cardboard box. And they felt safe. "The US government says I'm white." Pilo led Johnnie's hand to their lips and started to kiss their way from fingertips to wrist before pausing to say, "The government also says that my gender is female because that's what surgeons tried to make of my genitals that confused them when I was born." Johnnie kissed Pilo's neck just beneath the fringe of black curls. "We don't have to be what the government says though?" Leaning into Johnnie's kissing, Pilo moaned, "Yes. We are what we know we are." They released their arm that had been cupping what would have been breasts if they'd allowed doctor pressure to push them onto the surgery table again, releasing the hand to clasp his other knee. "You sure?" "As sure as I was when I met your beautiful green eyes across the coffee house." He pressed his lips to their cheek. "Does this mean you've changed your mind on cuddling? We don't have to push into anything we and our bodies aren't ready for." "No, I want to imagine what it might be when we know each better, have access to the barriers we'd like until STIs can be tested for. I like how you shivered when our fingers first touched. Your curls make me think of how soft and yet strong your lips are, the finest mixture of gendered expectations." "Please say boy-pussy again. It sounds so good with your accent," he murmured. "Boy-pussy," they responded, their muddled southern European accent lengthening pussy until the pronunciation was as good as a sex act. "Yes." He hugged their waist. "You will be worth the wait." "How about that shower?" They traced their fingers over his shins. When he was quiet several long minutes, they rose to stand between his legs. "Well?" "Sure." He scooted back a bit before standing in front of them. Taking their hand, he led them into his apartment's small bathroom. He slowly lifted his tank top. "I'm glad to see you were able to get the top surgery you wanted." They brushed their fingertips over the light scars a few inches below his mahogany dark nipples. Smiling, they let their gaze slide down his stomach as he released the short's button, the fabric slid down his shapely legs. His abundant pubic hair made them lick their lips. He moved into his shower to turn on the water. They slipped the straps of their babydoll dress of their shoulders, one at a time, before pushing it and their silk shorts to the tile floor; he looked over his shoulder and bit his bottom lip. "Thanks." Stepping out of their clothes, they moved into the shower stall behind him. "Can I please hug you again?" He held out his hands toward them. They took his hands and led them around their waist. "Worth it," they whispered against his neck. "Yes." He gasped and shuddered. With a soft kiss to his parted lips, they guided him under the water and held him as the tremors eased into stillness again. To enjoy the other #MasturbationMonday hoppers, click here
I got drunk enough to hear a stand up comedian yell "Go go go!" and it made me think "Gelfling!" but not enough to forget about #WipItUpWednesday :D So you get part two of "Vala's First Collared [by The Queen] Meal." Here's part 1 in you'd like to read it first.
Simon leaned over the arm of his chair and tapped on Viviana's head. Viviana looked up and smiled at Simon. "My Lord?" Simon leaned over farther and whispered into Viviana's ear. Springing up to her feet, Viviana ran out of the dining room in the direction of the kitchen. "What was that about, my Lord?" Mandisa looked over her shoulder as Viviana passed out of sight. "I forgot dessert." The Queen perked up in his chair. "Dessert?" A goofy grin spread across his face. "What did you make for dessert?" "Raspberry Chocolate Heart Tarts, my Queen." Simon smiled proudly. "I found the recipe in my new chocolate desserts recipe book." "Very good." Viviana walked back into the dining room and stopped next to The Queen. Swishing her hips as she otherwise stood still, she smiled at him and asked, "Dessert, my Queen?" "Place a tart on my plate and then give the tray to Simon." Viviana placed the tart on The Queen's dessert plate. She started to move away when she let out a loud gasp and looked over her shoulder to see The Queen grinning at her, his hand still cupping her ass. "Problem?" The Queen's grin grew larger. "Um... no, my