Moments of BDSM. That's definitely a part of my perspective. Sometimes I get so frustrated reading about "sessions," "BDSM club play," "play time." I forget which post it was in or who said it, but I loved a recent comment "... life tinged with BDSM." As the lifestyle submissive in a long time couple where we have family obligations, a companion animal (a previously cat as I reblog this), a teen and her live-in boyfriend, and lots of other things, several hours taken for a scene isn't very realistic. So I wanted to look at the moments of BDSM activity, interactions that can tinge my world.
---- "Master, any plans today?" I finish drying off, pull my damp towel into place on its bar, before stepping out on the bathmat that He's just stepped off of. He brushes his hair, stroke after stroke, and in its wetness, it reaches toward the longer hair that he had when we first met. The first strike falls and I wobble, moan. I press my hands flat against the bathroom wall as He delivers several more swats with His brush. "Don't give me that," He laughs. "No, Master. That felt good, Master," I purr. I let go of the wall and resume getting ready for the day. I guess I go do author work and wait on seeing if I can guess His plans or if He'll tell me. --- I may hate my mother, but grandparents are good for some things, I think as I wander back into the living room, naked and carrying a dish of ice cream. "Ice cream, Master?" His fingers are rapidly moving over His keyboard. "There, thanks." He points at an empty spot on His laptop desk. I set the bowl down and start to move away. I gasp at the unexpected blow across my chest; I hadn't noticed Master picking up His back scratcher. "Thanks, Master," I whimper as the arousal zings through my body again. I arrange my body over the arm of His recliner, my legs spread to help with balancing over 12-packs of soda and everything else collecting on the floor. The back scratcher falls on back, hard and harder. I'm glad my cunt is above air, not the chair arm, or there'd be an embarrassing wet spot when I get up. "Give me more than a few minutes warning before you go to bed and we'll have some fun with the beater stick," He says and I shiver; I've finally learned to like that particular toy. "Maybe I'll even get out a clothespin or two." "Yes, please, Master." I pull my bottom lip between my teeth as some weird collision of wanting to address my Master as "my Queen," arousal, and thinking on how often I've written some slave doing what I just did with my lip and my teeth happens in my addled brain. He laughs. "Go back to your writing." "Yes, Master." I notice my legs are still shaking as I drop into my armchair and flip to the OpenOffice file I'm working in. --- I stand beside the table where Master is playing Warmachine. Master's left arm snakes out to wrap around my waist. "Why are you frowny?" "I'm frustrated," I lower my voice, not knowing the guy He's playing against, "Master. Struggling to write." "I could take you out back and whack your ass." I grin. "That'd help." He's back into His game so I don't try to explain what I'm writing; it looks like a teaching game. Good gamer wife, I think as I wander back to where my computer is set up in a cubbie. His words echo in my brain, keeping time with Marilyn Manson's growled, snarled lyrics. High ponytail, the hair divided into two braids- hopefully it's gets Him into the mind, the mood for something more... and our being awake, being interested come together at the right moment. --- I stand just inside the bedroom; I take in a deep breath. Master complains I strip out of my clothes too quick so I'm just gonna stand here a moment. "Good girl." His large hand squeezes the back of my neck without warning. I nearly fall to the floor at the praise, the phrase making me so ready. I'm glad for the sundress, its only-for-looks straps. He grabs at my dress at my waist and starts pulling up handfuls of fabric. "You were teasing me and every guy at the store with your hard nipples showing through this dress." One of his hands moves over my chest, sliding over the soft cotton dress. I groan at the sensation of His hot hand against my nipples, which have gotten even harder. Then He's back to lifting my dress, my naked skin bared to His touch. He pulls it over my head and tosses it toward the hamper. He shoves me toward the foot of the bed. Tripping over dog bedding, I find my upper body pressing into the comforter. His phone makes some sound; I'm not sure what it is. "Maybe that's Your mom or a job calling back, Master?" I suggest, nonetheless trying to hold onto the moment. He stuffs a dirty sock of His into my mouth. "Stay," He orders as He goes to check His phone. --- I slowly come into consciousness, still groggy from last night's play. I shift my hips and cuddle against Him. One hand comes into my hair and He drags me down the bed. I open my mouth and breath in as I come close to His cock. Morning wood, such a fun phrase. I groan as His hard cock shoves into my mouth. I love not having the moment to compose my body before He uses my mouth for a hole.
