So at 11:45pm EST I realized I hadn't signed up yet LOL. I quickly remedied that and came over to my blog creator to actually create the post :D . Camp Nano sucks bad; although I'm hoping to again have a Camp Nano update vlog up so I can share the link in the #WipItUpWedneday post like last week. Depression, life stresses, bad period have largely been at fault this week. But the story progresses, even if very slowly so I wonder if I'll actually complete Camp even with the smaller goal of 40K words in a month.
I decided to skip ahead to the first few moments of Bea (woman in the wheelchair) and Teal (the narrating I of my story) talking in Teal's living room; Tiny is Teal's cat. "Hello?" A deep, melodic called out from the other side of the screen door. Tiny struggled out of my arms before jumping onto the back of the sofa. I turned from the belly up to see Bea standing in the black oval outline of the screen door. My heart lurched up into my throat. "Come in." My hands pushed into my thighs; I needed to learn so much more ASL vocabulary. Bea smiled as she used the handle to open the screen door. "I'm hearing if you were worried about your sentence. I'm fluent in ASL because my parents are both Deaf; that was my dad you saw signing to me. However your sentence would have been easily signed." She made fists of her hands, just the index fingers out, the palms up, and moved her fingers in a 'come here' gesture. Then she held her left hand like a C and stuck her right hand into it. Repeating the gestures, I returned Bea's smile. "I'm sad to say that I only know a tiny bit of ASL so far." "Maybe I can help. It seems the bank is desperate to sell that house so you may have me as a neighbor." "A neighbor?" I echoed and then clapped my hands over my suddenly hot cheeks. "I like your flag." "Why were you using a wheelchair?" I closed my eyes, my foot solidly if metaphorically shoved into my fool mouth. "Sh," Bea soothed as she sat on the little sofa beside me. "So guessing that the bi Pride flag is yours, I'm also going to guess that you are still rather average." She took my hand between her hands and brushed her thumb over my knuckles. "While I didn't inherit my parents' deafness, I did just recently receive a diagnosis of Meniere's Disease, explaining a few years' worth of ringing in my ears and balance problems." "I'm sorry I was so insensitive to ask about the wheelchair." "Might I ask if my guess was correct? Are you bisexual?" "Um, yes. Is your dad still here?" She laughed. "My dad went to take my mom out. So let me match your intrusive question about my wheelchair by asking if you are single, married, monogamous, polyamorous?" Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enjoy the other wondeful #WipItUpWednesday hoppers
1 Comment
Meredith O'Reilly
7/19/2017 02:56:51 pm
I hope that Bea and Teal get to end up as neighbors. I think that'd be great for both of them. Great snippet, Joelle!
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