Queen," Viviana sputtered as she tried to step back from the table, only to find herself more securely in The Queen's hand. The Queen let his hand drop to his chair. "Get back to your place before I am enjoying you instead of this tart." Viviana gasped and ran back to Simon, giving him the tray and quickly sinking into submissive pose behind Yiska's chair. Chuckling softly, The Queen looked down at his dessert and picked up his fork. "My Queen?" Raanan started, but stopped quickly when The Queen raised his hand in the air. "No talking during chocolate, boy." Raanan laughed, blushing. "Sorry, my Queen." The Queen nodded and attended to his dessert in quiet. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers Thinking on Kayla's continued rule about no book excerpts but WIPs welcome, I started to work with Vala and Soma. Years down the timeline from when I'm actually working with Vala's Story has Vala expressing sudden and profound deafness. As a late deafened-adult, Vala sets out to figure out how to still be a part of her family. I'm not sure if this will actually find its way into the WIP with the working title of "Vala's Hearing Loss," but I have at least one more scene that I can think of that started from a MM inspiration picture that's now in that book. View this week's MM picture and other hoppers here
--- Vala wrote, "I want to see you masturbate. I want to see you come." She handed the portable word processor to Soma. The girl's deep purple tongue moved over her lips. "Yes, my Lady," she signed. She moved to hand the processor back to Vala, but when her Domme shook her head, she instead placed the tech on the night table. Taking Soma's hand in hers, she led them to her ordered bed; she smiled to ponder which of her submissives had made the bed while she was busy helping in ASL lessons for the family. She grasped her girl's bisque-colored sundress at her hips and lifted it up and off. With her head tilted back, she sucked one of Soma's nipples between her lips as her arms encircled her waist. Legs trembling, Soma lowered them onto Vala's bed. I love how speech isn't always needed at times like this. Vala rolled across her bed to leave room for Soma to lay beside her. She led Soma's hand to the nipple she hadn't reclaimed the moment their backs touched her comforter. She could just make out the vibration of her girl's moaning when she stretched out her fingers over the flat of her chest; her hand continued up to the throat, not clasping but hovering. Soma lifted her hand from between her and Vala. Her fingers slid down her radiant dark brown skin with its mouth-watering undertones of red to touch the bottom of her ribs, the slight swell of her adorably rounded stomach, across one captive bead then the other decorating her labia majora, before tracing over her clitoral hood between the dazzling white crystals on the ends of her bar jewelry. The vibrations came faster against Vala's hand. She swallowed. A word. "Feel good, love," she whispered. She caught Soma's nipple with her lips again. As she sucked, her girl's hips started a dance she'd seen many times before. She kissed her cheek as tufts of moaned air moved over her hand. Her gaze captured Soma's enraptured expression. I should see what she's doing with her hands, but I love her face as she comes. Her lips formed shapes as if she spoke; her left hand shot into the air to make a B hand shape. "No beg, love. Come," she urged in louder spoken words. She lifted her hand from Soma's neck to make a C hand shape. Lowering body shooting up from the bed, Soma wrapped her legs around Vala's. She jerkily placed her fingers on her lips before pulling her hand away to sign, "Thank you," over and again. Such beauty. Vala pulled Soma's hand out from between her legs and covered them with kisses and licks. Soma's forehead wrinkled as it did when she wasn't sure of the signs for what she wanted to say. "Don't worry about grammar," Vala forced herself to say. "How need?" Soma signed, her eyebrows crunching tighter to show the type of question she was asking. She shuddered, the trembling moving across her body, before she managed to sign, "My Lady." How did I know she'd need to come so fast? "Because I love you," Vala signed. "I love you, my Lady," Soma signed before curling against Vala.