While I have "Vala experiences deafness" started as a WIP whose length I'm entirely unsure of, something about this week's inspiration picture lead me to thinking about what it might be like the first time she goes to masturbate after she progresses from ringing in the ears to just not hearing anything- for anyone wondering and/or knowledgeable about hearing issues, I've been lightly bobbling between Tinnitus and Meniere's Disease, but I haven't made any decisions- from "is the hearing loss permanent?" to "medical treatment?"
You might notice, as "dialogue tags," I have chosen to use "signed" and "fingerspelled" in places; "signed" as in "using ASL" and fingerspelled means "spelled a word using the manual alphabet." Two people in Vala's leather family are already fluent in American Sign Language and they had already started working with her on ASL before the hearing loss made it a need. --- Laying back on a pillow, Vala considered the silence in which she sat. If I can't even hear my thoughts, how am I thinking? She sat up again and turned toward her nightstand. One of her darling subs had refreshed the stick of incense in the holder there; without pausing to smell what scent they had provided for her, she lit the tip and then blew out the flame. Roses washed over her senses. Untwisting so she could recline on the pillows again, Vala lifted her lower body into the air and pulled her dress above her hips. She traced her fingers over her freshly shaven legs; The Queen's suggestion that she spend some time luxuriating in a bubble bath and then shaving had been so very helpful. It had been way too long since she'd used bath oils; between them and all the water she was drinking to ease his worry, her skin was feeling super soft. Am I being a stereotype, with this masturbating that's not fast and utilitarian? Vala shrugged and grabbed the warming oil Tommy had made her with the oils good for "feminine energies," as he'd explained. She missed the sound of the bottle moving as she pushed down the pump three times, the oil dripping over her thighs and mound. A moment of ringing in her left her had her holding her head while she prevented the oil from going too far with her right. Doctor Karl said to go about my regular activities for now. She relaxed against the pillows before walking her fingertips over her labia. Running her teeth over her bottom lip, she concentrated on the delicious pleasure of the oil starting to warm as she rubbed her skin, her clit, her entire genital area. She lightly pinched her clit between two fingers. Eoin paused at her doorway. Hoping her words still understandable, Vala ordered, "Cuddle me on my left." Eoin signed, "Yes my Lady," as he walked to her bed. Vala held out her left arm and waited for Eoin to settle against her before she hugged him to her. Nice. Her attention returned to her clit. Not about desperation but relaxation. She let her fingers slide over her clit and into her cunt. Pussy? Since I can't hear the word to have it make me cringe? She turned her head and pressed her face into his shaggy black hair. The tingles started in her clit. He led her left hand to his lips and he kissed the puckered cross-shaped scar there. Her breath catching, Vala closed her eyes as she continued to revel in the pleasure readying to explode in her. You look so beautiful, my Lady. It feels so right when you take control of your pleasure, my Lady. She tried to remember his voice and to place it on the words he would be prattling at her, maybe even was though she couldn't hear him. Please let me see you come, my Lady. Maybe then I might pleasure you with whatever part of my body pleases you, my Lady? She pressed kisses to his cheek as she squeezed her fingers with her thighs when the orgasm pulsed in her clit. Eoin returned Vala's kisses while she shuddered against him. He caressed her back. Vala gestured at the end of the bed with her fist before pulling her arm up to her hip. Understanding her gesture, he pulled the blankets over them. "Bath," she fingerspelled against his back. Then she fingerspelled, "Minute." He nodded and continued to hold her.
I'm so glad that Meredith O'Reilly got WIP It Up Wednesday going again. I'd debated what to share with you all- I have several projects going as usual. Back in October, my laptop died and while my Master was able to buy me a new laptop, I haven't checked yet when the last time I backed up "Laura Learns" (Kink Challenge 2), but I'm hoping that once I finish "Backward Dating" that I can get going with LL again.
