Silly me, I'm at the mall (thank goodness for laptops) because the AC isn't working at home, and I realized that I forgot the notebook I wrote in yesterday so I could lay on the cool floor in the basement. Ah, the prompt: “intimacy in a pool of water.” I have such diverse thoughts on this. “Sex on the beach” and “sex in a swimming pool” are both common enough fantasies, but as my reading has shown me, neither are very good in reality; in my “Vala's Story” story-verse, the rules around the indoor pool are delightfully specific and only partially shaped by BDSM.
Since I already dipped into that story-verse with my girlfriend Audrey (it'll be “last week” when this is actually posted), I figured I'll stay there. There's another body of water in The Queen's mansion that doesn't have tons of rules- why doesn't anyone think about how chlorine on the genitals would be bad? And thank you very much, but I don't relish the idea of sand between my buttcheeks.) I'm waiting for the players in the Oasis- one of his small, themed playrooms- to step forward. -- I leaned back against the wall with the comfortably thick “outdoor blanket” separating me from the sand. The Queen promised me the chance to be a voyeur. Suddenly the door sprung open to admit Tommy and Simon; I was struck by everything about them. Tommy's deep black hair had been cut in messy bunches, giving him an extra shaggy look. The whites of his eyes had turned pinkish and the tears still poured down his cheeks. His pale skin was highlighted by the dirty white straitjacket restraining his torso and arms. His semi-hard cock rested against his thigh. Smoldering with intensity, Simon's eyes moved over Tommy's shuddering form. Tight black jeans showed off how tanned the rest of him was. “Time to get in the water, little boy,” he growled. “Ye-yes, sir,” Tommy whimpered. His toes pushed into the sand. Simon moved behind Tommy. His lips pressed against the metal-encircled neck. “Are you my good boy?” “Yes, yes! Please, sir.” Tommy jerked as Simon obviously worked on the buckles. “Need you.” “Of course you do.” Simon reached around Tommy to pull his arms away from his body. “How is it feeling so far?” “Okay. Um, miss the... tightness.” Tommy wavered on his feet as if ready to fall to his knees. Circling around to Tommy's front again, Simon paused and placed his hand on Tommy's cheek. “I'll hold you tight in a moment.” He grabbed the jacket at the shoulders and eased it off Tommy before tossing it to the floor. With flying fingers and pushing hands, he removed his jeans and pulled Tommy back against him. His eyes closing in bliss, he kissed Tommy hard until the boy moaned against him. Continuing in the kiss, he walked them backward to the pool. “Easy now,” he muttered into the kiss as they took gentle steps into the warm water. He helped Tommy to ease down into the pool so they could lean against the side. “Love you, love you.” Tommy's head rocked against the pool's side. “Love you too. Relax now.” Simon brushed Tommy's hair away from his face. “Such a good boy.” He sprinkled kisses over his love's moist face. “Might I be a little more than a voyeur?” I asked Simon. Simon nodded. “Just keep your voice down.” “Was he very wound up?” I asked. Simon nodded again. “Has he earned an orgasm?” Rolling his eyes, Simon asked, “Is that all you think of?” Before I could respond, he continued on, “First this bath and then probably some snacks. You saw how I marked his ass and thighs, yes?” Tommy pressed his face against Simon's neck. Simon wrapped his arms around Tommy's chest and held him tight. “Sh, little boy. You don't have to be alone ever again.” I held in any comment; poor Tommy, still so hurt by his parents' abuse too. Looking around, I spotted a perspiring bottle of water and held it out to Simon. “Thanks.” Simon took the bottle and pushed the cap off with the same hand. “Tommy, drink.” Tommy lifted his head enough to give his lips to Simon and the water bottle. He drank deeply until seized with a coughing fit. Simon patted Tommy's back and passed the half-empty bottle to me. “Okay?” “Mhm.” Tommy pressed down against Simon. Then his ass lifted just out of the water. “Awww,” he sighed. “Good, little boy. Did you have a good orgasm?” Simon cooed. “Yes, love.” Tommy coughed again. “I love watching you two, whatever you're doing,” I said. “We do tend to play harder than you enjoy for yourself with Shaman anymore.” Simon accepted the water bottle back from me. “Can you tell Raanan that he and Gaelan need to change the water?” “Sure.” Careful not to lose my balance on the sand, I crossed the room to the intercom box. I looked closely at what I'd never described well in the Vala's Story books. My gaze sped through the sections until I found first the slave quarters and then Raanan's room. “Raanan? Simon wants the water in the Oasis changed in awhile.” “Got it, my Lord,” Raanan said a moment later. “Joelle, good to hear your voice.” I returned to the blanket and knocked the sand off my feet. Tommy looked into my eyes for a long moment before muttering, “Thanks, Joelle.” “You're welcome. I hope you enjoy the rest of aftercare.” I leaned back against the wall and pondered what I'd been invited to watch.
January 2025