:D I'm a brat... I did some reading and editing on the way to picking something to share from "Out of the Night: Book One" of my Vala's Story serial... yes, it's with a BR and I'm still pondering new cover art. I also got writing a little in the WIP I'm going to finish, I hope, during Camp Nano next month... (and a tease of the first line from that WIP... And now I will tell you the story of how I came to have two homes: "a home with her" and "a home with him." )
But I think I may share at least one more scene on WIPWednesday before moving on to "Gates of the Garden: Book Two." This is from Vala's first formal meal after The Queen collars her. Vala held Greta's hand as they moved behind Iona's chair. Greta whispered, "You've had the chance to see one of our Lords in submissive pose?" "Yeah," Vala replied and sank to her knees beside Greta. Carefully looking around, she spotted Simon's dark brown dress shoes moving close to her. "I would like a taste of each thing you made," The Queen ordered. After a few moments of spoons sounding against dishes, Simon's shoes moved away again. "Fix your plates." Patience. I'll be fed. This is more of the ceremony that pleases The Queen so. Vala snuck a glance in Greta's direction; her sister slave patted her elbow before going back into sub pose. "Now present your sub or subs with their bowl," The Queen announced. "Let me help with your hair," Greta murmured before pulling Vala's hair into a twist and clipping it onto the back of her head. Continuing in whisper, "Normally, our Lady would have clipped our hair up before leaving her room." "Thanks," Vala murmured. She licked her lips when Iona placed a bowl of beef stew on the floor in front of her. "Be a good girl," Iona cooed. The Queen called out, "Fourth class slaves remember that you are to eat without using your hands. Eat quickly, lest you be thought ungrateful." Vala blinked her eyes and a single tear dropped into her soup. How different this is from this morning! She carefully ate her food. No need to get emotional. Sighing, she enjoyed Iona's momentary touch on the back of her neck as she chewed a carrot chunk. Just be pleasing. I've seen Tommy and Simon--my Lords, I should think now--do it in hundreds of small ways. When she had eaten most of the meat and vegetables she lapped up the broth as quietly as possible. Startling Vala, reminding her that people were eating at the table above her, Simon asked, "So we'll be getting back onto some sort of schedule starting tomorrow, my Queen?" "Mostly," The Queen replied shortly; after a moment, probably after swallowing, he continued, "Except for Prisca, Kaya, Adan, and Ailin, who I will need for Vala's lessons, everyone else is released to his or her normal activities." "Oh, that's wonderful, my Queen," Iona said, clapping her hands. "I just bought a new set of candles last time Greta and I went shopping." Raanan chuckled. "What color are they?" "Twelve pillar candles, building in color from white to black." "Going to introduce Vala to candle wax?" Mandisa asked. "Around her lessons, if The Queen allows for the time," Iona replied. "I do hope to give you time with her since Pride changed things today," The Queen said. "Vala is being such a good girl. If you are done eating, you may kneel up." Sparing another glance at Greta, who was still bent over her bowl, Vala rose up onto her shin. Um, at my ears, Viviana suggested. Folding her fingers against the back of her collar, she let her gaze flit across the chairs, the room. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other #WipItUpWednesday hoppers My 6 lines are not from a book or a book recommendation, but thoughts about books featuring bisexual+ characters. Thoughts encouraged by a friend's post and bisexual erasure I've experienced over the years... Do bisexual characters have to prove themselves, been queer enough, like flesh-and-blood bisexuals? Can a bisexual character still be considered bisexual if they finish the book being patterned monogamously with personal of another gender? Do bisexual males exist in fiction? Or are they as seemingly rare as they are in non-fiction life? Are bisexual characters held to stereotypes about bisexuals, whether or not the author acknowledges the stereotypes in their fictional world? Can a bisexual character exist in a book not erotic in nature? Over 5/3 and 5/4, people will be sharing links to their 6 lines of LGBTQ+ fiction at https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/
so maybe reading this talk by Laura Antoniou all day long between sleeps was a silly idea- yes, Laura has made her way into my dreams :D. Although it does prove a lovely lack of ageism on my part- if I did my math (4 years ago when I originally wrote this) right Laura is 50 to my 35 and my first comment on seeing her author photo was "damn, she's hot!" I first came across this talk's transcript when I was researching "Safe, sane, consensual" or SSC. I first made my way to slave david stein's website, he who is most often credited with SSC because I found he'd written an article about the history of the phrase as well as how he doesn't agree with how it's come to be used in too many part of the BDSM community. So Laura's talk- and no, I hadn't read any of her Marketplace series yet when I read this, although I'm working on the first one now- was a fresh breath of air for me.