So a little explanation- this WIP "Backward Dating" is the level of "experimental" that many of you expect from me. This is not a simple "woman and man date and fall in love" story. I'm going to start with a piece from chapter 1- for I'm trying to carve this story into chapters- that I've attempted to write in 3rd person omniscient- I'm not starting into the 3 MCs' perspectives until chapter 2. ---- The line for the unisex bathroom moved at a snail's pace; the organizers of the science fiction convention hadn't quite thought out their desire to be inclusive of people whose gendered experience rested outside the binary. Various conversations began and ended as people bonded over feeling not quite included, although no more worse than usual. Mid-way through the line, a Persian man using a wheelchair smiled at a Greek beauty of indeterminate gender. With jade green eyes glowing affectionately in a heart-shaped face the color of caramel candies, the beauty said, "Hi. I'm Ocean and my pronouns are ze and hir. And you are?" "Naveed. My pronouns are he and him." He sighed and patted his black sweat pant-covered legs with a slender, deep red hand. "I'm so glad I lucked into this wheelchair at the Salvation Army. I would never be able to last through these lines without it." "They really needed to put in some more of these unisex bathrooms, especially in accessible places." Ocean frowned. "I'm guessing you don't know about the other unisex bathroom I've found that's down a few stairs over by the Consuite." "No, but thanks. I'm actually not paralyzed so if I'm up to it, I'll have a second option." A diminutive woman with slick, long blond braids and a swishing, satiny red dress turned to face them. Bright blue eyes moved over them with excitement. "Weren't you just both in the 'diversity in science fiction' panel?" "Yes," Naveed and Ocean said together. She giggled. "I don't know why I'm waiting in this line, silly cisgender me. My name is Suvi and yes, my pronouns are she and her. Would you both like to go back to my room, use that bathroom, and then catch a bite in the Consuite?" Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list... So I needed to write a word cloud... I thought I'd share... this is what happened :D
--- Bipolar, Aspie, Autistic, chaotic, chaos theory of organization, organization by piles, submissive, BDSM, non-monogamous, hyper-polite, social justice, learning, autodidact, technology sucks, Unitarian Universalist, atheist, sun allergic, vampire, abusive survivor, rape survivor, rebel, mouthy, angry, educator, home educator, constant panic, overwhelmed, loud music, folk music, rap, bisexual, pansexual, BDSm-oriented, noetisexual, mental life, online life, writer, storyteller, uptight, clothing performance, mom, gender, questioner, animal lover, tattooed, swearing, My Little Pony, 4, distrust, distrust of cops, activist, political wanderer, not a doormat, fierce, wrong, processing, mansions of thought, sex, sexual educator, freak, non-mainstream, gender non-conforming, long hair, balance of "natural" and chemical, med non-compliant, messy, meltdowns, "never the daughter they wanted," "produced the grandchild they didn't want," vegan, vegetarian, hypoglycemic, energy drink addicted, "wired wrong," Audrey dolly, The Queen, Vala's Story, spanking, transgender, intersex, trans-attracted, noeti-relationship, cuil, cuilmate, burden, incompetent, disabled, neurodivergent, not dating, Mx. Right, physically mostly able, impatient, appears to have unending patience, debilitating periods, distrust of any medical health professionals in the course of their job, non-gaming wife, pseudo privilege, dysfunctional, singer, can't dance in front of people but can fuck, not person-in-the-pew, lay leader, story-verses, mixing of seemingly unrelated things, Jelly Bellies, Pinkie Pie, "totally random," LGBT, alphabet soup, Intersectionality, trying to make sure I don't repeat myself even though I always do, liberal, Jamberry, stimming, needing pictures in a word cloud, anorexic, emotional eater, author, nudist, clothing optional, homemade tshirts, vulgar tshirts, characters who live in my mind, dark, pain, ache, feminist?, the wrong type of woman, sex worker, whore, second chances, serial, series, serial/series?, random humor, cry ugly, cry alone, cry where no one can see it, service, servant, the past is always in this moment, family is not only determined by blood, Anne Rice theory of erotica, goth, unbalanced, maladjusted, masks, trying to appear mainstream, trying to appear neurotypical, technological challenged, overshare, giving, TMI New website, new year. Okay, that was hokey. But as I try to write this introduction, I'm pondering what to tell and what not to tell. You see, I've done a bit of sexual scenario with characters from my Vala's Story-verse. I always wonder how much to tell. Like what about Pekka's cock?- you wondering about his cock now? :D
