I'm so glad that Meredith O'Reilly got WIP It Up Wednesday going again. I'd debated what to share with you all- I have several projects going as usual. Back in October, my laptop died and while my Master was able to buy me a new laptop, I haven't checked yet when the last time I backed up "Laura Learns" (Kink Challenge 2), but I'm hoping that once I finish "Backward Dating" that I can get going with LL again.
So a little explanation- this WIP "Backward Dating" is the level of "experimental" that many of you expect from me. This is not a simple "woman and man date and fall in love" story. I'm going to start with a piece from chapter 1- for I'm trying to carve this story into chapters- that I've attempted to write in 3rd person omniscient- I'm not starting into the 3 MCs' perspectives until chapter 2. ---- The line for the unisex bathroom moved at a snail's pace; the organizers of the science fiction convention hadn't quite thought out their desire to be inclusive of people whose gendered experience rested outside the binary. Various conversations began and ended as people bonded over feeling not quite included, although no more worse than usual. Mid-way through the line, a Persian man using a wheelchair smiled at a Greek beauty of indeterminate gender. With jade green eyes glowing affectionately in a heart-shaped face the color of caramel candies, the beauty said, "Hi. I'm Ocean and my pronouns are ze and hir. And you are?" "Naveed. My pronouns are he and him." He sighed and patted his black sweat pant-covered legs with a slender, deep red hand. "I'm so glad I lucked into this wheelchair at the Salvation Army. I would never be able to last through these lines without it." "They really needed to put in some more of these unisex bathrooms, especially in accessible places." Ocean frowned. "I'm guessing you don't know about the other unisex bathroom I've found that's down a few stairs over by the Consuite." "No, but thanks. I'm actually not paralyzed so if I'm up to it, I'll have a second option." A diminutive woman with slick, long blond braids and a swishing, satiny red dress turned to face them. Bright blue eyes moved over them with excitement. "Weren't you just both in the 'diversity in science fiction' panel?" "Yes," Naveed and Ocean said together. She giggled. "I don't know why I'm waiting in this line, silly cisgender me. My name is Suvi and yes, my pronouns are she and her. Would you both like to go back to my room, use that bathroom, and then catch a bite in the Consuite?" Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...
1/4/2017 03:57:18 am
Interesting excerpt Joelle, definitely looking forward to reading more :)
1/4/2017 07:43:56 am
Thanks, Roz. I'm hoping this will be ready to be published in July- writing is going well except days like yesterday... my Tuesdays are super long and go from one thing to another- such as happens when you don't work a typical 9-to-5 type of job. Do you do Facebook at all? My pages are still way under construction, but I did get my Facebook author page up on "about and contact." I often enough share snippets there, although this book is far from the cishet "sexy snippet" that many of our friends might share.
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January 2025