But rather than babble on anymore, I'm going to tell you to go click on the clickable link "talk," read Laura's talk, then check out these 2 links I'm going to give you. And please do come back and chat with me. I'd be fascinated to chat with anyone else who feels invigorated by what Laura had to say back in 1995. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Laura-Antoniou-The-Marketplace-Series/49497392422?fref=ts http://www.amazon.com/The-Marketplace-Book-Series-ebook/dp/B003UV989U/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1365207149&sr=1-1&keywords=marketplace I asked a friend to write a domestic discipline story. Oh and yeah, as if it goes without saying, it's NSFW. I mean, how much do I post on here that is safe for work lol ? Rather than write an intro for him, I'll let his profile on a fan fic site do it:
"Hello everyone, my name's Anthony, but I also go by Tony and A.J. Stony's my OTP, StarkSpangledBanner's my OT3, but I love many other pairings! I am fond of action figures, reading, dancing, and painting. I have a deep love and appreciation for hair, particularly beards and chest hair. And I can never get enough smut, I really can't." for more, read here to read other fan fiction stories of his, go here "WHAP!" When Tony looked up at the clock, he was shocked to see what time it was. He knew he’d been in his lab for a long time working on the Mark VII like Steve had asked, but he completely lost track of time. Normally Tony would’ve asked Jarvis to notify him when it was midnight, but he was so excited to finish the repairs and make Steve proud that he forgot. Unless the Avengers were on a mission, Tony was supposed to be waiting in bed for Steve at midnight, freshly showered and dressed in his pink bra and panties with cream lace trim. It was one of their rules, and even though Tony had a difficult time adjusting to being submissive for the first few months of their relationship he now loved answering to Steve and doing as he was told. He loved making Steve, who he lovingly referred to as Daddy, happy, and he would do anything to please him. Tony went against Daddy’s wishes by staying up past midnight, however, and he knew he was in trouble. He put down his soldering gun, walked over to the floor length mirror to his right and stared at himself, disgusted by his appearance. His hair was greasy and sticking up on all ends, his face and arms were smudged with oil and dirt, and his black wife beater and distressed jeans were stained with all shades and tints of grey and brown. Daddy wasn’t going to be happy to see him in such a deplorable state, and Tony hoped he had enough time to clean himself up and change clothes before Daddy walked into the bedroom. He rushed out of his lab and into the elevator, pushing the level 20 button over and over again in hope that it would somehow make it move faster. It seemed slower than usual, however, and Tony took the opportunity to remove his dirty, sweat-sticky clothes as the elevator brought him to his destination. When the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Tony was already completely naked with his clothes piled in his arms. Tony knew that Daddy would be especially unhappy if Tony left his mess in the elevator, so it was better to take care of them now; the last thing he wanted was to disappoint the Head of Household even further. Tony ran down the hallway to the left and into their bedroom door at the end of the hall, tossing his soiled clothing into the hamper sitting right next to the doorframe. When his dirty clothes were put away just as Daddy expected, Tony hurried into the bathroom on the left hand side of their bedroom and turned on the water in their shower. When the water warmed up, Tony walked in, slathered his body head to toe in body wash with a bath pouf, washing away the dirt, debris and sweat covering virtually every inch of his body. Two minutes later he was out of the shower, and he swiftly dried off and carefully folded up the towel and put it on the rack next to the sink, just as Daddy told him to do whenever he finished bathing. He took a quick look at himself in the mirror, gave himself a smug grin for cleaning himself up before Daddy came into the bedroom and walked out of the bathroom. Tony’s belief that he’d gotten away with his bad behavior was incorrect, however; Daddy was sitting at the edge of the bed, wearing nothing but a pair of blue boxer briefs and holding a wooden paddle. He took his eyes off of the paddle and looked over at Tony, his naked body shivering in shame as he looked at his Daddy with his big, brown eyes. “Baby boy, what time is it?” Daddy asked as he beckoned for Tony to come to him, waiting patiently as Tony hesitantly walked over to him and sat down on the bed to the left of him. “It’s past midnight, Daddy… I’m sorry, I got caught up making repairs to the suit and I just never looked up at the time. I didn’t do it on purp-” Tony began to apologize, but Daddy brought his left index finger up to his sub’s lips to silence him. “You know better than to make excuses, baby boy. You should be dressed and in bed right now, not just stepping out of the shower… It doesn’t matter that you were having fun working on your toy, that’s not a good reason to misbehave