So here's something to masturbate to... --- Ailee turned on the overhead light before leaning into Pekka and Didier's room. "Like help with that?" She pointed at Pekka's hard cock. "I always enjoy your help when we aren't ordered in the negative." Pekka chuckled when Lady Audrey rested her chin on top of Ailee's head. "I gotta run to the store for milk. You two enjoy." Lady Audrey kissed Ailee's cheek. "Thanks, my Lady," Pekka called out. Ailee turned to face Lady Audrey and wrapped her arms around her Domme. "Want you in my bed tonight," Lady Audrey murmured as she caressed Ailee's silk-covered back. "Yes, my Lady," Ailee replied before their lips met in a soft kiss. "Go enjoy some time with Pekka. Weren't you helping Didier in the kitchen tonight?" "Yes, my Lady." Ailee dropped her arms and wandered to Pekka's bed. "It never fails to amaze me, how you've managed to get you body where you want it." She leaned over, her lips parting as she drew close to his cock. "Ailee," Pekka moaned as she wrapped her lips around the head. She palmed his balls, caressing them lightly, as she eased her mouth down to the base. Moving her tongue against him, she enjoyed his groans. She backed off him, her lips till pressed against his corona, she teased, "I think some oils maybe, although I wonder how long you were fooling around in the dark." She traced his pisshole with the tip of her tongue. "Take your clothes off and come here so I can touch you while you use oils on me. Just my cock?" Pekka grinned. "Maybe." Ailee laughed. "You never said why you were in the dark. You obviously had our Lady's permission." "Maybe I was imaging Onyx as I fucked his ass." "Amusing how he's just Onyx in our fantasies." Pekka snorted. "Not just. Sometimes I wanna imagine The Queen fucking me." "That would be lovely to watch." She grabbed the bottle of warming oil and pressed the pump so it dripped over his cock. Gasping as he grabbed her breast, she wrapped her hand around his shaft. "I image he'd take his time. First he'd tied you down on his bed, your legs and arms spread apart as far as you can handle. Fisting his cock in his left hand, he'd get to work with a heavy suede flogger." She groaned when his long middle finger slipped between her cunt lips. Her hand speed up with the aid of the oil. "Then what would he do to me?" He released her breast to tweak her nipple. His finger slipped into her cunt, gathered some moisture, before moving back across her clit. Whimpering through her words, she continued, "Once your skin was hot enough, red enough, he'd kneel between your legs and trace your punished ass until you moan into his bed." "Please," he groaned. "What a poor boy," she taunted . She traced his lips with her tongue. "A squirt of cold lube would fall on your asshole. He'd penetrate with his long, strong finger." His lip slipped down her neck with kisses and the scratch of his scruff. He clutched the back of her neck with his hand. "Laughing at your moans, he'd quickly replace his finger with his cock." "Does he make me beg to come?" His toes curled. "No. His lips against your cheek, he'd growl, 'Come for me'. Sobbing, you'd rub your orgasm into his bed as he enjoys your asshole." She trembled against him as the throbbing release shot through her from her clit. "This time, you coming so hard would push him to fill your ass with his cum so fast. He'd pin you with his body as you both trembled." "Yes!" he hissed. "Hey! Where's our Lady?" Onyx called out from the doorway. Pekka clutched Ailee to him as they quivered through afterglow. "Store." Onyx moved to stand beside Pekka's bed. He leaned over to kiss Pekka and Ailee. "And what were you two doing naked in bed?" "I was telling a Queen story to make us both come." She sought Onyx's lips for another kiss. "But you're here so now we can enjoy some Onyx time." ⚧ That's one symbol missing from the above picture. I find it ironic as the short poem I'm sharing, my first post for Rainbow Snippets, is about nonbinary gender and my "gender symbols" picture is missing any of the symbols that nonbinary people use for themselves. I'm still reeling from something transphobic someone said in my name. This poem came from my feelings about that.
---- My genderqueer friend--hir gender isn't a role Ze is genderqueer at hir core--gender assignment doesn't asked the assigned It's not for me-cisgender- to understand--just for me to respect Enby exist--just for me to respect I once thought just men and women existed--this isn't about me Cores are to be respected--nonbinary ---- And just so you know :D if you click on Rainbow Snippets above or on this link , you'll go to the public group on Facebook where you can find more links to more LGBTQIA+/queer fiction and book reviews. |
January 2025