and I’m disappointed in you for thinking that you can get away with your mistake and hide it from me. You thought I wouldn’t find out that you were late to bed, and I can see that… Now tell me, what’s your punishment for not getting to bed on time?” Daddy questioned as he looked over at Tony, whose face was flush bright red in embarrassment. “Tw-Twelve paddles…” Tony mumbled, unable to bring himself to look Daddy in the eyes. “That’s right, baby boy. Now go get your pillow and get on Daddy’s lap. Now be a good boy and hurry,” Daddy said in a calm, even voice as he watched Tony crawl to the head of the bed, grab his favorite blue pillow and return to his previous position. Tony put his blue pillow on Daddy’s lap, and then assumed his position on Daddy’s knee. He kept his arms out in front of him and gripped the corner of the bed with his sweaty, wet hands; the last time Tony didn’t keep his hands gripped to something he ended up covering his butt to defend himself from Daddy’s paddling, and neither of them wanted that to happen again. Before Daddy began, Tony turned his head to look at his partner, pleading with his eyes for forgiveness. “Don’t give me that look, Tony… You made a mistake and we have to correct it. If you hadn’t have broken the rules then I wouldn’t have to spank you, baby boy. How else are you going to learn if I don’t teach you a lesson? Now, if you’re a good boy for Daddy and turn around then your punishment will be over before you know it,” Daddy spoke in a stern, yet kind, voice, and Tony nodded his head and looked face down at the black blankets on the bed. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Tony flinched when the cold wood hit his left ass cheek, and he let out a small yelp of pain. He wanted to put his hands on his bottom to keep Daddy from striking him again, but Tony knew better; if he did that then the punishment would be more severe, and that was the last thing he wanted. After the first strike, Tony felt Daddy’s left hand move to the small of his back and hold him tight, preventing him from moving. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! The noise rang in Tony’s ears as the paddle hit his bare, flesh over and over again, turning his skin bright pink and sensitive. It burned, and each smack only worsened the pain. His Daddy could be a bit brutal with his spankings sometimes, but that’s the way Tony liked it; he wanted his punishments to hurt, and while he knew Daddy would never use his whole strength he did put much of his energy into the whacks. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! At the ninth slap to his bottom Tony began to cry. The pain was getting to him, and he felt completely humiliated and ashamed of himself for breaking the rules. The only reason he went to his lab in the first place was to please Daddy, but he ended up upsetting him instead. With each smack he realized how wrong he was to disobey the rules, and Tony truly felt sorry. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! When the spanking was finally over, Tony heard Daddy carefully put the paddle down onto the ground, thought he was unable to stop crying. Tony knew exactly why he deserved to be punished, and even though he felt like he was forgiven for his transgressions he still felt ashamed. As Tony continued to cry, Daddy carefully picked up his sub’s body and cradled him in his arms, holding him tight to his body. “I’m proud of you baby boy… You took your punishment like a grown-up, and Daddy loves you so much,” Daddy purred in Tony’s ear as he held him close and rocked him back in forth in a slow, gentle motion. “I’m sorry, Daddy… I don’t like disappointing you, and I should’ve paid more attention to the time. It won’t happen again, I promise… Are you still mad at me?” Tony sniffled as Steve wiped away his tears, earning a soft smile from his Daddy. “No, of course I’m not mad at you anymore, baby boy. You accepted your spankings and you said you’re sorry. But if you do it again, I’m going to have to add time out in the corner to your punishment, understand?” Daddy answered in a soft, sweet voice, soothing Tony and calming him down. “Yes I do, Daddy. I’ll do better next time, and I mean it. Cross my heart and hope to die if I’m lying to you right now,” Tony responded sincerely as he made the shape of a cross with his right index finger over his heart to further make his point. “Okay, my little smart-ass… I love you baby boy,” Daddy assured Tony as he pressed a tender kiss to his sub’s lips. Tony stopped crying, and he let out a loud, drawn out yawn. He was exhausted both physically and emotionally, and now that he’d been trained to go to bed at a reasonable hour Tony found it was difficult to stay awake much past twelve-thirty in the morning. Daddy carefully lifted himself up off of the bed with Tony still in his arms, and he walked over to the left hand side of the bed. He slowly lowered Tony onto the bed, and he covered him with blankets to keep him warm. After he tucked Tony in, Daddy gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and assumed his position on the other side of the bed. He wrapped his arms around Tony and the two fell asleep, both feeling reassured and content in the strength of their love. |
January 2025